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Silent Orbis

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Everything posted by Silent Orbis

  1. Awesome! So it's not just a theme, right? I mean, it's an actual OS! That is SICK!
  2. @The Director... Oh... NEVER MIND!! DON"T BAN ME!! :(
  3. Yeah. I think it doesn't really matter if youn posted it here. I mean, right?
  4. Guys, I really want black letters for my name. If you said no, why would it affect you negatively at all (unless your eyes are super sensitive watermelons)? So yeah, might as well vote right? I mean come ON! Hah! lol PLZ SAY YAH!
  5. Guys, um... well I'm new. And I don't know this site very well. So, I, um, need help... and I'm sort... of... well. shy. I have no friends so, um, please, be my friend... PRETTY PLEASE? HA! I'm just kidding! HAH!
  6. Guys, um... well I'm new. And I don't know this site very well. So, I, um, need help... and I'm sort... of... well. shy. I have no friends so, um, please, be my friend... PRETTY PLEASE? HA! I'm just kidding! HAH!
  7. I guess it's not that bad. I mean it's fun, but not something you should really spend your time on too much, you know what I mean?
  8. Thanks. I'd have to get a lot of replies before considering farther...
  10. If I start a thread called: "A 720?", will you guys make it "HOT"?
  11. Here's a list of gamercard generators: ZaamIT.com: LusoGamer.com: XboxLC.com: Gamercards.Playfire.com: 360-HG.com: XboxGamertag.com: Raptr.com: GamerHandles.com: TrueAchievements.com: Lumabizz-Gamercards.webs.com: Content Partially Used From: http://www.xbox360ac...ad.php?t=296857 THERE YOU GO!
  12. Minecraft. Well, it's everyone's favorite...
  13. Doesn't this topic belong somewhere else?
  14. Here's a list of gamercard generators: ZaamIT.com: LusoGamer.com: XboxLC.com: Gamercards.Playfire.com: 360-HG.com: XboxGamertag.com: Raptr.com: GamerHandles.com: TrueAchievements.com: Lumabizz-Gamercards.webs.com: Content Partially Used From: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=296857 THERE YOU GO!
  15. Hey! None taken! If someone offers to make the rap, no problem if they change the lyrics to make it rhyme, because honestly guys, it took me so long to make them, I don't feel like looking at them...
  16. HEY GUYS! Is anyone out there a rapper? Well, I need someone to make a rap out of some lyrics I have to be a theme song. And, I need it recorded so I can listen. And afterwards, if we've got any DJ's, I need some SFX editing. Please reply guys! The lyrics: "They get on with life as a Republic, They're a Beast kinda type. They like Killing Aliens on Sundays, They like Gaming in the week. They like to contemplate Halo 4. But when they start to daydream, Their mind turns straight to Black Ops 2. Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes, I notice the way they think about Black Ops 2 with a smile, Curved lips they just can't disguise. But they think it's Halo 4 making their life worthwhile. Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more? Halo 4 or... Black Ops 2? They like to use words like 'Die,' They like to use words like 'Spartan.' They like to use words about Halo 4. But when they stop their talking, Their mind turns straight to Black Ops 2. Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes, I notice the way they think about Black Ops 2 with a smile, Curved lips they just can't disguise. But they think it's Halo 4 making their life worthwhile. Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more? Halo 4 or... Black Ops 2? They like to hang out with Master Chief, They like to kick back with Mason, But when left alone, Their mind turns straight to Black Ops 2. Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes, I notice the way they think about Black Ops 2 with a smile, Curved lips they just can't disguise. But they think it's Halo 4 making their life worthwhile. Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more? Halo 4 or... Black Ops 2? They're not too fond of Convenant, They really hate Prometheans , But they just think back to Black Ops 2, And they're happy once again."
  17. Heh... Weak-minded? Oh and you're very smart! Ever heard of something called humility? Go try it! Just quit the forums if yo can't realize the Internet is just the world, where people don't show their faces. Because some idiot thinks the Internet is just candy land. He won't understand what the Internet is, because his parents never taught him...
  18. Guys. My friend thought the code unlocked them for you with out ranking up.
  19. Sure. But my Xbox LIVE gold expires tomorrow.
  20. Yeah bro. They should also bring back duel-wield.
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