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Lord Vrel

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Everything posted by Lord Vrel

  1. Wow. Fox, seeing your signature makes me want to get out my N64 and play some SSB and Star Fox 64. :3
  2. You're mortal to me. ;D Also, if there's multiple gods, why haven't you killed eachother trying to dominate the forums? That'd be awesome. D:
  3. Been way too long since I got on... >.> Zomg, Azaxx! D: You made Fluttershy.... Hot. O.o
  4. I had kind of assumed though that there would be changes to the BR and DMR, as both weapons are very similar. But based on how they are NOW... Heck, if I can get the chance, I'll just carry both around and randomly switch between them.
  5. Lol, thanks everyone. Don't think I'll be needing anything (the forums are fairly simple to understand), but I certainly appreciate the offers. And, Azaxx.... Fluttershy FTW.
  6. What?! I wasn't offered any milk and cookies!! T-T Oh well... Welcome to the forums. I'm very new here myself... lol.
  7. Thanks mate. GDF? Clan, I assume... But which one?
  8. 'Tis an honor to be one of the chosen few to be greeted by thee, then, good sir. And, might I ask? A fellow brony? Your pic looks alot like a re-colored Amethyst Star... Am I correct? ETA: Gah! Bumped by Drizzy!
  9. Thanks, Sicks. Lol, can't read the fine print in your profile pic, but Vizzini is the last guy I think of when I think "modest", so I'm assuming it's good.... XD
  10. Thanks Shadowz, and Anthony. Nice to be so quickly welcomed.
  11. Ach, I plan to. Looked around a bit before I signed up... Definitely seems like one of the better Halo-related forums. =D
  12. Hello! Name's Dakota, from the MO/KS border in the USA. I've been a halo fan since I was 8, when my uncles got me hooked on COMBAT: Evolved, and pretty much have played all the Halo games since then. And yes, I use a ton of smilies. I'm on Reach alot, if you ever want to play, message me. XBL; Lt Hawk21 Bona Fortuna!
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