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Rohan Lem

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Everything posted by Rohan Lem

  1. Haemorrhage is okay but a lot of people can almost spawn trap quite easily, therefor i think the BEST map for sniper is Boardwalk.
  2. I have the same problem, it will update eventually, it just takes ages and by the time it does, you probably have changed your armour again anyway.
  3. Hey everyone, I need one more achievement for Halo: Reach, could anyone help me to get the Don't Touch That! achievement? Any and all help/feedback is appreciated. I will help anyone who helps with achievements they need
  4. Can't wait for Halo 4, getting ready for it by playing Reach again, hopefully will have 100% of achievements on Halo: Reach before Halo 4, only one more to go! :)

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Play Halo 3 it is closer to the game play of 4.

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      Halo 3 campaign, split screen with my friends.

    3. Rohan Lem

      Rohan Lem

      I would play 3 but I really want my last achievement on Reach :)

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