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Jackal (2/19)
Maybe you should learn how to read and understand first before you type. What about the percentage of B-Ops 2 compared to B-Ops 1, because I know a small minority of people who only play MW and refuse to play B-Ops and vica-versa. Anyway, yeah Black Ops 2 will win, and with respect to what really matters, Black Ops 2 will maintain a higher number of total games played online for a lot longer than what Halo 4 ever will (I base this only on the stats of "Black Ops 1 vs Halo Reach" for the year of 2011). In your opinion yeah, but not according to the stats of 2011 http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/121/1216016p1.html
- 14 replies
- Black Ops 2
- Halo: Reach
- (and 8 more)
What do you think about my -don't show up on foes motion sensor with the trade off of not having your own personal motion sensor "perk"? And do you have any ideas for "perks" of your own? As far as I can tell, 343 is rebooting the Halo system, thus, anything is possible with Halo 4 which I believe isn't a bad idea. Straight up Halo Reach sucked with respect to the total number of online players in 2011. We all know that Bungie is very competitive, but they just could'nt beat COD Black OPs, COD MW3, and COD MW2 which were is this order the most played standard 360 games online for 2011; http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/121/1216016p1.html Now in order to keep a series of which many think has been going on for way too long alive, 343 is doing what any business would do in order to keep up its popularity level for the purpose of profits. . . THEY ARE TAKING A RISK TO SEE IF IT WILL PAY OFF - TO LITERALLY PAY OFF. Let the game be out for about a half of a year, and after everyone who plays the game unlocks everything they wanted, you then will really see whether or not Halo 4 will live up to its hype. Because as of now three COD games and soon to be one more COD game stand in the way of Halo 4 reaching that number 1 spot. Will they do it? Personally, and after watching the new COD Black Ops 2 MP trailers, I say not!!!!!!!!!!!!! The proof is in the past, and you can't argue with the past. COD B-Ops II will most likely hold that number 1 spot through out the ending of 2012 and through all of 2013 in sales and in numbers (regarding to only the 360 here). However, this doesn't mean that I am not going to play Halo 4. As I do now, I will be playing both of the games, and personally, because 343 seems to be taking a big risk with Halo 4, this is the game I am most excited about purchasing and will prob. be buying first. Customization seems to be the new trend in online MP gaming, and this is something, not that the COD franchise invented, but is something that the COD series made very famous for the online gaming community. Yeah people can argue that Halo is better (all though the current numbers don't say it is) in that it is more competitive (which it is in every aspect because in past halo games everyone would begin a match on an even playing level), but lets be honest here, compared to the online gaming community, the number of actual mlg players who actually and honestly care about this is very low. How I said before, 343 will be after numbers, and in order to attain those numbers in order to improve the "Halo name" they will have to be targeting the online gaming community more so than the mlg community. Due to this, if a lot of the mlg or mlg-related players have complaints about the game when it is released, I am sure that their arguments will be very strong. This will probably lead to 343 making some sort of game type specifically for the mlg'ers, but in the end, the new mode (infinity slayer and in its "meant to be played" type) is what everyone will really care about. Overall, I think the game will be perfect for newcomers and for people like me (depending on if there are enough attractive customization possibilitites for everyone), who just like to casually play, and who are not really into that whole mlg scene. Once more, yes COD Black Ops II will beat out Halo 4, and yes I am happy with 343 taking Halo in a different direction and will still be purchasing the game. PS - Go out Nov. 6th to buy Halo 4 instead of voting for either the trash on the right or the trash on the left. Why vote for slime when you can be playing Halo 4?
- 14 replies
- Black Ops 2
- Halo: Reach
- (and 8 more)
tyco started following Black Ops 2 will win!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if you read my post you will see I based my information off of those two websites and not what was "just revealed". I am just calling any sort of personal customization "perks" for short.
What do you mean by "the packages are grouped"? And what do think about a perk that eliminates a player from their opponents radar, but as a trade off in order to avoid "over powerness" of such a perk, whom ever uses this perk will not have their own personal radar system. I say, why not. If Halo 4 did contain such a perk what complaints could there possibly be? I know a lot of people who clearly can't read and understand the sentence above would say that the perk is too strong, but I think that it would be balanced out with the trade off that I mentioned (not having a radar). Therefore, for those who don't like to appear on radar more so than they would hate not having a radar for assistance, the existence of this type or related perk would really make for some happy gamers, and overall, satisfying the customization possibilities for further people, and thus, further increasing the games popularity level. And numbers is really what it is all about for 343, and for that matter, for any wanting to thrive business, so once again I say. . . . . . why not? What could possibly go wrong besides having more people playing the game; which is no problem at all.
Yeah Halo 4 looks really cool, but the one main issue that keeps getting brought up in a lot of the online videos that at least I have seen thus far is that Halo 4 will bring about a well balanced matchmaking gaming experience. A lot of people are saying that the tactical packages and support upgrades will be sort of pointless because each group consist of basically one choice that everyone would be using over the other possible known choices. For the Tactical Packages the one that everyone will choose without a doubt would be the Shield Package; "Through a modifying bypass of standard performance regulators, the Shield Package reinforces personal energy-shield emitters, resulting in a substantially higher shield-recharge rate. After taking damage, players will notice their shields recharging at a quicker speed than others who have not opted for this package in their loadout" *. Moreover, for the Support Upgrades the one that everyone will choose without a doubt would be the Sensor Upgrade; "Increases the range and sensitivity of the radar" **. Now comes my long awaited question, Does anyone out there have any ideas or suggestions for some Creative, buy yet, BALANCE perks to be added into the new Halo 4 perk set-up system? For example, in order to counter balance the Sensor Upgrade perk and to avoid everyone using it, I think that 343 should design some sort of support upgrade perk that will allow one to disappear from their foes radarsystem all together while not having a personal radar system of their own. To me, if they had that kind of perk I would be a very happy gamer. This way, not everyone in a gaming lobby will be using Sensor Upgrade as a perk, thus creating some very interesting and balanced match-ups. There will be those who prefer a better radar to those who would rather prefer not appearing on radar at all and vica-versa (possibilities possibilities possibilities -that is the name of the game). Anyway, this is one of my ideas for a perk that Halo 4 should use, because besides being a very good counter balance to the sensor upgrade perk, I hate being seen on radar as I move about on a map more so than I would hate not having a radar, and therefore, I would always choose this perk that I would call either "floodgate" base off of one of the skulls in Halo 3 or "radar-lock". Below is a list of websites of which will explain the current known tactical packages and support upgrade perks. Thus, check them out if you haven't already and reply back with some ideas of your own. Thank you for you're time Tyco * http://halo.wikia.co...ctical_Packages ** http://www.littleeng...s-tactical.html -Edited to increase size and readability-