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Rohan Lem

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    Halo, Athletics, Minecraft, red vs blue, The Slow Mo Guys, and more! :)

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    Rohan Lem

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Brute (5/19)



  1. What does everyone know about it coming out? My friends have been talking about it but do we know when or anything else about it?
  2. If they released Star Wars: Battlefront III I would never stop paying it
  3. So it should be tomorrow then, thanks
  4. The Xbox 360 version is pretty good, can't wait for enchantments though
  5. I think that the Bolt Shot shouldnt be a one-shot weapon but you do have to be pretty close to the player to get them, just keep your distance, or play a game with set loadouts e.g. SWAT is my favourite gametype
  6. Waiting for the new Halo o4 achievements, can't wait to get those extra G's :D

  7. This happens to me every so often, I used to have all my custom load-outs all set for different gametypes etc. but now i only ever use the one, maybe two, i advise just as the match starts go into your menu and use the "modify loadouts" option, quickly set up a loadout to how you like it and use that
  8. When is the first map pack for Halo 4 going to be released?
  9. I have them all, but my friend (GT End Of Lag) needs a few defiant ones, he'll appreciate any help he can get
  10. Play an easier difficulty to get better at the game, make sure you have 0 skulls on and play through on easy, then go back and try a harder difficulty
  11. Halfway through Mythic is where i have stopped
  12. Whether or not you do well in a match of SWAT in Halo 4 can heavily depend on the weapon you choose, for example i have gone 30-40 on several matches on SWAT using the BR on Haven, but one Complex, it is much easier to use a DMR because of the range.
  13. I'm in the same position as Saint Mudknot, i bought the LE and from time to time my specialisations just disappear, restarting my console always worked for me
  14. Might be a while before i can claim back that 100%, these seem fun though
  15. I love grifball but its better to play just to have fun with a few mates every once in a while instead if playing it as a primary playlist
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