If you have played the Campain on Halo 4 you can probbaly tell there is going to be Halo 5. But what will it be like? Will there be a Halo 6 or 7? Post your Ideas on what you think Halo 5 will be like and other things you liked to say. ~Christmas Magic~.
I have played since Halo 3-Halo 4 i have had alot of expierence and I am getting better but the best Halo I am good at is probbably Halo 4. ~Christmas Magic~.
Looking for a Clan to join. I am a good Halo 4 Gamer and very active I would like to be in a clan with nice peolpe and not 7 year olds. I take gaming very seriously. Thank you for reading this post and have a great day. ~Christmas Magic~
Well here are some Useful Loadout Abilities: Autosentry,Promethean Vision and the Hardlight Shield. Let me know what you think is useful to you. The most useful Loadout Ability for me is probbaly the Autosentry
Wow, it was awesome I was just playing Infinity Slayer and guess what! I got 28 KILLS 375 as my SCORE isn't that awesome? Well lets see how good you have done ~Christmas Magic~
Yes, i do suggest you post you are looking for a clan or make or clan or even join one. I bet if you post you are looking for a clan that will make alot of peolpe reply back so good look.