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Halo Pony

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Everything posted by Halo Pony

  1. I think Halo 4 could have done better than this including the conditions it is in that just makes it highly worse. Great post I agree with all you say have a nice day.
  2. Indeed what a amazing person Skyo is he made my signature also and I am loving it.
  3. Well welcome to the forums nice to see someone new has finally come,well I hope to see you around have a great day.
  4. All I am trying to say is that it is a little overpowered and I don't think it should be that good of a weapon.
  5. I have a few reason why I like to game,I like to be known as someone..It's like my 2nd life..To accomplish things and finally meet new people. Now I do have a lot more reasons why I game but they are fine reason everyone else might think something else but those are my reasons.
  6. Since Halo 4 has been out for a while now I have noticed something some of the guns are overpowered,i'm sure there is more but one I have seen that is way overpowered is the Assault Rifle. I can easily tell this because in all the Halos the Assault Rifle has never been that powerful and could never kill a lot of people I am sure this is not just me so comment your beliefs here!
  7. Hey bro hope you enjoy the forums there is a lot of nice and friendly people on here and I hope to see you around.
  8. I do recommend you getting it personally I think it is good help to take a look at some of the past things that happened but on the other hand it is your Microsoft Points so do what you like.
  9. I might consider joining but I am not sure because I am already in a clan and I genrally don't like to be in clans with people I don't know that well,so sorry .
  10. I would like to see completely new maps so,it's not like a remake I just wanna see fresh maps and not boring ideas as seen tepically before,not saying that Forge doesn't have good maps but it needs help D: .
  11. I'd say Boltshot isn't a trolling matter because,it doesn't really make people rage etc.
  12. It's not like I was trolling for the whole game,I hardly ever troll on games but I feel it is kind of funny to do it though.
  13. Congratz to both of you guys I am hoping to see amazing things from you two.
  14. It has been raining so much where I live which is,Arizona but it does feel kind of nice considering the weather we usually get ;).

    1. A71william


      It England it always rains...

    2. Halo Pony

      Halo Pony

      Oh well then it must be cold,eh?

  15. Have you ever tried trolling on Haven?
  16. Now a lot of people have diffierent uses with what gun they wanna go into combat with,I personally would chose the DMR,but what is better a DMR or a BATTLERIFLE you guys decide.
  17. Welcome to the forums if you ever need help or you have any troubles i'm sure I could help you out,well hope you like 343 Industries Forum and hope to see you around sometime.
  18. I'd have to say my worst map is Complex i'm not sure why I sometimes do good on it but not always. My best map is probably Haven because,I can simply do a lot of things on it while using my DMR in combat.
  19. What one would you rather play as a everyday thing? HALO 4 or BLACK OPS 2 comment for your choice. ~Christmas Magic~
  20. Well that would be cool I do have to say I would love to see his face but still. I personal don't think its the best choice to make in Halo 5.
  21. I do beileve that 343i will ruin Master Chief. Only because, they showed his face. No Halo has done that and I would never want them to start. Now what they are going to do is add him and describe him which will make matters worse.
  22. What I think will happen in Halo 5 they will probbaly add flood. Then the Arbiter will return and Fight Strongly with Master Chief
  23. Alot of peolpe have been saying that in the Campain when Master Chief takes off his helmet and shows his face, it ruins the story I kind of have to agree with that. All we have ever know him as is a Suited Man Fighting with Braveness, an Outstanding Fighter Fighting with Courage. But now it seems I know him as a Person and not a Hero. I do fear 343i will take it to far and Ruin Halo. ~Christmas Magic~.
  24. When they showed his face i'm like what the hell then,it made me feel mad but at least he didnt have his eyeballs in there. But I do believe 343i might take it to far and ruin the whole story of Master Chief. ~Christmas Magic~.
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