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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. Get ready for IE on Xbox, very neat feature. The keyboard is a bit clunky though..
  2. 3 words... The Pain Series.. No...... By far the MOST disturbing thing the Internet has to offer..
  3. I can only be certain you didn't watch the end cutscene in Halo 3.. He's not dead he went back to his home world on the "Shadow of Intent"
  4. I don't consider the cartoon canon to the movies.
  5. Would it have made sense to bring Darth Maul back in Episode 2 and 3? No. The same goes for Johnson.
  6. All thats left now is the standard edition, LE sold out a while ago.
  7. Well considering the most recent reach updates, they effectively removed almost ALL fun game type playlists from MM...
  8. Leaked info =\= illegal info. FYI. Now "illegal" info would be if I went into the 343i building took some footage of the game and released it to the Internet, but when it's leaked out, it's generally on purpose. Also, MS won't do anything to anyone talking about said Info.
  9. If they have an Xbox, then it's not charity, give to a friend as a gift or something.
  10. If you're complaining about spoiled info and leaks and stuff, its your own fault for reading them. Just being honest with you.
  11. Pillar of Autumn LASO.. Splitting an atom with a buttered toothpick would be easier...
  12. Cost > Profit, not very many people would actually buy it on the PC, well not as many as you'd think, so there'd be some profit loss. Also, to put your mind at ease, no future halo will be coming to PC.
  13. I watched right up to the point where Chief sees all the covie ships moving towards infinity in the first mission.
  14. I have been thinking many possible ways to add a balanced pilot weapon, They could do the Reach campaign gun, but with longer cooldown. 2 seconds burst, 6 second cooldown. OR A REALLY powerful single shot semi auto sort of thing. kind of like th gauss cannon, but a MUUUUUUCH longer reload.
  15. No, we have been beating the Halo horse for well over 10 years, if 343/M$ has the slightest bit of respect for us as fans, they won't continue it. Know when to end a series, because if you drag it out too long, it starts to suck and everyone hates it.
  16. On top of it all, Chief doesn't partake is some creepy blue alien butt-play...
  17. Halo sells the Xbox, simple. Why would they disrupt that?
  18. Good lord dude, according to your logic this whole damn forum is nothing but spam, chill...
  19. I don't see why people are saying everyone here is saying, when almost this entire forum is following 343 blindly, the only people who say nay, are the people who actually understand what's happening. The opposers to the nay Sayers are the aforementioned 343-zombies. Soree pplz butt teh fax r teh fax..
  20. This one should be easy... FORGE IN SPAAAAACE!!!!
  21. The Elites for sure, statuesque beings, living by a code of Honour and all that, reminds me a lot like Medevil Japan..
  22. I remember a time when people didn't care about bonuses for preordering, where has the time gone.. Now everytime a certain preorder doesn't get them a specific bonus, people flip out, like be glad your getting something at least, they dont HAVE to give you ANY bonuses at all.
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