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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. Well, unless the Pig is going extinct, we can all safely assume that there is no shortage. EDIT: Oh wait, this is UK only, sorry guys, but sucks to be you! lol.
  2. Not really, well, at least not where I'm from, news is any general happening, most of the times back In my hometown, it was like charity events and sports things.
  3. Obstacle courses with mantis'...
  4. I wouldn't say Canada is even remotely similar to the US, I suggest you don't say that, we prefer that we aren't compared to our neighbours to the south. My reasoning behind this, is because growing up we got US tv and all the news on it was never good, 1/50 times the news was actually good, but besides that it was normally murders, robberies, car jackings, fire fights...
  5. Concussion rifle can no longer send vehicles flying anymore.
  6. The headset that comes with your Xbox, believe it or not, but that's the best.
  7. Neither is there a record of him still being alive, your statement is now moot.
  8. If you are smart(I hope so!) you'll ignore the damned election. Me being Canadian and all, I honestly couldn't care less about your government or it's leaders.(adopt that attitude!)
  9. On every Halo ring out there, exists a containment facility with Flood samples in them. They were kept around for research and study by the forerunner's, obviously now, there's no point. There is no Flood in the Halo 4 campaign. Maybe in Halo 5 or 6 we may get to see another ring.
  10. It's got a Hayabusa feel to it, while personally I do not like the way the armour looks, but not complimenting all the hard work put into it would make me feel like a real ****, good job dude!
  11. No, but you sound like her, "I don't want anyone to be wrong, just want everybody to be happy, can you guys do that for me?" LOL!
  12. Imagine it this way, Leonardo Da'Vinci and michaelangelo were to both collaborate on a single piece of art work, it would never work, because their styles of painting are very much different and it is certain that on most occasions they would have conflict. Artists work alone, 95% of the top forgers here, work Alone.
  13. Kinda like Battlefield's Squad system? I could go for that, unless what your getting at is entirely different, then you're gonna need to simplify it for me.
  14. Well, i felt the need to put together a Hemorrage sniping spot map. By unexplainable means, somebody at 4 can see someone at 8, but someone at 8, can't see anyone at 4. I don't know how or why.
  15. From what I've seen and heard, it is only appearing in certain game types. I'm hoping it's true..
  16. I understand now thanks, your telling the people that and entire remaster of the game is not possible. That's what I got from it.
  17. According to what you just said, Halo CEA Should never have been able to happen. Could you explain what that was all about though? That's the gist of it, but I'm certain it means something else.. :/
  18. killerdude1635

    The SAW

    I believe there is enough footage of it to really actually tell you what it's all about, according the said footage, it's meant for close range, there's no real way to be accurate with it, more spray and pray..
  19. Don't even know, never play MLG WAAAAAY too competitive for my liking. Lol..
  20. By not thinking proactively, do you see them MLG gamers constantly getting killed by crouching camoed tigers? No, not very often. That's what grenades at for, if you in the habit of throwing grenades before you enter a narrow corridor, crouching invisible tiger guy wont be a problem. And even still, that's not a reason to have the kill cam, because you already know where he is. Crouched in a corner in a narrow hallway. No need to ruin all other styles of play just cause you can't simply toss a grenade befor entering small areas. Damn.. Got me there.. :S According to the paragraph, I must be really good. All I have to add to that, is the killcam certainy won't help at all. It'll make using the sniper harder then it already is.
  21. Brapapa was an iconic sound though.. Lol. But yes, it is better then brapapa, but still really weird sounding.
  22. I'm not angry(although I'm an angry person), I was merely stating why i think it wouldn't be a good idea, apologies if you got the wrong message from it. No hard feelings? Also about that map pack part, only people with the maps can play/download that map, with DLC such as yours, I could get a map that I have, but with said DLC I don't. Which would be annoying.
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