It seems that way.
I'm glad someone finally agrees with me!
But anyways, most people like the killcam to show off their "1337 Sk1llz" I personally couldn't care less if my epic cross-map snipe got any recognition whatsoever, what i do care about is not being able to be seen when im doing it. I, like many people, Hate campers with my life, but sitting somewhere far away, sniping, is not camping,(Not in my eyes) It's using that weapon the way it was designed.(To sit far away and ping off people.) Plus, i like Halo's "Killcam", y'know, the way the camera follows the person till you respawn, kinda like Battlefield, but to a MUCH lesser extent. It reveals just enough info to point you in the right direction, but not answer the question, know what i mean?
What really suprises me though, is that few people here dare to question the ways of 343, and doing so gets them dirty looks from the other forum goers.