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Everything posted by TheLadyJedi

  1. Back on this again.. I keep forgetting to update.

    1. Azaxx


      Update on what?

  2. I'm pretty late to the party but I need some help finishing the Halo 4 campaign on Legendary. The last mission I completed on Legendary was Requiem. If you're willing to sacrifice some free time just to help me, that be great! Although my mic is currently broken at the moment.. so maybe invite some friends over, or pretend your mic is broken as well. Anyway, I need a full party of trigger happy people who can lead us through the campaign with ease. Thank you for your time
  3. Didact Would you rather win a million dollars or have an infinite amount of happiness?
  4. So many! But one of them is Medal of Honor European Assault: Dogs of War. I have a Tumblr full of game and movie soundtracks I like, check it out( don't need to be member to listen) http://fyeahmovieandgamesoundtracks.tumblr.com/
  5. Thanks! Hope I'll find a spot in here
  6. I don't think I'd buy it then.. I have so many memories on Halo 2. The graphics look odd if you compare them to the newer more spaking game, but they were awesome than. I don't think I want to see the maps in newer graphics, that would just destroy the memories
  7. Hello! I'm new to this forum. Made an account to get all the insides and outs in the Halo world.
  8. New to this, just figuring everything out. :)

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