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Promethean Knight

Promethean Knight (9/19)



  1. pelican in campaign has epic lazer and chaingun. source: ign review video
  2. they have a lot more pieces. there were about 30 new ones seen in the forge videos. one was a part of blackout
  3. if he noticed you listening, he would be glad to
  4. looks to be some message between prometheans during a war(flood or human idk)
  5. if you live in US, standard, war games pass, and the walmart 35 cent skin/armor.
  6. idk, in the defiant map pack video(I think the trailer) they showed a crashed falcon with a bunch of Spartans and one of them looked exactly like jun. this video was about the story behind each map. idk, this is just a thought, not my position on this topic because I don't have a position.
  7. ign, littleenglishhaloblog, halo4news, waypoint, halocouncil, halo.bungie, occasionaly search up stuff
  8. 500 days spent on this ship, 500 days spent, another day, more boredom, 501 days spent on this ship...
  9. I think that since a lot of maps in forge world took a small part in the sky (hello uncaged/the cage) and the rest of Forge world made the game slower because it had to load the whole world whenever someone played on it. but I do agree that the maps could bee more open, free of any structures like forge world
  10. we could always do it (insert gangnam style music)" halo 3 and reach style", which is a slayer variant
  11. impact. looks amazing. love the pallete
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