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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. Awesome, I'll have to pick this game up. Seems pretty obscure, I've like totally never heard of it before. Daemon Summoner/10 would read again .
  2. Well, I personally am a massive supporter of the #SaveMCCFirst campaign pioneered first by the YouTuber; BDobbinsFTW and I'm massively glad that this has been brought to this forums attention. I mean, I personally was to lazy to post about it XD. And to scared, but in all honesty the scale of this of this tremendously bad situation for the Halo community has to be heard and I believe the true speakers of this campaign should be the Halo community themselves and they need to get involved quite prominently, quite soon ! I believe if we as a community got quite involved in this even we as a small community could slightly at least get 343i/Microsoft's attention; not even all of us have to get involved, just a small portion. I mean a lot of you probably don't support this rebellious kind of behaviour towards 343i as it is a fan site towards 343i and Microsoft. However while I still have a huge amount of respect for Microsoft, 343i, Xbox and the franchise as a whole, I do believe this situation has to be named and shamed and be bought to the public's view and our view as a community. The situation is that the game is still only about halfway through it's lifespan and it actually has been, for the most part, salvaged from the mess that it once was but 343i aren't bringing it to massive attention and hyping the update up hugely, like they have the potential to do as the heart of a still thriving but dying slowly community and this is because Microsoft want to make as much money as possible out of the situation, there are conspiracy theories that 343i released the game broken on purpose to do this although I do not believe these, they could still could quite possibly be true and are widely agreed on through the community. Why I support this campaign is because I believe strongly in great customer support and companies going beyond the call of duty to help fix what they've messed up on such as what DICE have done with Battlefield 4. They didn't have to go out of their way to fix a very extremely botched launch almost at the end of it's life span but they did and what's even better is that they're still working on Battlefield 4 even though Hardline has just been released. I believe we should still get the other half of MCC's lifespan problem free and with no trouble finding matches. All I want is for 343i to eventually deliver the product we all wanted and paid for, just as DICE did wth BF4 (better late than never ) I want the MCC to be the masterpiece we all thought it was going to be for the last 6 months or so of it's lifespan. And not just for nostalgic reasons but for the sake of good ol' customer support. Anyway back to what I was saying before the customer support jargon, what has happened is that 343i/Microsoft have seen a great way to further boost profits out of Halo via not hyping up the recent bug fix update recently released the reason for this is actually because they want us all to forget about MCC just 4 months into it's lifespan.They want to say goodbye to the game that they self handedly destroyed as all they care about at this moment of time is profit from H5:Guardians as they've already got what they wanted from MCC because they rushed it out into holiday season, which is what I think caused the botched launch. They want people to move on to their brand new game issue free and make more profit via pre-orders and that when it comes down to it is wrong. They should be encouraging their oldschool players to come back to the game they've recently fixed rather than just wanting to lure in more new-school players to pre-order H5 a year in advance. Because they WANT MCC to die and the way they've gone about it has caused the playlist population to plummet to near on nothing for game types other than BTB and Team Slayer. This is not the full experience we wanted out of the MCC. This is why we need to get it out to 343i's senior decision maker type people that we need them to save MCC first via not pre-ordering. Microsoft have admitted they're wrong before with the Xbone and DRM policies and they'll happily do it again with Halo. This is the only way to get through to them, I'm not saying don't buy H5 by any means but please don't pre-order Halo 5: Guardians if you want Halo to survive as a community and franchise in the long run. People could argue that its perhaps ODST that will make the player population come back, but I disagree as it's only a campaign and won't publicise the fact that multiplayer is now fully functional which is wrong as we should be told that the masterpiece we once wanted, minus the custom games is finished. The support for the game should be there and that's a fact . Here's the video explaining in depth why you should support the campaign (warning contains some swearing) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6NRPwOZgxs Trust me, you know me guys, I'm the biggest Halo fan you could ever meet and I'm not just saying all of this because I'm blatantly asking for a ban or because I'm a hater of 343 or because I'm trying to be negative towards Halo at all. You guys know that's not true, I'm just saying it because I love the Halo franchise and I want it to live on. I'm doing this for what I believe is the greater good of Halo in the future and I definitely do appreciate that 343i fixed the game with the speed they did but they still haven't fixed playlist population because when it comes down to it they want MCC to die; purely for profit. I can understand if you disagree with this whole thread/ post but it's just an opinion of mine and a campaign I feel needs to be spread around to the many fractions of the Halo community .
