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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. Very good quality first post mate . And I also think at the moment it does need major improvements and you should only pay a small price . (to be honest it's sounding like a typical rushed EA game )
  2. Hewohh, welcome to the forums finally my friend . I hope you enjoy all of the time you have here. If you have any problems or questions, don't be afraid to ask a fellow member or staff. Remember everyone here is friendly so don't be worried !
  3. Earth itself, The Moon and.....
  4. I have many a thing I want for Halo 5, firstly Forge: I want to be able to have a higher budget and to be able to spawn in all vehicles off of the Halo franchise, considering it's more than possible with the power of next-gen . Easter eggs: I thought that Halo 4 had a HUGE lack of easter eggs and the easter eggs it did have weren't good enough in my opinion, apart from the RvB ones obviously . Weapons: I don't know why I just want all of the old school weapons back, I just thought they were great . Infection: Now Infection as my favourite game type of all time off of any game must be just infection not 'Flood'. I just couldn't enjoy it as much when there were Flood running around everywhere just because of this noise whenever I was killed "Eeeeeurguhuhuhuhu!". And lastly (this isn't my whole wishlist but for me these are the biggest things ) The Campaign: The Halo franchise has always been known for its brilliant, gripping and emotional storyline, Halo 4 however.....not so much, that games campaign was known for being boring, generic and repetitive. I reeeeeally hope that 343 don't screw up on the campaign this time and make the same mistakes . EDIT: Oh yeah I also want the proper ranks back as well haha .
  5. Even though this event was months ago I just want to say now, thank you to everyone that took part. It really shows that you care . I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to post on my pointless stuff . You guys are the people that make it feel a little bit less pointless . Also you can still reply if you want guys .
  6. HIWBC

    Hey guys.

    Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy all of the time you have here. If you have any problems and need helping around the website don't be afraid to ask fellow members or staff, everyone here is friendly so don't worry about a thing haha .
  7. I'll join ! Count me as good as there . Gamertag: grampa ed
  8. Congratulations Maru, not many members can say that they've become a legendary member . Also this is greatly deserved, well done and it will be sad not to be able to go to any of your events and not be able to take part in any of your contests for the future. But still great congrats to you my friend !
  9. Absolutely great work Coldfreeze, massive congratulations from me ! Big round of applause for Coldfreeze ! Woop woop. Anyway, this was fully deserved you've been a great member from the start. When you first came here you got February's hot topic all about internet security, it was a great read and was very informative. And a massive thank you to the N3wsnut for bringing you to the forum it's been a pleasure having you here. And here's to all of the other great things you're going to do for this forum in your purple colours !!!!
  10. Woop woop, this is such a great idea. Infact. It's amaaaazing ! Offbeat Syndicate for the win .
  11. I do agree with what you're saying but it will be a success anyway . I'll be completely happy and satisfied if they just put in dedicated servers, the lag on past games is absolutely unbearable. Especially when you're about to get an amazing kill and then the lag switchers say no .
  12. I'm super pumped for this game. Die hard Battlefield fan here !
  13. Great Wrap Up as always D_D and well done to all of the people that made it into the Top 15 of May, all really well deserved. I really liked the choices, all quality posters this month .
  14. HIWBC

    June MoM!

    Congratulations JXZAW, extremely well deserved . EVERYBODY GIVE A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO PINKZAW !
  15. No problem, this idea has a lot of potential .
  16. I think this could be a very good idea, it could have a great deal of strategy to it. Especially the push objects off of cliffs. Maybe you could change the map directly . I also like the wall mode thingee magigee .
  17. I'd have to agree with Edward, I mean how doesn't this look badass: All credit for this picture goes to IGN .
  18. Thank you for clarifying this Red, I personally was confused about the offsite link policy and I think quite a lot of other members were confused as well. Thank you for taking the time to post this up, otherwise I think I would of gotten into trouble at some point . Good job Mod Team and well done Red !
  19. I think the flying creatures take inspiration from the Reavers off of the Gears of War series if you've ever played Gears of War you'll know what I'm talking about .
  20. Now this is some very exciting news !
  21. I think this is a really good thing, not only does it help out the moderators but it also helps me know who people actually are .
  22. I don't want to see Titanfall on the PS4 because Respawn are the ones that chose to make it an Xbox exclusive and they should've kept it that way. Why can't greedy developers make up their minds?!
  23. Absolutely great news !
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