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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. THANK YOU! At least somebody here is understanding the words coming out of my mouth.
  3. Cartons don't count, well those ones in particular.
  4. If this was implemented, people would all go operator and hide near the tanks where available, sorry but tanks are tough enough to kill, we don't need invulnerable ones..
  5. All human combat forms had a claw thing.. /:
  6. I remember a time when the only thing special about LE versions of games, was the case it came in. Ooh, so that one helmet you never see ingame is no longer exclusive, better downgrade now because it's a waste of moneyz... What about ALL the awesome stuff that comes with it: Avatar items Steel Case(sickness) Poster things(schematics or w/e) Basically a discount off all the things combined The physical items will be worth a metric **** tonne of money in the later years, and your gonna pass up all the potential profit because some helmets aren't exclusive it to it. I mean come on people..
  7. Other then IE, the new dashboard is nothing to be excited for, someone mentioned themes, they're exactly the same as before. Oh and 90% of all tabs are nothing but Ads. No joke.
  8. Well, again, I'll reiterate what I said before, if your downgrading because of the news, you don't know how to appreciate the value of the LE versions.
  9. Again, what the hell was injuring me all those times? Lol..
  10. Obviously you haven't done any math here, getting the LE saves you more money on DLC then if you bought the standalone versions.(roughly 15% off) Downgrading in this case is going to cost YOU more.
  11. People who downgrade because of recent revelations, are people who don't appreciate the concept of the Limited Edition versions of games.
  12. MK IV is not ingame, But MK VI is, you get it by beating the game on legendary.
  13. You don't get to shake your head, you're trying to argue that a aerial vehicle that is designed for combat is weaker then a vehicle designed for transport. Your argument is flawed from the beginning. It's like trying to say a Blackhawk is stronger then an Apache. It's not.
  14. Apparently he fell at 864 mph, imagine what he'd look like if he hit the ground at that speed....
  15. Really? Then what the hell was injuring me when I hit the ground all those times..
  16. I'm just saying that the profit < cost thing because anyone who has wanted to play Halo 3 has done so already.
  17. Hornets machine guns are über deadly. Hornet, all day, every day, anytime. Likely because the Falcon is quite new and has only been used in 1 game. My assumption would be to see it more often.
  18. Armour lock isn't supposed to have a counter, that's the idea. The only thing you can use against A-lockers and the the delay between exiting and playing.
  19. Hornet is by far more maneauverable then the falcon, the falcon is only faster. Not fast enough to outrun a rocket.
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