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Everything posted by killerdude1635

  1. If I had the chance to buy it, yes I definately would have done it. But you see, I went into my local GameStop and they were all out, so I'm stuck with SE. Halo 4 - 60$ War games map pass - 25$ FUD DVD - 16$ _________________________ 101$ before taxes, add on a 13% tax rate(my area) and it costs $114.13, not exactly rolling in savings, am I? Yes, that's what I saw, that's why I replied. I'm sorry if you took that personally, you see, it was more of a general statement.
  2. Inb4****storm! I wish they'd do it like Reach, ALL helmets unlockable, but DLC adds a special uncontainable skin/variant. Namely, Recon(recon, recon)
  3. Only 2 halos were destroyed, well technically 3: 04 04b 05 00(The Ark)
  4. The roosterteeth Voting Fever PSA showcase theatre..
  5. It's not allowed to be canon, it basically rewrites big and important parts of the story, if Maul lived, then Obi-Wan would have died. So no info not consider them even remotely canon.
  6. And I'm getting real tired of people constantly complaining about the LE, you are literally losing out on JUST those helmets and that emblem, NO, you are NOT missing out on FUD, you still get to watch it, who cares if it is streamed over waypoint, you STILL get what you're paying for. So yes, everyone is downgrading over some silly helmets, I dare you to prove me wrong.
  7. Meh, i think no-name brand nachos taste a bit better.
  8. When in Doubt, just copy what the other person said..
  9. Chief had luck. Noble 6 had a re-entry pack.
  10. Excuse me, but are you high? Whatever you're on, it's obviously not good. Instead of that, we need DLC playlists, like the plaits for the pack. IE a pack comes out called the "reclaimer map pack" we'd get a reclaimer playlist.
  11. What? Mines Coke Slurpee's and Cheese-whizz toast...
  12. Wait, wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell us that, the LE is still probably what it originally was? Nothing removed, nothing added? That's what I'm getting here.
  13. I reccomend getting a hard-case instead of a soft one, less likely to turn to dust if dropped.
  14. Elites have been playable since the beginning of Halo multiplayer, I don't understand why they've been removed.
  15. Sorry dude, but the truth hurts sometimes.
  16. Do what i do, pepper them with AR spray until they kill you, boot and move on.
  17. If it were a skill based ranking system, how on earth would some people level up, like I mean, majority of the players would never be able to unlock all the weapons, meaning, you won't be able to complete the game. Wouldn't be fun, everyone would stop playing because they are stuck on ****ty weapons. Plus the Reach styled ranking system was fun, I play for fun and halo has always catered to that.
  18. I think his name is Jack, I could be wrong though.
  19. It's the Mammoth. Just because it isn't usable(so far), doesn't mean it don't count.
  20. Don't look for it, I'm deadly serious, you will REGRET it till the day the world ends. Seriously, if you don't want to be scarred for life, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT search for it. ...there are some things man should never see...
  21. Just because he didn't buy it, doesn't make any of his arguments worthless, he has made quite a few good points you guys seemed to ignore, Hell, I would have bought if i had the chance.
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