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    Somewhere in the Great White North.
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    Sleeping, Basically everything the average shut-in enjoys.

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  1. Think i'm entitled the right to call you an ******* for that. I do not see how that is trolling..
  2. DMR has 100% accuracy thats why it's OP, that and the Fire-rate.
  3. Releasing Halo 5 next year? They haven't even gotten their **** together over Halo 4, how do you expect H5 to be even remotely successful if it was released next year?
  4. Sounds awesome, but that "Thousands of maps" Part is exagerating quite a bit.
  5. LOL IGN info, it's obviously wrong. Point being, IGN is well known for all the mistakes they make with news and stuff, never trust them.
  6. I believe it is actually YOU who is starting the flaming, this entire thread is nothing but polite and civilized discussion.
  7. Meh, BF3 was decent at best. BFBC2 was far better, more destructible buildings and stuff.(90% of everything was able to be destroyed)
  8. As with all good things, Halo is coming to an end, Halo 4 is the beginning of that end. With all the disapointed people over things like this, i can assure you that Halo 5 won't be breaking any sales records. Damn shame firefight is gone..
  9. In Halo 4, that is EXACTLY what happens. 2 DMR/BR come to duel, side stepping + headshot spam, and they can spam because the DMR has no bloom. The reticule DOES inflate, but the gun's rounds are unaffected by it. bottom line, DMR is in a desperate need for a Nerf.
  10. So they've claimed, i haven't seen a lick of the balance they spent so much theoretical time on. If it TRUELY was as balanced as people make it out to be, why is it the thing complained about most?
  11. I am impressed, I have never thought I'd live to see the day where I meet one the dumbest Human beings currently living. You, my dear sir, have givin a whole new meaning to the word "Dumbass" Enjoy your new title, by god, you've earned it.
  12. This Info looks promising, but it can't be trusted. Kinda hoping some of it is true though.
  13. So people are all "You just saw his eyes, cry more?" That's STILL cheifs face, can vouch for most of the fans on this one, as most of them NEVER wanted to see his face in the first place. It was just his eyes, but thats still WAY more then most fans can handle, They have essentially prematurely killed off chief.
  14. Social playlist should be priority 1. But.... It's not, i doubt it's even on their list.
  15. It's called the GTA III era. But anyways, thanks for compiling all the infoz, i had lost a few. SOOO PUMPED! I would like to assume the filler, like sure, there's gonna be a big world, but i think what they really mean is all the in-between features.
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