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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. Smoke trails are only hints, not dead give aways, it shows where they are, but not EXACTLY. Active camo'ers are easy to find, again, "camping" is not a legitimate reason for a killcam.(they're not Transparent, just translucent, look for the obvious and very noticeable blur, it's much more blurry in halo 4) Again, as I said before, falling victim to "campers" is your own fault for not being aware of your surroundings.
  2. Killcams and kill streak awards. Nothing will ever change my mind about them, it something Halo don't need.
  3. A TrueSkill system would get boring IMO, always facing the same people(practically) never any actual challenge since they're all equally skilled. The thing i loved about reach was the fact that every game i got into was going to be different everytime, sometimes your faced with noobs, sometimes with pros.
  4. That's what I mean lol. The sound is plastic sounding, like dropping little Lego bricks on the ground.
  5. Seriously, camping is entirely at fault of the victims of it, watch your corners more often and camping is not an issue, I know I don't, and many of my friends don't. Why? Because we are aware of our surroundings, do don't go and sit there and tell me camping is a perfectly legitimate reason to add a killcam. As with that comment about tactical play, it has been proven, play ANY multiplayer game with a killcam and see if ANY single person ingame gets tactical about it. 99.9999% of the time, not a single person does. It doesn't matter the game, the killcam will always do the same thing. Oh and sitting somewhere immobile with a sniper rifle is not "camping" it's using that weapon properly.
  6. I hate to say it, but a VAST majority of this sites discussion is for Halo Multiplayer, which was officially born unto Halo 2. So, yes, the birth of this site is majorly affected by Halo 2. I disagree with most of your opinions about this game, but I respect them as everyone is entitled to their own.
  7. I think they were awesome, not overly hunched over like 3, but not statuesque brings like reach, more of a stance hybrid between 3 and reach.
  8. Th hint of the panning is not nearly as bad as the dead give away of the replay. Yes, there is sniper trails, but if you kill them on the first shot taken, that shouldn't be much of an issue, but also, what about the other ranged weapons without bullet trails and what about ambushes and hiding places?
  9. The BR's sound is really... Weird, too... Plasticy?
  10. That's beside the point, regardless how much they charge, it's wrong. I don't want 343 splitting up the games core aspects and sell them to you as DLC, for example. You buy Halo 5 and it comes with only campaign, remember you payed 60$ for it. You have buy forge, matchmaking, spartan ops(or any other special gamemode) sepertly for like minimum 15$ each, so like in total you payed 120$ for something that should've cost 60$.
  11. Hmm.. Interesting, also scary, legendary is gonna suuuuuuck..
  12. That's what people always say, and you know what? It IS a big deal, it's a feature that has killed off any amount of tactical gameplay in every game it appears in. Try and prove that wrong, every game that has a killcam, do people get the least bit tactical about it? Battlefields cam is bad, but not nearly as bad as the replay version. Ps: its not what I believe, it's what I know.
  13. It's the second ever LMG in halo existence, the Halo CE Assault rifle was more LMG then AR..
  14. I still don't like it, adding new forge options? No no no.. I don't want 343 to turn into another THQ and sell a shell of a game and make you buy the core features as DLC. Even if its only an idea I thinks it's a terrible one at best, no offence.
  15. I will reiterate what I said before, I do NOT have to play a game to judge the killcam, which is in like 7 other games. You do realize that the Halo killcam is practically IDENTICAL to COD's right? Therefore if I want to judge the killcam, I will play COD. Say what you want, but I will fight this feature until the day it no longer exists, it has ruined many games and how they play. Halo plays properly, weapons are used the way they were designed. You can actually ambush people in Halo, the killcam would ruin that. So before you tell me not to judge something I haven't played, I don't need to play a game to know a killcam is nothing but bad news. (good news for anti-Killcams, it may only appear in certain game types.)
  16. No forge DLC it would turn into a THQ thing and they'd make it do you'd have tongetnDLC to even use forge properly.
  17. If it means anything, I can Build a wide variety of bunkers and pillboxes, as well as hide them with the scenery.
  18. 1.&2. Sorry dude, like anniversary, it will have the current Halo's multiplayer engine. 3. I'm not sure if CEA had it, if it didn't, RS likely it won't. Normall when they remaster games, they ignore multiplayer, I agree. If a game can't stand on single player alone, then it is not a good game. Only thing that is omitted by this rule, is multiplayer games, like Battlefield. COD is an example of a bad game, single player seriously sucks, the reason I'm saying this is because the series started on single player. Enough of my ranting though....
  19. Rushing is not a strategy, it is a noob move used by people who don't know how to play RTS Games.
  20. 57 if I remember correctly, i did it on docks, with 3, 14 star spartan cobras set up at the bottleneck and my enemy kept sending scarabs for like 3 hours, until I finally ODST rushed him... (1 lone ODST wanders into their base, then I hotdrop as many possible into the base.
  21. I wouldn't consider it a complaint, just a curiosity, but anyways, thanks for clearing that up for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just watched some gameplay with the killcam in a FFA game on "Solace" and the killcam is seriously what's killing my interest and love for Halo. Can anyone shed any light on whether the killcam is going to appear in the classic playlists, Slayer, CTF, Oddball, I hear it's going to appear only in infinity slayer and war games. Confirmation please.
  22. 1. Beam Rifle 2. Light Rifle 3. Battlerifle 4. Assault Rifle 5. SAW
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