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Everything posted by Ins4nek1ll4

  1. honestly i dont like it, its not my type of game play, it was ok i guess least favorite halo tho
  2. i liked the option but over half the time guys use it more than girls ( freaky right ? )
  3. i see your concern but hopefully with all the new weapons the plasma pistol wont be used as much
  4. welcome bro halo is a great game im open to any questions
  5. honestly i had the same problem ... so all i hve to do is make them team colors thats it ?
  6. welcome im open to any questions
  7. good idea but no offense it was poorly thought out, all the team would have to do is build wall around there flag and its over, great idea tho
  8. the wrecker lol idk i like the weapon honestly i dont care bout the name as long as it kills
  9. well im going to have to say that brutes are returning, in all halos they are the only ones to carry the grav hammer in campaign
  10. prob go between campaign and MM so both
  11. they really dont help that much, and most people will probably use pioneer
  12. its like the mini alien wraith really good idea but it would give to much power to the operators of the vehicles
  13. ahh thats a lil bit better, i guess as long as they dont add attchments and keep it as fair as possible
  14. once again im sure everyone is going to start with the AR which vs the dmr or br is no chance , unlocking weapons is stupid, you should have all of them unlocked then it will make it balanced because if someone is using a good weapon and your a lower level you dont only have an AR to defend yourself
  15. i would like it better if you have all the weapons unlocked, because its something i hated about cod, cause that would mean if your a higher level you have better weapons and more of an advantage on lower levels
  16. what was your favorite past halo of all times and why? my honest opinion its stuck between halo 3 and halo reach
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