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    United Kingdom
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    I play video games. Not much else to tell! My friends call me Jord, so feel free to do so as well! :)

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Promethean Knight

Promethean Knight (9/19)



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  1. Look's like it's back to Skyrim and Gears for me. Halo 4's MP is just boring me down. Probably due to the fact my team mates just look like they're retarded, and I can't really add and play with anyone from here without the amount of times I have to go brb to deal with something in the household -.-

    1. The Killa Bunny

      The Killa Bunny

      I can relate to that. You need to find yourself a good group of friends, the type that don't mind if you have to go and sort something and 'brb'. We have a 7 month old child that sometimes stirs in the night. Our friends don't mind if one of us have to go see to him for a bit. Last night I had to hide my hubby's Halo avatar behind a rock for a little while, lol.

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