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Posts posted by lilsilmarillion

  1. UPDATE:

    I'm not leaving the forum all the way. I will be doing steam community events and acting like a member CMod. Since I'm not actually a CMod I won't ban anyone :P I'll only post if someoneneed help, has a question, or is breaking rules or if I'm posting one of my community events. Same goes with the shout box. If you want to chat you can send me mail :)

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  2. We are slipping. We were a nice group of cool peoplewho wwerellike a big family. Now look at us. People are doing things behind people backs, we are losing friends. I'm tired of this. My goal was to one day make it to staff and serve you guys. But with the way things are going, I have to cut my 343iCF life short. We have degrated to lies, decite, and worst off all. Friend losing. We are supposed to be closely knit. Some members, like Vitamin PWN, Zelda, and Zaggy have kept us together (there are also others) but we kept fighting away. We need more control (more community mods) I'm not going to rant on. Okay guys. Goodbye. Lilsil out.

  3. Jesus Christ!!! Why are you guys in such chaos! You guys can't handle friendly rivalries, you can't lead yourself. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LEGENDARY BT? You guys are supposed to be a team. Not a bunch of rag da go idiots running around, ruining our lives, your lives, and the forums life. If you going to disband DO IT. And now that I think about it, yes i respect Spartans decision but that's what broke BT. He was a GREAT leader and held u guys together. If he comes back we can get rid of the bad blood and NOT THINKA BOUT THESE TEAM OUTSIDE OF HALO OR THE FORUMS. I got grounded this week from 343 and I didn't think about ST or BT ALL WEEK. Seriously guys. Get a hold of yourselves. We are a family. Not enemies. If you really need it our teams can merge into ST or u can ally with us and be strong

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  4. TF2 Community Event

    Hey guys! Im going to be holding my very own TF2 Event!

    I will be hosting this event on March 28 at 8:00 PST (I know its a long way off but Im grounded right now and dont wanna let you guys down. If i get ungrounded before that i will push it forward :))


    The game we will be playing is Team Fortress 2 (http://www.teamfortress.com/) We took a poll and this was the game that got the most votes :P


    If you would like to participate please put your Steam gamer tag below and friend me at Ξʀεƞ Yεαϑεʀ (Copy and paste)

    on steam. Any questions? Ask me below!

    This is my first time so if you have any suggestions you can tell me and I will improve and fit your guys’ needs!
    And also please join our steam group:

    (Best Steam group ever!)

    Here is a preview for the game!

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  5. Sorry for my harsh words but I would just like it if please kitty if u could change the shadow out of your name? Oh and Yoshi it would be nice if you actually backed me up for once because one im your cousin and too I'm a equal rank to u in our team your always putting me down in the forums and acting like a jerk here to me and I want it to stop

  6. Steam Community Event

    Hey guys! I’m going to try out this community event hosting thing and hold my very own Steam event!

    The date will not be set yet, so I’m planning to make a poll on which games YOU the community want to play! Also at the moment I am grounded. If you guys want the event to happen sooner and I can’t play, then I PROMISE I will find a substitute host.

    Some of the choices are going to be…

    Team Fortress 2 (http://www.teamfortress.com/)

    War Thunder (http://warthunder.com/)

    Gothem City: Imposters (http://www.gothamcityimpostors.com/)

    And if you guys have any more ideas you can tell me below and we will go from there!

    This is my first time so if you have any suggestions you can tell me and I will improve and fit your guys’ needs!
    And also please join our steam group: http://343i.org/1in

  7. Hello all the members of 343 Industries Community Forum. This is lilsilmarillion here today informing you that the Shadow Team, is a rebellion based from Blue Team. We broke away to our freedom, just like the Colonists and Great Britiain. That's right, consider us to be colonists of a new age. We are now recruiting members to fight off the Covenant. They are our greatest enemy and will must be destroyed! Shadow Team was formed in January of 2014 with the three leaders lilsilmarillion, Silent Orbis, and Yoshi1176. They have an untouchable rank, known as the rank of the "Infinite Shadow". Our fine second in command, and adviser is Galen Marek. His rank is touchable, yet irreplacable. To achieve the rank of the "Shadow", you must show AMAZING effort, in terms of tenure, and extra activity. We want to recruit members for Shadow Team and fight together against our threat, the Covenant. We will need all of YOU, to do that. Here is some more information about us:


    We Got Each Others' Backs


    We are a Team. We will stand strong through the roughest times and always back each other up. We are all about teamwork. No man or women is ever left behind. We always treat each other with respect and are never disrespectful to anyone, even if they are not on the Team. We primarily fight alone or in pairs to help us do it stealthily but fight as a team if the task calls for it. We are Shadows because it is the color that represents our fight and what we do. Always remember, "We Work in the Dark to Serve the Light."

    The Enemy


    The Covenant are our main enemy. We are willing to cope with any other forces to fight Covenant. As long as they treat us with respect. We are not against anyone besides the Covenant but that is subject to change. Note that if anyone does get in our way, we will obliterate them. This is due to who we are. We are Shadow Team, and this is our pride. Hunting the Covenant.

    Community Events


    Shadow Team community events will be held as often as possible and I will try to make the times suitable for people all around the world. They will be based on all Halos and every Team member is invited. It gives you a chance to show off your skills. We are still a growing team so not many events will be help yet.



    Our ranks are based of the Halo 3 ranks. http://halowiki.net/p/ranks. You will be promoted for your time and dedication, this does not require you doing anything outside the forum. Giving support, ideas or participating in Community Events or efforts to improve the team will all be recognized and you will be awarded with a promotion. Promoting the Team and showing patriotism is also taken in account. The three leaders and the second in command have special ranks of which no one else will be able receive. Unless you prove your utmost respect and dedication to the team. As long as you are participating us, your tenure represents you, and your rank.



    All the leaders and I will have every member of the Team on our profile page along with their rank and our Team logo. You can post your Shadow Team rank symbol (Halo 3 Rank symbols) on your own profile page. Note that the logo on this thread is not our official logo for everything else, as it only covers the thread. If you wish to find the official logo, check on Silent Orbis', Lilsilmarillion's, or Yoshi1176's profile page.



    Shadow Team Spartans are our leading members. Members that have achieved the highest rank and/or have shown amazing dedication and loyalty to Shadow Team. They will be at the highest possible stage for any member to achieve. Unless You happen to make it Above that which was stated in the Ranks section.


    We will be communicating in this thread. All our announcements and updates will be here. We also communicate through Steam, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network.. But please post in this thread as much as possible.

    How To Join

    To join Shadow Team you need to pledge loyalty to us and be as active as possible. We need intelligent, strong, skilled, and motivated members to take on the Covenant. War games will be perfect training.

    We hope to build on Shadow Team and welcome many new members. If you have any questions just ask by posting below or sending me, lilsilmarillion, Yoshi1176, or Silent Orbis a Private Message. We wish you all the best. If you need a Team for support against the Covenant or any other enemies of the UNSC we are here for you. Join today, you won't regret it.


    Our Current Members

    lilsilmarillion - Infinite Shadow

    Yoshi1176 - Infinite Shadow

    Silent Orbis - Infinite Shadow

    Galen Marek - Shadow

    Edward Kenway - Private

    Velozity - Recruit

    AIGamerGirl - Recruit

    The Dumb Marine - Recruit





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