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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. Valhalla isn't a remake of Blood gulch, sure, it uses the same concepts(2 bases in a box canyon), but it is most certainly not a remake, they look nothing alike.
  2. Errm... It is either played, or not played on an Xbox console, therefore, it is as much an exclusive as Uncharted is to PS3.
  3. Pre order DLC is total horse****. If it's ready on release date, ship it with the damn game. But if there is to be DLC it shouldn't be as serious as full armours, JUST skins.
  4. It could be like hayabusa from Halo 3, a special looking helmet.
  5. They said it won't be a small map, so... Valhalla or Zanzibar.
  6. Youre coming to a gaming forum for romantic advice? You DO realize that 90% of the people here haven't had any such experience?(No offense) Ask your grandparents for advice, they generally know more then a thing or 2.
  7. The game isn't even out yet, there is no purpose of this thread... Wait till the game is out before you complain about features that haven't even been confirmed..
  8. I agree, but I am still waiting on his reasoning behind his statement.
  9. Halo is an Xbox exclusive. Same with Uncharted for the PS3. As well with the MANY PC exclusives. Seriously? You want to take our halo away? Go play Halo PC And make a halo 3 looking mod.
  10. Source? Because your actually wrong, 343 has been around for awhile and is not "Made up of people who came to 343 because they love Halo"
  11. According to this theory, Cortanas analysis is wrong. which could be true since she is breaking down or something like that.
  12. What's your reasoning behind this? You must be one of those people who jumped on halo at around reach or 3 and never actually played the amazing multiplatyer of 2.
  13. People are praising this more then it deserves. Remember this formula for the duration of your lifetime Offline > online Which means 343 is completely ******* over the entire offline community with this. Its included in the game in purchase, which means offline players are paying for stuff they can't use. By making it 'Gold members only' is just unfair to the majority of the people who will buy this.. It should be DLC and not included on purchase. So.. My opinion? No good can become of this.
  14. Hmm.. 360: Faster Better Graphics Better draw distances Less likely to crash Better GPU PS3: Better CPU Nobody gives a **** about blu-ray, so stfu Better exclusives Less likely to break when dropped.. Less likely to RROD(RROD can be avoid with good care) I'd have to say 360, it's just a far better console performance wise, and graphics, yes, they are slightly better then the PS3's.
  15. Considering there's no question mark, it's a statement... Seriously, I think you guys need to retake an English class.. :/
  16. Evade was like the only way to safely combat a tank without heavy weapons..
  17. Idgaf about fuel-rod footage and skins, I care about RELIABLE info, also where do you think they get there info? Certainly not from their asses... (IGN, GameStop, etc...)
  18. Already ingame believe it or not! I was watching Achievement hunters A-Horse, and the challenge map set up had that exact thing you described!
  19. So... He just bought a 60$ skin? More chlorine for the gene pool...
  20. I saw no purpose of the voices, I bought the cheapest one in reach so I could I bought one, and I never hear it in firefight. I seriously see no point. Js...
  21. The suit converts his waste into power to run basic functions of the suit.
  22. I agree with that last part, it could be part of the AIs programming to analyze a target, and select a form that will intimidate them. Thats my theory... Discuss?
  23. I don't see how the jet pack in reach was OPed, like you get no advantage at all, other then being able to move vertically. Infact, in a combat situation, the jetpack is more disadvantage then an advantage, because your in mid flight with NO cover. I used the jet pack SOLELY on spire to cushion my fall from the top...
  24. I generally don't care who's dead or alive, as long as the enemy in my general vicinity is dead, then it don't matter, but coloured kill feeds could get distracting and could possibly cause more deaths.
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