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Everything posted by Turkishxroyal

  1. did everyone else see the hunter during the next week on forward unto dawn part?? he's going to team up with kelly and sam to fist fight a hunter!!!! chief is a beast!
  2. awesome!! i think i noticed a halo ring like 7 seconds in
  3. sounds epic enough for me! haha
  4. there was fall damage in reach and there were man cannons?? explain that
  5. in halo 4 the only thing we will be voting on is the map. there will be seperate playlists for infinity slayer and regular slayer. since you get to choose your starting weapon we dont have to decide on a gametype. i really like this. now we its all about what map people prefer. i honestly dont think they need many tweaks. 343i is doing a great job and i have complete faith maybe we should go back to the veto system since we are just voting on the map?? just a thought
  6. well the way i see it is, the four headshot weapons, br, dmr, carbine, and light rifle all work they same way and are evenly balanced. for the most part. the automatic weapons, AR, storm rifle, and suppressor, are for taking down shields. the way it seems to me is that now they all work pretty much the same way. it is very impressive how balanced everything is. Go 343i!!!!
  7. there is a support upgrade that allows faster AA recharge time. so people using jetpack will probably want to use that. Personally i dont care for jetpack. probably because i use bumper jumper anyways. but whatever haha. i just cant wait to play!!
  8. that would be a good reason why the didact is in the game. isn't he supposed to be the main enemy?? idk i haven't read the books just guessing
  9. the elites are in halo 4. duhhhhh haven't you seen the pictures
  10. its slower but i think thats a good thing. it makes it more skill based. no more lucky no scopes from across the map, youll actually have to practice the sniper and get beast with it. plus, i am pretty positive the beam rifle is back and will probably be able to fire quickly. and there is also a promethean sniper!! can wait!!!
  11. can anyone confirm the beam rifle in halo 4?? i personally would love to see it return. i have also heard that there will be a promethean sniper as well. it would be awesome to have 3 different snipers in halo 4
  12. me and a buddy are playing the entire campaign to the end then playing custom matches untill we are comfortable with all the weapons. since you earn xp from campaign spartan ops and war games then i will already have somethings unlocked by the time im ready to play multiplayer!!!! so stoked! like stoked to the max!
  13. in halo 3 and reach you could walk 3 feet and pick up a BR or DMR in any direction so why make people have to waste time walking 2 feet to pick up a weapon when they could have picked it before spawning. thank you! someone finally said it. choosing your starting weapon wont even change gameplay that much. everyone try's to find a br/dmr at the beginning of the game anyways. im going to use the firepower perk in halo 4 to start with dmr and ar. best of both worlds
  14. yeah but just because you played as chief and the arbiter
  15. it was recently released that spartan ops will be about the length of halo odst in all. which is plenty. i love the idea of having a second campaign that will last and entire season. halo reach was good because it gave you a chance to have a campaign with your personal spartan. i think thats important for future halo's to have a story along side chief's that is all about you and your spartan and the way you want to play
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