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Silent Orbis

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Everything posted by Silent Orbis

  1. So, guys. Last week was heaven for Metal Gear Solid fan's like myself. First of all, the biggest thing was the release date. Finally, Kojima. Finally. You've been working on this game since after MGS 4, announced in 2012, and now it'll actually release on September 1st, 2015. I was so frickin' happy. So, so happy. What made me even happier, was the collector's edition. Yeah, there's a "day one edition" which comes with a lot of DLC by the way. But any true fan knows where his money is going: the $100 collector's edition. It comes with EVEN more DLC, and a physical map. Oh, and also a 1:2 scale replica of his arm! The Japanese fans get a 1:! replica, but oh well. We're American, so we're deprived of MGS loot, lol. That's just the way it is, and this limited edition is beautiful. But that ain't no meat and potatoes. Because a hardcore -- and I mean HARD-core -- MGS fan will want the console. The limited edition console, colored with communist colors. But communist colors look nice, so it's cool. The top of the PS4 is red with a gold lining (like Snake's prosthetic arm), and the bottom is an off-black. The controller is a gunmetal grey, colored like his gun. You can definitely see the symbolic Kojima-style art on it. Here's the problem: it's only available in the Asia region, and not in the US. I'm definitely willing to import it from Japan, because my love for MGS is so complicated. It's rumored that if demand is high enough in the West, we may get it here, as well. I'd be way happier if we did, but for now, want to import. And I know that a fan beyond hardcore... a true-supreme-real-ultra-super-mega fan will get the limited edition console combined with the collectors edition for a true package. (And this fan will also have Ground Zeroes). And I want to finish with... LONG LIVE METAL GEAR SOLID!
  2. 343i wants Locke to be the main character. He may not be, but I know they want him to be. It might even mean getting rid of our old pal. Here's the deal, even on the box-art Locke is on top of the reflection. Chief is the reflection of him, not the other way around. This leads me to believe that Locke will be prioritized over John-117 by 343i. Now that Cortana's gone, I'm afraid Chief might die. If that happens, it'll change Halo forever.
  3. I don't want Spartan Ops. That's all Ima' say lol
  4. I know Twinreaper is into 3D modeling and stuff, but you won't have too much luck with anyone else here, most likely. You would have a lot of ease with CryDev (now known as CryEngine community), or any similar ones. These CryDev folks are a little snobby, but they know their shiz. You'll probably find someone. I can't link to it because of site rules, sorry. But just Google it up. And by the way, if you thought this was the official way to contact 343i, just going to tell you that their is no way to contact them, except get your post noticed by them on Halo Waypoint. But this site is a community-run forum. Anyway, I hope I helped somewhat.
  5. As a member of the Xbox Preview Program, Microsoft's "Overdog" service literally crashes halfway through setup.

    1. Fishy


      A few of us on the forum are part of Xbox Preview Program, too. :3

  6. I just effing literally noticed this. lol Sorry for not showing up earlier, but thank you for appreciating me Fishy. That's a big deal. I appreciate you, too bro.
  7. Now I gotta wait for MGS V to come out in September. >.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Ground Zeroes wasn't that bad for the length. I can't wait.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yea the Cutscenes were pretty cool, but it felt lacking. Felt like a Demo honestly.

    4. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      That's pretty much what it was. A demo, lol. I would say I level above, but not a full game. It should've been $20 from the start, instead f 30. But, I enjoyed it. :)


    1. Ash


      I hope it won't be boring like Ground Zeroes... >.>

    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      lol Considering it's 200 times the content... I would hope not.

  9. Here's my theory: we'll find out everything about the game when it releases. Sounds like a legit theory, right?
  10. I hope Reach, and all the Halo games besides Wars get added, with all their modes. Even if we have to pay extra money to have it be an add-on or something... Yeah. That would be nice.
  11. ESO looses subscription based gameplay on March 17th? Suddenly I'm urged to buy it. Wow.

  12. Try using royalty-free vectors for the front cover. Who knows, if you get big you'd want to be able to sell without any lawsuit issues, right? But seriously, it's good practice. Also, I'd recommend at least 10 pages per chapter if your hardcore into this. But it's fine if you disagree. I'm chill.
  13. Guys if you have an Xbox Live account, please upvote this idea on Xbox Feedback. Basically, it talks about how DLC can't be shared through home-sharing, and only games. If you want to be able to share DLC on the same Xbox, then vote for it. https://xbox.uservoice.com/forums/251652-xbox-store/suggestions/7007118-advanced-warfare-dlc-home-console-nightmare#comments

  14. Okay, the first BFH beta (the closed one) after E3 was horrible. But this one kinda brought me in -- not only into BFH, but Battlefield in general. I hope I will pick this up.

    1. ShockGazm


      I wouldn't get it day one, I can imagine they'll screw up the launch again.

    2. ShockGazm
    3. Silent Orbis
  15. All I can say is Nightfall was cheesy in the first episode when that Sangheili alien was doing that shady trade for the weird device. I mean... he was wearing a sweater. lol What alien wears sweaters? xD
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