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Silent Orbis

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Everything posted by Silent Orbis

  1. I don't even know anymore. I don't even know. The Overseer 4TW.
  2. DBZ Battle of Gods free on Xbox Video for gold members. Today only, I guess.

  3. I think... we need an ambassador to other forums. I wonder... who on this forum would be interested? *cough*
  4. Silent Orbis


    From the album: Graphic Design

  5. Did I ever tell you that I got banned over here on my first day? I, as the retard I was decided to copy the whole page and then paste it into the shoutbox. I got warned but did it like 3 more times. Ahhh the stupidity. lol BTW For the swearing, just use the ":" and then type "censored" and then ":" for this emote ":censored:". Put it in place of where you swore to show your frustration without annoying anyone else. Yeah, I know it might sound kind of like we're being a little too sensitive, but part of maturity is to not be profane with others. If you type in a swear every once in a while, it'll star out but you won't get in trouble because our mods understand that we're humans. But don't be doing it every day. If you rarely do it, they'll let you go.
  6. Unfortunately, people aren't usually dedicated enough. I've had the same problem as you... A LOT. Anyway, good luck. If you want a cool logo, hit me up with a PM. I have fun making logos, and I could do one to add professionalism to your clan.
  7. It's okay man. We're literally so much better than Waypoint. Topics don't get shoved under the carpet as easily because we have a smaller, crowd, but our crowd is still large enough that we should be proud. Occasionally, we have some people thinking we ARE 343i, coming in and flaming about how Halo 4 sucked and whatever. That's besides the point. Stick around, and post and enjoy. Don't leave after 5 posts like most people do. lol xD
  8. Did I ever tell you guys how I own a 20th Anniversary edition PS4? :) Of course, it'd be stupidity to open it up and use it. We might open it up later, though.

    1. Melody


      Ooooooh, fancy. :3

  9. If you want me to refer you to the real deal... Real hardcore guys. Professional and everything. Organized, and dedicated. And as you said... most importantly active. I suggest TG AKA Tactical Gaming. Google them. They have a huge presence, over hundreds if not thousands of members, I believe. Trust me, they are the legit of the legit. You can't go wrong. I'm not affiliated with them... but I've had experience and it was pro.
  10. No, you actually do it through BBCode I think. It'd take forever unless you did it the way everyone does it: through a generator. Basically, you type your text in, it outputs it in whatever color you put. I can't link you to a generator, but just Google "colored writing generator". If you want to have it all as one color in the shoutbox, go to the shoutbox tab, and before you type go on the little "A" symbol with the tiny colored square on the corner of it. Then pick a color, and type te text. If you've used Microsoft Word, you should be able to figure it out. Also, you can change the size and color on forum posts. Sizing doesn't work in the shoutbox because people have abused it, so the moderators diabled it. Hope I helped.
  11. Remodeled my profile. Also my display name is now "Desert Lynx", and I worked so hard on making the perfect username. Also, this is kind of a branding because I'm thinking about joining the MLG 1v1 ladders online on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Overall, I'm happy with it.

    1. Fishy


      Still love you Orbis. <3

    2. Silent Orbis
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I heard about this a few days ago, nice to see progress being made. Thanks for the update. I'll be getting this if they remaster it, MW2 was good.

    3. rrhuntington


      But the better question is... Why not World at War?


