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Everything posted by TwitchyLoner

  1. Eager to play some firefight for some fun! Im From Australia.. so its better if you are aus to play. /lag Gt - StayHighAlways hit us up!
  2. I'am here purely for my continuation of the halo series, and maybe making allies with people to endure this crusade of the un-finished fight, It looks like we are getting lots of prizes from the all might microsoft cash cow, and I hope the universe doesn't get to destroyed, Spartan Ops and the Halo 4 story was weak, ... Im tiredd.. as you can tell we'll just all get along fine...
  3. No Halo CE makes Twitchy a Dull Boy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I beg to differ. As do the vast majority of Halo players.


      I play CE frequently too, on my laptop, when I can't play the other games on Xbox. Played it today. But it's not the best Halo.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      There is no best Halo.

    4. BaconShelf


      They are all equally as good^.^

  4. uhm.. for the past 10 minutes I've been trying to write my opinions and feelings towards Halo but I can't. Halo has been totally franchised, it's destroyed. Microsoft now look at halo as a cash cow, its no longer in the hands of it creators, that make their stories and games for the fans. Look what we have here, -Seriously Saga/Trilogy same thing? -Halo mini-games e.g Spartan Assault? lame as crap! -Spartan Ops -Weak Characters such a Spartan Sarah Palmer? ect -Halo TV series? which one was already created. -Lame Merch, Halo shoes? ect. Im butt-hurt alot, it's giving me a headache.. my only hope and passion is now leaning towards Bungie's 'Destiny'.. the only company I feel that love and respect their community and 'make games they want to play'
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