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iRush God

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Everything posted by iRush God

  1. Black was what I used and that's because black matches everything.
  2. Looking for good players for halo 3, reach and of course halo 4. You must be good to join up and I will test you out. You must be talkative, have good connection and at least 16 years old. Hit me up asap! Also we do not have anything matching so do not worry about gamertag changes or anything else. Gamertag: iRush God
  3. I love t-baggers because I love to t-bag. Most of the time someone t-bags me is because i am wrecking them lol
  4. I just hope it doesn't come out too soon. Just got my slim 6 months ago
  5. The campaign was so amazing! Hell they should if not make a remake, make a sequel to it. idk
  6. Well the first was on n64 and the only difference between that one and the xbox one was the multiplayer.
  7. I love my Triton AX 720s. I think they still are around 130 dollars though.
  8. Who else would like to see a remake of the game Conker live and reloaded that was on the original xbox and was a remake of the game Conkers bad fur day? It was one of my all time favorite multiplayer games and had a hilarious story line. Here are some pics of the characters in the multiplayer.
  9. Gamebattles: iRushGod

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