    4. Composite Armour
  12. What's up, "Mark from Belgium?"
  13. Well, Fishy thank you for the feedback. And Vaulting Frog, you too. The thing is that this is probably my third or fourth essay I've done, so it's not the best. I try though. The problem is that we have a certain layout we have to follow with some stupid standards. If it was a creative essay, I probably would've put what you're saying into practice, Frog. But it just restricts what tremendous content there is into 4-5 paragraph, which obviously doesn't work too smoothly. Fishy, thanks for the grammar checks. That first one was actually a typo. I feel like most of the issues were technically things that could work in basic English, but would not help get my point across clearly and thoroughly. What you're suggesting were things that could've probably helped my paper tremendously. But thanks guys. The next one will definitely use your advice.
  14. Here's an essay I did for school. It's quite a long read, but I worked so hard, I figured why not post it?Discussions on the subject are highly encouraged, and so is feedback. Remember, everyone to their own opinion. Please do enjoy. Could Our Society Become Like The One in Gattaca? After Gattaca premiered in theaters in 1997, it left many wondering one thing: “Could our society end up like this”? This movie proposes a science-fiction perspective on many issues in a near-future where people’s social statuses would revolve around their DNA. This movie also shows what it would be like if people had the ability to genetically engineer babies to born perfectly. The answer to the question is most likely that it will not happen. In scientific principle, genetically engineering a human could not happen to the extent of Gattaca, while even in a practical sense it could not be something integrated into the social aspects of life and as something that people would choose to do. In principle, genetically engineering a human could not happen the way it is in Gattaca. The furthest humans have gone is with preimplantation genetic diagnosis; this is the ability to prevent disease before a child is born, and has yet to be implemented (Stanković). That fact that humanity is barely skimming the possibility of PGD, would mean that it could take possibly decades to successfully implement. The step further would be handcrafting humans before they are even born, which is what Gattaca proposed as the “near-future” back in 1997 (Gattaca). 18 years later, humans have not even integrated PGD into society, which means that it would take even longer to implement designer-babies. One might argue that Gattaca proposes just a future, and it is not restricted to any time period even if it did say “near” future (Gattaca). “Near” refers to foreseeable future, however (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). So, as humans have not factually attempted to predict or foreshadow what will happen past the 21st century, and as it has been proven that designer-babies will not be reality until at least multiple decades, in conclusion: designer babies as conceptualized in Gattaca are most likely not scientifically possible. The other issue is the practicality and possible integration into society of something like designer babies. The majority of Americans (over 80%) have stated that reproductive cloning or genetically engineering babies should be illegal (Nisbet, 8 ). Therefore, one can infer that society would not be accepting of selectively designing offspring on the DNA level before birth even happens; as it was portrayed otherwise in Gattaca. Another perspective to look at this from would be the cloning of animals. As the University of Utah puts it, “the success rate ranges from 0.1 percent to 3 percent, which means that for every 1000 tries, only one to 30 clones are made” (What are the Risks of Cloning?). This means that as animals have been tested on, it is extremely rare and unpredictable to have a successful genetically engineered product. The absolute highest it has been out of every 1000 has been 30 clones, which means that expecting 30 is having maximally high expectations. The opposition -- on the other hand – will say that because humans and animals have different brains and structures, it is not valid to connect the two (Schleifer). However, the American Medical Association says different: “Because of experience with animal clones, it is reasonable to conclude that future human cloning experiments will have the same high failure rates” (Human Cloning). From what is shown, one can derive that the methods of genetic engineering portrayed in Gattaca, would not work, and would not be accepted by society, thus proving that it would not be practical. To conclude, Gattaca as a work of science-fiction, has a very slim chance of becoming the reality in society for the generations of today, and the generations of the future. Scientifically speaking, it is not possible. Socially and in practice, it is not possible either. The scientific invention or discovery has not yet been confirmed with concrete support, but if there was a scientific possibility, the social factors would not allow it. Even if science said it can happen, there is no confirmation that humanity would. This does not nullify the fact that there will always be room for other innovations and discoveries in the future of science and technology. Works Cited Gattaca. Dir. Andrew Niccol. Perf. Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law. DVD. Columbia Pictures Industries, 1997. Stanković, Braitslov. "JOLT: Articles." JOLT: Articles. UCLA, 2005. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <http://www.lawtechjournal.com/articles/2005/03_050713_stankovic.php>. "foreseeable." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. "What Are the Risks of Cloning?" Learn.Genetics. University of Utah, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/cloningrisks/>. "Human Cloning." American Medical Association. American Medical Association, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-science/genetics-molecular-medicine/related-policy-topics/stem-cell-research/human-cloning.page>. Schleifer, Bradford G. "Human Mind vs. Animal Brain – Why So Different?" The Real Truth. The Real Truth, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <http://realtruth.org/articles/090806-002-science.html>. Nisbet, Matthew. Public Opinion About Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning. Washington D.C.: American University, 19 May 2014. PDF.
  15. The fotus armor set was pretty swag.
  16. PS4, Xbox One, and PC. lol They're all perfect. People all over the web rule out one or the other, for example the BlackBusterShow on YouTube (check him out). But seriously? They are all amazing. Forget the frickin' numbers, after I've used both consoles, they are virtually the same exact thing. Same features over all, and graphics are evening out now.
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