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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. Maybe he could of been in an asylum before and it's set before Far Cry 3, or maybe Vaas never died, or maybe it could just be a complete disregard for what happened in the Far Cry 3 campaign just because people liked Vaas' character so much. OOOOOO conspiracy !
  2. **** forgot about that hahahahaha !!!!!! There could be a plot twist !
  3. Yeah but he's locked up which would suggest it's in the future, it could also lead into a new storyline of playing as Vaas, escaping and trying to redeem himself to become excepted back into general society !
  4. No, what I was saying is that you need to get 10k or 20k kills on other players with Sniper or DMR not tanks .
  5. Far Cry 4 Ok so I thought this deserved it's own post just because well it's some sort of news of an amazing franchise. Ok so to the point a new awesome looking concept art has been leaked out, there is vast controversy over whether this photo is official or fake but still, I think it could be a 50/50 on whether it's real or fake but yeah. Here's the picture: And here's the source: http://twinstickgaming.com/2013/10/31/confirmed-farcry-4-teaser-image-is-a-fake-spoilers/ UPDATE: Also note how in the background it says "NO ONE CAN KILL ME" Which could hint towards Vaas not being dead ! I think this photo is extremely exciting for fans of the franchise indeed. I must also add this is the only official looking photo on the internet related to Far Cry 4 thus far .
  6. I can't ever do any levels on legendary regardless of what Halo haha !
  7. Ok, I'm starting to think this is one of the worst ideas I've ever come up with . And also I meant only for certain vehicles such as Warthogs, and Mongooses ! Never for heavy vehicles like Mantis' and Scropions .
  8. Yeah that's right I'm writing in Sony Blue don't judge me . And may I just say, not taking the pee or anything but the design looks more like some roof slate than anything else haha !
  9. I do understand what you're trying to say and do agree a little bit, although what I'm trying to say is that it would be beneficial for new players if people in the passenger seat could have a repair tool to repair damage that a newbie has done to a vehicle . I mean think about it, it's annoying for the whole crew of the Warthog if the newbie makes a silly mistake in and it messes up the whole crews K/D and messes up their sprees . And as I say if you have a whole team of newbies they tend to make a lot of mistakes with vehicles, this actually happens to me quite a bit so that's why I think it would be beneficial to multiplayer, so it may be a good idea to give really experienced players a repair tool. And even if it isn't beneficial it's still quite a cool new feature, Don't you think ?
  10. So I've been thinking to myself recently, What if 343i implemented some sort of vehicle fixing mechanic into Halo 5? I mean think about it, How many times have you been getting into killing sprees in turrets on the back of a Warthog and it just turns out that you have a bad driver? He then crashes into a wall and the vehicle is already a bit damaged from bullets a Banshee then comes from behind *Banshee Bomb wizzes through the air* BOOM! That's it you're all dead immediately. You see this enrages me because I know other games have implemented vehicle fixing, a famous example being Battlefield and the engineer class. Now I know what you may be thinking "No H5WBC that would be way too overpowered". But actually no think about it, if you worked extremely hard for something such as a Vehicle Repair Blowtorch or something along those lines. Not many people would have it, methods for getting this "Vehicle Repair Blowtorch" I have come up with so far are: Getting 10K or 20K kills with a certain weapon, maybe the sniper rifle or the DMR. Or having a sort of prestige rank system and having engineer specialities as one of the last prestige's, possibly 5th or 4th prestige. I mean the more experienced the super-soldier the better his abilities haha . But yeah I think this would fix a lot of problems with the game as sometimes the team really really need vehicles without having to wait for it to spawn again, as vehicles can be really handy at certain points, and being able to fix them before they explode would help . And as I say if you're on a roll getting killtacular/killionaire medals in the back of a Warthog it's just enraging having that point spree suddenly stop just because of a bad driver, anyway just an idea doesn't have to be taken into account . And if you have any other ideas to expand to this idea please comment them down below, and I always appreciate any feedback whether it be positive or negative, so don't be afraid to comment what you think down below .
  11. I know how to not plagiarise Director . I've learnt, I'm in high school. I haven't actually broken any rules anyway, just being inquisitive that's all. In my news thread about Destiny playable characters it was all 100 % my own words, with quotes from Bungie .
  12. So wait, is reading articles and then changing most words to different words with the same meaning banned now or what? Because if so it's going to be extremely hard to make news thread posts on a certain thing without observing a few words in another article . So does it have to be 100 % your own words now? .
  13. Why do developers keep burning us Xbone users like this? I mean they know it can handle 1080p!!!!!
  14. Well I don't know about anyone elses opinion. But hear me out, the very idea of Halo coming out on PC is blasphemy as the Halo franchise is basically what single handedly made Xbox what it is today, I mean it's the Xbox's signature game that's Xbox's heritage we're talking about it wouldn't ever come out on PC. Halo is the reason why Xbox is still alive and thriving today as well as other amazing exclusives. And yeah as Bnus said they're keeping it on Xbox for a reason ! Also I'm only saying this as an ultra Microsoft fanboy haha .
  15. Nice video man, welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay and hopefully you stay permanently, you would be a fine addition to the forum .
  16. Congratulations Spyro *pulls party popper* WOO HOO!!!!! .
  17. Oh, thank god this is being released, I mean seriously I was getting really annoyed with the new menu system and interface for rewinding and fast-forwarding Blu Rays on the Xbox One .
  18. Sure I'll be there . And GSD I know you're reading this so you better be there to .
  19. Hey yeah, that'd be a good idea ! Especially considering they were inspired by Angels. Nice one community Russian !
  20. Thanks dude, I tried my best to make it as informative as I possibly could !
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