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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. Banned for even being on this thread of banning people above you for no apparent reason !
  2. Just a question, no offence, but. Why are you always so moody? This post kinda made me feel like I was personally being shouted at, and it probably made a lot of other people feel the same way. That's not on, especially considering most people haven't done what you're saying here. Even though I know this particular post wasn't aimed at everyone, I'm just simply stating that I felt personally shouted at and I didn't really appreciate that .
  3. Woah, I'm actually genuinely surprised. Welcome back to being some of the most awesome and important members of the forum . I'm surprised cause if I'm correct nothing like this has ever happened before on the forum has it? (And as the Drizzy_Doge said, you're also some of the best mods the website has ever seen .) So yeah congratulations guys, and really well deserved .
  4. Hey thanks man . Lets hope you get every question right, unlike these two amateurs . Hahaha (just joking by the way guys )
  5. Congratulations TDM. You're a great member, always exceeding the expectations of a normal member. Art Week was an absolutely great idea as well dude by the way (I hope to do some...... well more serious submissions in the future). I hope you enjoy your month in pinkish glory ! Really well deserved, keep up your great work of keeping the forums one of the best, most epic and friendly place on the internet .
  6. Well to be honest I never said it HAD to be a Jedi or a Sith . So yeah fair enough haha .
  7. Star Wars Extravaganza: Okay so to start this extravaganza celebrating everything Star Wars I'm just going to say HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! And May the fourth be with you! Right, now with that being said I'm now going to explain what this post is all about: So essentially this post is going to consist of 4 Star Wars related activities . You can take part in whatever one you want, all of them if you really want to. The events are going to be: Making your own Jedi/Sith, a Star Wars questionnaire, your top 30 favourite Star Wars characters and why and submitting any Star Wars art you've created (Make sure to credit any other artists work that you've used in yours if you do.) . So. Here's how the first activity is going to work: Jedi or Sith: Jedi/Sith's Name: Lightsaber Colour: Jedi/Sith's class e.g. Jedi Sentinel or Sith Lord: Jedi/Sith's species: Jedi/Sith's gender: Type of clothing: Biography: Fighting Style e.g. Makashi or Ataru: Any massive duels?: Additional info: Okay so now that I've shown you how that works I'm going to move onto the questionnaire (Looking forward to seeing your character submissions. ). Also the questionnaire has its rules and I expect you to obey to them: NO USING Google and NO USING Wookieepedia. Those are the only rules ! Unfortunately I don't have any rewards/awards for the person that gets all of the answers right first, sorry about that . Although I will send you a congrats over PM . Test your Star Wars knowledge: 1.How many breeds of Bantha are there? 2.Which form of lightsaber combat does Darth Tyranus specialise at? 3.Who was the first ever Dark Lord of the Sith? 4.Who was the youngest ever Grand Master of the Jedi? 5.What is the name of the character that says this quote to Luke Skywalker "My friend doesn't like you, I don't like you either. You best watch yourself we're wanted men, I have the death sentence on over 12 systems"? 6.What is the rarest type of lightsaber ever? 7.Who is the main protagonist in the game SWTFU? 8.What is the name of Darth Maul's brother? 9.What famous ancient Sith sorcerer could manipulate solar energy and actually destroy stars? 10.Who allegedly manipulated the midi-chlorians to create Anakin Skywalker? 11.What coloured lightsaber did Lowbacca have? 12.What form of lightsaber combat did Mace Windu invent? 13.What form of lightsaber combat did Yoda specialise at? 14.What species is known for the famous phrase "Utini!" in Star Wars? 15.What three famous Jedi are seen as force spirits at the end scene of the film "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi"? 16.What Sith Lord is known for the quote "It's treason then."? 17.What Sith Lord is known for duelling Satele Shan on the planet Alderan? 18.What Sith Lord is referred to as the Lord of Hunger? 19.What Sith Lord is known as the Lord of Pain? 20.Who is the Jedi Master known for the quote "What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?"? 21.What group did the bounty hunter Boba Fett belong to? 22.Who's nickname was 'Chewie' in the Star Wars series? 23.What character is known for their quote "It's a trap!" 24.What is the full name of the Imperial vehicle AT-AT? 25.What is the name of Han Solo's ship? Okay so the next activity speaks for itself. Just post up your favourite 30 Star Wars characters ! My top 30 (in no particular order): 1.Darth Revan 2.Yoda 3.Obi-Wan Kenobi 4.Luke Skywalker 5.Anakin Skywalker 6.Mace Windu 7.Leia Skywalker 8.Han Solo 9.C-3PO 10.R2-D2 11.Kit Fisto 12.Darth Malgus 13.Plo Koon 14.Exar Kun 15.Bastilla Shan 16.Darth Sidious 17.Darth Maul 18.Darth Nihilus 19.Darth Plagueis the Wise 20.Naga Sadow 21.Marka Ragnos 22.Darth Malak 23.Darth Krayt 24.Darth Bane 25.Boba Fett 26.Ki-Adi Mundi 27.Qui-Gon Jinn 28.Halagad Ventor 29.Starkiller/Galen Marek 30.Shaak Ti And yet again this activity speaks for itself post up a bit of Star Wars art that you've done ! My piece of Star Wars art:
  8. Hewohh and welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy every single bit of time you have here. And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask . Also approach mods with caution (Especially Church #BANCHURCH2014) .
  9. Oh my God!!!! This outrages me. Why should we have to pay to play on private servers?! I tell you what I've had enough of EA's BULL . And I think DICE would be much, much better off without them :wallbash:!
  10. Yeeeeeeeeah!!!! I finally made it to the top 15 of the month. A big well done to everyone else who made it onto the list, and a massive thank you to all of the people who chose me out of the many other members for being on this list !
  11. Welcome to the community, I hope you enjoy all of your time here. If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask me or some of the other member/staff .
  12. Are you referring to the blue flaming helmet?
  13. Great as always D_D and I'm watching you Azaxx.....Always watching ! Haha
  14. This is absolutely horrible, this proves my point about how no teachers ever deal with bullying properly. This is absolutely shameful, that's what it is, this has to be the most awful school stories I've ever seen . How does a boy with learning difficulties deserve this..... FOR BEING BULLIED!
  15. Hewohh welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy absolutely every second you spend on this site . All of the members here are extremely friendly so is you have any questions don't be afraid to ask any members or staff .
  16. What?! This looks absolutely amazing, can't wait to see the return of RvB !
  17. It was a great event, it may of gone a bit disastrously at one point but oh well, it was still very fun nevertheless !
  18. Hello, and welcome. I hope you enjoy all of your time here !
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