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Silent Orbis

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Everything posted by Silent Orbis

  1. Hey guys, it's me. Been a long time, but I was checking back in because why the hell not? Tell me how everything's been, and on my side I have to say life can get real hard. Anyway, one reason I checked back in was because I was randomly on a website when I got an Amazon ad with a weird Halo game cover that seemed to say Halo 3 or Halo 6 (I thought about 5, but it's ways to curvy to be 5 and we already know what Halo 5's logo is like). So, I screenshotted it immediately thinking to check here, because maybe I'm just really dumb and everyone knows what this is except me. Here it is: Yeah, I'm so lost. It reminds me of the Halo 4 GOTY edition, but again, this is an Xbox One game... UPDATE: Made a video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_fsiZMIUPg
  2. It reallly has been great... Take a look at my less matured self. :P http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/27143-xbox-720-update/ And this too: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/27294-will-destiny-be-any-good/page-4. On the second one, go to page 4 and scroll down to my comment. I had really high expectations from Destiny obviously lmao! xD Regardless, it' scool looking through my old posts. If you go to my liked posts on my profle and go to the last page and work your way u...

  3. It was a fun 3+ years with all of you. But, it's time to leave this place forever. My account will be permanently deactivated as of September 3rd. All of my 500+ posts will be gone. Like I said, it was fun.

  4. Finally. V has come to.

  5. When I say new mechanics I was talking about implementation. Sure, Bungie thought about it at the beginning but that doesn't make it old by any means. At least not to the player, which is what matters. The question is whether or not these mechanics have been in Halo 2/3. No. And had Bungie implemented them, they wouldn't have been balanced as good as they are in Halo 5. That's what I'm saying. Maybe it's wrong to say this as a fact, but IMO 343 is doing a good job with IMPLEMENTATION. That's what I was saying by "new".
  6. I mean... Bungie doesn't deserve Halo back to be honest. Especially how much they screwed up with Destiny. The fact of the matter is that Bungie isn't Bungie anymore. 343 is doing a great job. Any Halo fan should be proud, because 343 managed to add mechanics which would push the series in a good direction while maintaining what truly makes Halo 5 a Halo game. I know it isn't correct to say an opinion is fact, but I'm not going to back off from saying that evidence strongly suggests that Halo 5 Guardians will be great. Period.
  7. Set lobby to private? I think it would be fine if we had options such as that. Maybe you could set filters like good rep. But tbh private lobbies would be your solution for tests, rather than actually playing customs for fun.
  8. lol This YouTube comment tho (I Agree 100%) "My biggest fear is that I could die by the time TPP comes out".

  9. It actually looks really pretty. I never paid attention to the series but I'm impressed so far, and don't see anything I don't like. Seems to be a proper FPS. We'll have to wait and see. Great job, dude!
  10. No one gave it a like because Caboose wrote it? Too much hate. Anyway, this is good! Destiny sucks, but if Bungie learns their lessons like they did in this situation, they might pull off a good game next time around.
  11. EVIL KONAMI BRANDED THE NEW TRAILER WITH THEIR EVIL LOGO. And they obviously... Robbed Kojima of his hard work. "THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE"!

  12. Silent Orbis


    MLG is literally so badass! By OG... You don't mean OpTic Gaming? Hope not, cause I will scream like a littlle girl. xD
  13. Trust me. The first week is SOO fun... but then you reach level 20. Then you finish the under polished story... So you go "Okay, let's do the strikes". Then you grind through 'em all. Then you can't level up with XP anymore. Then you try to gather motes of light to buy that sick legendary cape. At this point, you'd rather sell the game. It starts great, then gets really dull; at least you can build stuff in Minecraft. Then you realize, "Bungie isn't Bungie anymore. They made a promise". Then you buy CoD AW, and enjoy the blatantly better cutscenes and graphics, and loot system where you actually get elite (exotic) items (even though it's "random"). But hey, some still play it.
  14. Guys, take a look at my epic moment! I know I'm all obsessed about Twitch, but dedication is dedication! Yeah, my voice is really lethargic and annoying cause it was early morning, but I'm gonna improve on that later on. Be sure to follow, here's the clip: http://www.twitch.tv/dezert_fuze/c/6981415 .

  15. From the album: Graphic Design

  16. Silent Orbis

    Dezert Fuze LOGO

    From the album: Graphic Design

  17. Twitch graphic elements done! Be sure to watch me stream MGS! Details: www.twitch.tv/dezert_fuze

  18. Ready for the world premiere kids? Prepare yourselves... you got nothin' on me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melody


      R.I.P Trusted Member.. :/

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      It's okay, you were gross when you were purple too.

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Yes. Gross.


      But Congratulations

  20. I actually liked Team Snipers back in the Halo 4 days. It really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Then again, with the Halo community nothing is as bad as the reactions people give.
  21. lol I don't know how this could be useful, personally. But I'm positive that someone out there will find a way to do something with it!
  22. Feel free to add me on Xbox Live. GT: Dezert Fuze
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