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Halo Pony

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Everything posted by Halo Pony

  1. If you have played the Campain on Halo 4 you can probbaly tell there is going to be Halo 5. But what will it be like? Will there be a Halo 6 or 7? Post your Ideas on what you think Halo 5 will be like and other things you liked to say. ~Christmas Magic~.
  2. I have played since Halo 3-Halo 4 i have had alot of expierence and I am getting better but the best Halo I am good at is probbably Halo 4. ~Christmas Magic~.
  3. Well first it doesnt fit anywhere else so i put it here but lets to RED
  4. Looks like RED is winning.
  5. Yes thats right you tell them Sarge.
  6. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and A Happy New Year and To All A Good Night! (:

  7. I have to say I want the same not only do I want it I want it badly ~Christmas Magic~.
  8. Halo Pony

    Red Vs. Blue

    Which one will win BLUE Or RED? Which one is your favortie of all time ~Christmas Magic~.
  9. Yes, i don't really use the Jet Pack will I have never but I think it is pretty useful.
  10. Halo Pony


    Looking for a Clan to join. I am a good Halo 4 Gamer and very active I would like to be in a clan with nice peolpe and not 7 year olds. I take gaming very seriously. Thank you for reading this post and have a great day. ~Christmas Magic~
  11. Nice I guess my score wasn't that good then huh?
  12. Yes, I do think Active Camo is a bit Noobish and not that good to use, but hey as you said they all have their needs.
  13. I have to agree with that one yet, I can kill a Jetpacker farley to easy.
  14. Well here are some Useful Loadout Abilities: Autosentry,Promethean Vision and the Hardlight Shield. Let me know what you think is useful to you. The most useful Loadout Ability for me is probbaly the Autosentry
  15. Post how you look on Halo 4.
  16. Wow don't you wish you could get ranked up that fast(I wish) ~Christmas magic~
  17. Wow, it was awesome I was just playing Infinity Slayer and guess what! I got 28 KILLS 375 as my SCORE isn't that awesome? Well lets see how good you have done ~Christmas Magic~
  18. Nice thats pretty high i'm not that high but i am pretty good at Halo 4.
  19. Ikr it is hard even on heroic so I don't think I can do it alone.
  20. Looking for someone to play Legendary Comapain with maybe today i'm hoping to get someone

    1. Halo Pony

      Halo Pony

      comment if you want to help out


    2. Halo Pony

      Halo Pony

      Viros do you maybe wanna do the campain like tommrow or something


  21. I don't think its because, your bad at Halo 4 it probbaly is another reason.
  22. yes I do agree I have tried it myself and it does take a long time and plus if you do it by yourself you get an extra thing.
  23. Umm i was wondering if you could make me signature message me back please if you can.
  24. Yes, i do suggest you post you are looking for a clan or make or clan or even join one. I bet if you post you are looking for a clan that will make alot of peolpe reply back so good look.
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