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Everything posted by CAPIreland

  1. SO, I would hope that 343 reads this before Halo 4 is released. I had an idea that, instead of making it harder to level up after each level, why not make all the levels even so that you can look forward to regular levels up. Players could make a schedule (if they so wished) and know how many matches they should play each day/week so that they level up. I believe that 343 is taking too much from CoD. Their levelling up gets harder because the player gets better guns each level, we get armour and (eventually) mods. SO, in conclusion, they could just quickly add up the total amount of points needed to complete the 50 levels, divide it equally by 50, and be done with it (They could even make this change optional so that you can decide each time you start the 50 levels again which way you want to go).
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