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Silent Orbis

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Everything posted by Silent Orbis

  1. Why not,? If they're in custom games, it won't screw the game up or anything, really. It probably isn't that hard to implement either. Sounds cool, and also if there was bot placement in forge or something. People could potentially even make a survival/firefight mode like that for custom games. I think it'd be really cool! BTW it doesn't because we've seen that it hasn't discouraged people that play CoD from buying gold. We'd all agree that playing with real people cannot be compared to. xD
  2. Just looking over this... Wanted to give AWI Your Fear a kind word for how well you've recruited. Other people have no structure or professionalism in their clan recruiting, but you happened to be very well structured and professional. Now, we have the most successful clan recruitment on the history of this site, as far as I know. Good job bro!
  3. lol If I had a gaming PC I would totally download Halo 2 for free somehow just for your content, Twin. What looks more interesting than the maps is the weapon mods. Nice going, bro.
  4. Martin Garrix is a genius.

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Genius is a powerful word but there is no reason to use it. Unless you're talking about me, 'cause then there's really nothing to it.

  5. So you want people being smart rather than bland and dumb, BATMAN? Makes sense. Basically, what I got was: instead of watching a dumbass harass people on Call of Duty 'cause he's about the money and views... You guys think it should be for fun. So dedicate yourself to the fun, make sure you enjoy it along with the viewer (if the viewers not happy, what's the point of making videos about it), be creative, be yourself, and make sure that you put quality into it. In a nutshell. I'm always open to more ideas. I might start mid-June this year. When it happens, I expect all of you guys who posted here to subscribe.
  6. It's pretty obvious at this point (assuming you read the title) that I am interested in starting a YouTube channel. But there's so much of the same stuff, over, and over, and over again. There are so many YouTubers doing play-throughs or trolling, or whatever the hell all the successful people do. The problem is very clear. There's too much of it, and people try doing it again. This results in failure for the rest of us, now that Ali-A and the rest of his YouTube friends have taken over. But there is hope. I want to formulate a plan that will give me high chances. That's where each one of you come in I want ideas. What would you guys like to see in a YouTube channel? I want gameplay in it. So that's not something I could get rule out. But beyond that. Instead of just normal commentaries. Go on. Give me ideas, and tell me specifically what you guys would find cool.
  7. Silent Orbis


    From the album: Graphic Design

  8. Good analysis... but there's so much analysis in the gaming world that it spoils the story and can even ruin the hype... BUT I LOVE IT!!! It's so hard to resist separating the different pieces of a teaser trailer or poster, and spoiling the story. While it potentially can reveal too much, usually it makes the hype train accelerate even more. And I'm going to say, right now, I can't wait 'till this one crashes in October. Good work!
  9. Silent Orbis

    H5 Wallpaper

    From the album: Graphic Design

    © Microsoft

  10. I just made this up right away, so it's not an actual theory... I mean it is, now. It's ridiculous and cheesy on purpose; so no hating. The UNSC Infinity gets hijacked while Chief is on it, after which the covenant kidnap him. They also murder everyone on it. After that, they kill chief and find traces of Cortana, somehow bringing her back. After this, Cortana becomes the new chief. Agent Locke has a weird thing for holographic females, and so now that he knows Cortana is back he still has hope for expressing his true love for her, that he has kept under the hood this whole time. In that H2A trailer at E3? He wasn't studying Chief... he is studying Cortana. But then when Cortana rejects him, he tells her he will kill her. She then goes on a legendary journey to escape Locke, after which he traces her down to kill her. The Arbiter wants to help him because he too has had love for one of the most beautiful aliens: the Arbiteress. But she broke his heart. In sympathy, he joins him. Eventually, Locke and the Arbiter find Chief (aka Cortana), and kill him (her). Then, he regrets it, but remembers that the new OS that Microsoft is releasing, Windows 2,552 still has the fan favorite feature that was a hit on Windows 10 n the ancient times, around the year 2015. Microsoft kept Cortana as a feature on it, and so Locke pirates a copy through the Galactic-Wide Web before it is even out. Then he installs it on his new ship that he custom made, the UNSC Cortana. Then he dies of a heart attack from hearing her voice go "How may I help you?". After this, coincidentally a universal apocalypse happens and the universe as we know it ends. To be continued in Halo 6: Guardians Premium Plus Gold Collectors Limited Ultra edition.
  11. Black Ops III looks like it isn't Call of Duty, but I'm sure it still is. Looks promising.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

    3. Delpen9


      This looks dumb.

    4. joshyzburton


      Call of duty has added stuff for once...WHAT?!?!?

  12. Exclusive Call of Duty: Black Ops III intel and coverage only on this channel: http://www.twitch.tv/therace !

  13. OH MY GAWD! Black Ops 3 is looking crazy! Like Titanfall, but better! :D

  14. I PMed you a logo a long time ago... if you want another one, I'll look into it. lol
  15. I guess my humor wasn't appreciated. :/ That's not my kind of specialty when it comes to jokes, anyway. I'm horrible at sarcasm, and in fact I hate passive aggression. xD
  16. Nothing personal, bro. It's okay. So, it looks like the Xbox Live support probably screwed up, because tech support can be purely retarded sometime. Like Fishy said, Waypoint is actually the official 343i site, and we're just a community made fan-forum. SO no one here can really do anything about your problem, sorry. But we have no control because we're not official. If you go post on Halo Waypoint I'm sure they'll be able to do something.
  17. How do you shout? Well... you open your mouth up all the way, and use your vocal chords to make a really loud noise.
  18. Okay, lol. OpTic Nadeshot - Just overall interesting/funny vlogs along with the occasional gaming videos. Very balanced and tells you how the pros live life. Biblical Reaper - He's really the only Black Ops 3 news guy out there, so yeah... Also, I'm for OpTic Gaming, not Team Kaliber which he is a part of. McJuggerNuggets - The videos of his dad destroying his things are a little funny, but once you realize how serious this long-term conflict he has with his dad about video games is, you just want to keep watching. Right now there's some interesting stuff going on on his channel. FouseyTube - Love his prank videos. Funniest things ever. RomanAtwood - Love his pranks. Same as above -- they're funny. TechRax - All this guy does is destroy iPhones. It's some crazy shiz, but great to watch when the crazy, inner you is craving something entertaining. ERB - lol They're hillarious as hell, why else? CollegeHumor - Not the coolest things around, but greaat for some comic relief no and then. TheAngryGrandpa Show - lol Because it's Angry Grandpa. CNET - Tech news, bro. As you can see I use YouTube for 2 things mainly: news and smiling. I give myself a reason to laugh, and I also make sure I know what's happening in the world.
  19. Hardcore snowing here in Salt Lake City... in the middle of April. Yeah, welcome to "Ski City".

  20. Apple's trash can shaped Mac Pro is still the most powerful PC on the market. Intel Xeon E5 processor up to 12 cores, 1TB SSD, and up to 64GB of RAM? Wow. And it came out late 2013. But still, #Windows10.

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      With a price tag to match 3x of them!

    2. Azaxx


      1TB SSD? It's like Apple know nothing about SSD's, that's a complete waste of money and resources.

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      It's $3,000 at the minimum. But, honestly, the 12 core processor that I think is actually used for supercomputers is a great reason to buy it.

  21. Black Ops 3 for the win.

  22. Wait... So Halo Reach won't be coming out for Xbox One? :(

    1. Yoshi1176


      No it was Edwards prank yesterday


    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Fishy


      Actually it will, in 2020.

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