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  1. No disrespect taken. I registered Halo7.com back in 2000 because well .... I thought it sounded cool. =) I mostly used it for my personal email at the time (there was no gmail in 2000!) but when Jordan passed away in a Motocross accident me and some friends decided to turn the website into a memorial for him. It has been like that for about 10 years now. I still use it for my personal email however. Every year people who knew Jordan visit the site, remininice and remember someone they loved. Its been a good thing.
  2. I own this domain not Microsoft. I registered it before Halo was even a concept for a game... I've owned the domain for the last 12+ years. I had plans for the domain but decided to turn it into a memorial for Jordan after he passed away. So ... the site is a memorial for a friend, Jordan Miller, who passed away several years ago and will more than likely never be sold to Microsoft because of this. So there you go, Microsoft doesn't own it and the domain wasn't "wasted" on a silly poem.
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