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Posts posted by aRoidzGasm

  1. Just a few things here for you...


    1: Halo 4 does have CSR ranks and a sorting system to line people up in a manor similar to Halo 3 and or Reach. You dont notice this because the ranks themselves are only visible on waypoint or another similar site.


    2: Every game is a mixed bag, it cant be avoided. Some will be better than you, others worse. There isnt any system that can sort the human factor for gaming. It is a completely random element which changes by the second. More over, playing with a rank restriction narrows down the amount of players for any given match. If you are only playing people of your rank then you have a very small pool of people to draw from. Each game is against the same people, which in turn leads to very dull and boring games. I dont think you want to travel down that road.


    3: The maps are plentyful and enjoyable. Scratch the enjoyable part because that is just my opinion. Speaking of opinions here is another one... I frequently find people who whine about the maps not being good are desiring remakes of the same maps from Halo 2/3. Yet if they do that, then the gameplay doesnt evolve. You might as well not make any new games seeing as how you are playing the same thing over and over again, just with different graphics. All the Halo 4 maps can be played very competitively, people choose not to, in my eyes, because they are so hung up on the idea of what Halo was in Halo 3 that they cant grow beyond it.


    4: To me MLG is the worst thing to happen to gaming, ever. The idea behind it was fantastic. I would love to see a  place for hardcore competition style playing. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that MLG itself as well as its players and fans turned it into the be all, end all of gameplay. If you dont play with those specific settings, with those maps, then your not playing compettiively. That is the mindset MLG endorsed and its players and fans promoted. I really hope I am not the only one who has a problem with that. Due to this "idea" so many of the Halo "fans" refuse to play simply because it is not exactly like it was in Halo 3. That is why people arent playing, at least in my opinion.


    Too many so called "fans" are stuck in the past and are unwilling to grow with Halo. Instead they whine and complain (I am not saying you are, just being general here) that its not "Halo" anymore because it is not the same thing they played in Halo 3, which was far from a perfect game. Further still they moan about it being like CoD while their suggestions would make it more like CoD than ever before. CoD's gameplay doesnt change from game to game, not even remotely. You get slightly different guns and slightly different maps and thats it. The gameplay itself is reused over and over and over again, which is exactly what so many people are asking for out of Halo. Complete lunacy if you ask me.


    5: Halo was never about competitive multiplayer. It was first and foremost a space opera. The story of Halo is what Halo is all about. Multiplayer is a distant second when it comes to the story. With out it then the game itself would be better off being called Pong or Block Ball as it has no real purpose beyond wasting time. It wouldnt have any sort of driving force that makes players so enthralled by it. Even multiplayer only games like Titanfall or Battlefield 2142 have a story behind them. A driving force that creates the multiplayer environment, that imerses the player into the action and gives it purpose.


    I have laid this out fairly simplistically I think. But just in case I can give a bass tacks version.


    Halo 4 is new style of competition. Grow as players and figure out how to be competitive with a new set of rules.


           You have good points throughout. You would be correct in a lot of these terms if we lived in a perfect world where everyone just went with the flow that the producers have laid out for us. Unfortunately that isn't the case. People like what people like. Whether that's the old way of playing the game or a potentially new style. Evidently the new style that was brought about by 343 isn't as adaptable as we'd like it to be. Evidence being that the game is near death. I understand the COD standpoint, but as much as i hate to say it, they're successful.


           Why? Well they've held onto the aspects of the game that people have come to love. I applaud halo for attempting to push forward and branch out, but in many cases they went backwards. Keep what works and add on. That's the best case scenario in my mind. Why get rid of so many maps produced by the creator? Include plenty, then let the community make their own. Don't rely on the players to do it. Why take out ranking? Sure they added CSR, but that came about way to late to really help the game. The visual ranking + social playlists accommodated almost every type of gamer. Now that is cut in half. 

    As for MLG, it has to be done that way. Just like with any sport in the world, it has set rules and regulations to make the game more skilled based for players. Saying its a bad thing to embrace rules that push for competitive play is like saying "Hey, i hate that i can't travel in basketball. From now on i'm just going to run with the ball instead because i like that better." No. You need to be able to adjust to the situations given and learn how to play with the format that has been set out for us in this particular playlist. 


    But, lets not forget, when we had visual ranks, it wasn't purely MLG rules you had to play by. There were multiple playlists from slayer, snipers, objectives, FFA and more. Non of these were MLG regulated and still had a ranking system in which you could play against people near your level of skill. If you didn't want to play for a rank, you could play social. A game mode where it's more about playing the game for the fun of it than it is about seeing how well you can do against players with similar skill levels. 

  2. 1: I could live with that but I don't really see much of a need for it. Competitive is an over used and misunderstood term if I am too be honest. Every match you play is inherently competitive. If you choose not to bring much to the table then that's your individual fault, not the games.


    What most people I see complaining about such a thing want is "fair competition" but no competition is ever fair. Through out history no competition has ever been fair. Even starting with the same weapons and what not it will never be fair. My advice is chin up and broaden your focus from a few details to more unknowns. You never know whats around the corner so learn to prep for it.


    2: Considering many just pooped on 343 for their maps (which weren't bad over all, some sucked but that's normal)  I can see why they went with more forge maps.


    3: I really don't care for this feature but it doesn't make a difference to me one way or the other. I don't snipe.

    I see where you're coming from with the competitive standpoint, but i do disagree. Maybe competitive isn't the right word. True every game, or most games played, are competitive, but In a ranked sense the players who wish to see their improvement are able to. I personally enjoy playing people at or above my skill level because i have a competitive personality. Playing games where any skill level is thrown together makes the game unbearably boring. 


    Plus competitive gaming is what halo is all about. MLG is what it is today because of halo. The Halo population used to be huge. Now with the lack of ranks, good maps, and playlists.... well the numbers speak for themselves. 

  3. I feel like they advertised it pretty well. There were plenty of commercials and they had the Forward Unto Dawn videos in place before it came out. There are a lot of things it still needs i agree, but for the community that already knows and loves the game, these were my biggest disappointments and the only reasons i don't still play the game. 

  4. Hey guys,


    I've never really posted before, but i've been an avid Halo competitor since Halo 2. The glory days. So I have a few things that seem like common sense, but for whatever reason both bungie and 343 ignored in their last games. 


    To me, Halo 4 is an amazing game. Awesome gameplay, weapons are balanced, and the speed moves just right. 


    I personally believe that if the game was included with these pieces, it would still be on the circuit and wouldn't be completely dead. 


    The things i believe H5 needs to be a success include:


    1. A ranked and noncompetitive playlists, similar to Halo 3. On screen, not online. (My personal #1 requirement as a competitive player)


    2. More maps made by the creator. I have no problem with forge, but when the game gets turned into minecraft for the select few that want to just make their own maps and the creators completely disregard the matchmaking portion I get disturbed. 343 needs to make their own maps. Especially for the appeal. No one wants to see the same silver lining on every single map. 


    3. A sniper that zooms out when shot. This piece may be very controversial, but to me it is part of the challenge of sniping. 


    Those are my big topics, #3 isn't anything major, but the first two i believe will make the game more accustom to both the non competitive gamer and the the competitive ones. 


    Any opinions as to what to add or take away would be greatly appreciated. 

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