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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. I don't see why a spoiler is needed on a theoretical plot.. Lol..
  2. It's not called "Limited Edition" for the sheer **** of it, it's because copies are, well, you guessed it; Limited.
  3. Hating it, i don't see any possible benefits from it.
  4. Lately i have been playing the piss out of SWBF2 and i found this when i was looking for mods, i've been curious as to what it's gonna be like ever since. Anyone have any theories?
  5. Euro expo, alleged thieves are in Mexicò, HIGHLY unlikely, this 99.999999999% a total fake. Like the guy above said, its a simple GPD mod that has been done before with other games, as for the disks, anyone with a disk printer machine can do it.
  6. Whoa ****, had a Halo 3 flashback to whiny children asking about recon.. But yes, it's unlocked at Colonel.
  7. The case would've had the insert though, but it doesn't.
  8. Lol Jtaggers have the ability to do that... :/ Plus, If it was at all real, MS would have banned them already. Like I mean full blown IP-banned extradittation lawsuit ****. Serious fan hitting stuff.
  9. Funny, Halo 4 is going to be a 1 disc game.. Possibly a clever trick by Jtaggers. It is more then likely they Jtagged Halo 4 into their achievement list and used homemade pictures for the menu.
  10. Lucky you, GoD's can be purchased with MS points(Yay!) I believe you press X when they show you the price of the game. There'll be a prompt at the bottom saying "Press X to purchase with Microsoft Points"
  11. Mk 6 EVA Scout Rogue That's all I know for sure is returning.
  12. Most MM games I played plenty of people were using it.. :/
  13. Sorry dude, but it's likely we ain't getting this stuff, although, I do believe well get the Doritos one..
  14. 99 times out of 100, the scorpion will hand the wraiths ass to it on a silver platter. "Tank beats Everything." - Nameless marine, Halo 3.
  15. Reach's AR is the weakest of them all.. Just saying.. Anyways, 1 1/2 kill. Reach takes 19 rounds to kill 3 takes 15.
  16. I hear the hornet is making a return, although it may only be rumour..
  17. On release day, I'm gonna play from CE to 4..
  18. I kinda liked the health bar, it made the gaming experience a little bit deeper with its inclusion, I can't say I wont be sad to see it go...
  19. Currently in Halo, people running about in the battlefield with the sniper is a very rare occurance, In COD, snipers are used as assault rifles. In fact any game with a first person replay cam, snipers are not used as they were intended. A real time 3rd person killcam, like battlefield, would be a MUCH better option then the FP one. Give Halo a COD killcam and smaller maps, now snipers are assault rifles..
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