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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. Omg, Yes !!!! Thank god it's not just a rumour .
  2. Well yeah I agree, but don't you find the Awoken interesting at all ? Even if they do look a bit weird !
  3. Humans: Well, this species is pretty much self explanatory because I'm pretty sure most of us on this site are human (Apart from maybe 343iBot ) but I'm going to say all of the news that has come out about them thus far . As the native species of planet Earth, Bungie has described the Human species in Destiny as "relatable, tough and uncomplicated." Even though the Human is a playable species, a lot of the non-player characters in the game will also be Human (At least we have someone to relate to haha ). A completely unnamed, voice-acted Human character was showcased at E3 2013. Bungie took their inspiration for this character from the military, sports stars and action movie heroes. E.g. Wonder Woman and Rambo. Concept art for Human species 1st down: Exos This mechanical species are self-aware pre-collapse machines that have been rebooted, causing their memories and original purpose to disappear. Because of this they're misunderstood by a lot of people as they come across as sinister and tireless. They have been described by Bungie as "sinister, powerful and tireless". Bungie took their inspiration for this character from things such as; Master Chief, The Terminator and the undead. Concept art for Exo species 2nd down: Awoken The awoken are an ethereal, sort of Elf inspired species with bluish grey skin in Destiny. They also, in quite a lot of pictures seem to have a sort of glowing aura around them. They have been described by Bungie as "exotic, beautiful and mysterious". The Awoken. just like Humans, though they are a playable species a lot of non-player characters in the game are Awoken as well, and an unnamed Awoken was also shown at E3 2013. The character held a gun towards a warlock. Bungie took their inspiration for this species from mythological creatures such as; Elves, Vampires, Ghosts and Angels (Hence the glowing aura seen in quite a lot of concept arts). Concept art for Awoken species 3rd down: Awoken character as shown at E3 4th down:
  4. I agree Azza people need to stop!!!
  5. Well it's a shame to see you go Spartan but as I said Ranger was long lost to Sony's bull anyway. Soo yeah !!! Don't make any rash decisions buddy . Also thanks everyone for the warm welcome !!!!
  6. Noooo Bill Gates why would you do this?! . And I hope whoever this is doesn't ruin the company, you've got a lot to live up to jolly old chap !
  7. What! No way, I've just paid £429 for this console. And let me tell you I'm am not going to watch my friends get it for less. I'm going to be well jel !
  8. Wow hahah, that's pretty much bribery. That's why it's funny . Also I hate Playstation so I have to agree with this haha , though I must admit Microsoft. This is pretty low !
  9. Oooo yay! Dead Island, finally I really wanted that game to go free. Although I already have Toy Soldiers .
  10. Dude, you do know this is a 343 industries forum right. Hmmm, what's that, no you don't. Well then just stop posting rubbish on the forum about your bad experiences with your Xboxes in the past. Also go to a PS forum (preferably a Killzone forum) if you're going to talk rubbish about Microsoft and Xbox. You my friend are a troll, and if anyone is reading this. I highly recommend no-one else replies to this dude cause he's an idiot . Also I understand you don't like Xbox. Fair enough, I understand you like Playstation. Fair enough. But what I don't understand is that you're slagging Xbox off into the ground and being an all round jerk about Microsoft. Cause that my friend is unacceptable. You aren't even expressing an opinion any more. You're just being a pathetic extremist little kid. And if a mod is reading this he deserves to be banned !
  11. I know you've been Art Department for a while. But. Congratulations !
  12. In my opinion it will be awesome, I mean consoles need a good MMO at some point don't they? And that's exactly what they're doing on the Xbox One. Also I like the idea of public events, apart from the fact that if Dr. Unemployed comes along at like level 10,000 with his "AWESOME LEGENDARY FIREBALL LAUNCHER". He'll steal all the Exp and no-one will level up !
  13. Azzax yayyy! , I can't think of a more deserving person as the shoutbox king himself . When I first joined you were a good friend to me, you did an absolutely great job of introducing me to everyone and the forums . And I think this is a great position for you because I felt really sorry for you when you lost communications status . And you said you would never become staff again .
  14. Glad to see they're upgrading, always nice to see a website change for their own favour .
  15. Well it's sad to see you go AD *sobs* I'll always remember you as one of the best mods I've ever seen on any website. And an absolute god figure to basically everyone on this website, apart from the people that defied you from time to time haha . Also someone promote this man to a legendary member haha . This dude is a bigger legend to this website than Chuck Norris, Master Chief and Cortana put together . Also I hope you don't leave permanently because you're an amazing dude.
  16. Congrats on becoming a MoM and wearing the colour pink. One day I strive to become an MoM like you !
  17. Congrats all of you guys! You thoroughly deserve it so well done .
  18. Welcome to the community man, I'm a veteran here(although I'm still learning). It's a really good place to have a chat and a laugh with the fellow gamer nerd haha. I still haven't moved up to the trusted or dedicated members group. But trust me I'm one of the site oldschoolers .
  19. Hey guys I'm back, yet again !!!!!!
  20. The planet known as Sanghelios.
  21. I completely agree with Mayh3m although it is getting better every day now I still agree I do still see some disagreements that turn into arguments on here.
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