  3. I'll be at the MCC event on the 11th .
  4. Hey, congratulations . You definitely deserve this, one day, if I work hard; I could become a MoM like you .
  5. Hey, did you hear about the tickets to Lagfest 2015? Oh, oh you have, can you give me a ticket please, Yang?
  6. Gravity hammer against the nine brutes, simply because of the satisfying gravity hammer noise I'd get to hear way over 20 times *Vvboozh* . Come at me Brutes: Would you rather cuddle a flood infection form or cuddle a salt water crocodile XD?
  7. The following is an announcement from the ministry of Bnus and public Bnus. All traitors of Bnus will be baked. Anybody supporting traitors of Bnus will be baked. Anybody deserting the forums to escape from our great MoM: Bnus will be baked. Anybody harbouring and hiding these deserters/traitors will be baked. Our great and glorious MoM would also like to remind you loyal citizens of the forum that he is still firmly in control of the forums and the threat of the ex-USF President, Yoshi has been destroyed. -Thank you for your co-operation: May Bnus' light shine upon you all.
  8. Bnus Bnus Bnus Bnus Bnus Bnus Bnus Bnus: A member that does amazing WSW's and that got staff miraculously fast .
  9. It's for precisely articles like these; that I stay away from the internet on April Fools day xD.
  10. Thank you all for attending mine and Fishy's event. I'm glad you all had fun and I hope to make it a regular event with Fishy .
  11. Welcome back, Gemini. I hope you settle right back in nicely .
  12. You'll make it . If we don't get enough members by the time you get there, we'll just play regular online in BTB .
  13. Okay, so this is happening, I guess XD? Anywho. Me and Fishy are going to be hosting an event on the 31st of March, it's gonna end March with a bang! It will be a 'bonanza', I guess haha? Trust me . Anyway, if you just wanna play an unofficial event or just a few banterific games of Halo: Sign up for this event, It'll be pretty fun . Important details: Console: You will need an Xbox One xD Game: MCC Game inside MCC [gameception]: Whatever gets the most votes from you guys, whilst in the event. Date/Time: 31st March, 2 PM EST, 7 PM GMT and 11 AM PST (Sorry, kinda early for you guys in the PST timezone) Aaaand, that's about it. That concludes this post, I hope a lot of you can attend, despite it being a weekday and work and stuff . p.s. Sorry about the short notice :/. Attendee list: 1. Furi0usGeorgeX - Furi0usGeorgeX 2. Bnus - Warm Bnus 3. (possibly) Drizzy_Dan - LL Kool D 4. (possibly) ShadowFiend216 - ShadowFiend216 5. UNSC Spartan II - Spartan343ICF 6. Unease P34nut - Unease P34nut 7. Yang Xiao Long - DarkAngel 343I 8. Fishy - L Fishy L (co-host) 9. (very small possibility) RedStarRocket91 - RedStarRocket91 10. Kakashi_Hatake - TyroneKing 343i 11. Coldfreeze - Coldfreeze Zero 12. (possibly) GermanShepherdD - GermanShepherdD
  14. I have an idea for a more catchy name for the video format, Bnus. How about, possibly: '343i.org: News Just In!'? Also, thanks for the mention of my review below, Bnus .
  15. Thank you ! It's this kind of support that makes me want to carry this thing on and make it become an actual serious event like a weekly news wrap-up . That also sounds like a plan . I'm also thinking for myself of doing Star Wars: Battlefront 3 a few days after launch as I can't resist pre-ordering that .
  16. I can actually agree with a lot of the things you're saying. But unfortunately we are unable to help you with this as we are not the real 343i, we're just a fan forum and an awesome sub-community of the Halo franchise and because of this we're unable to help you . However you probably do want to go to the official 343i forums, I doubt they'll listen to a word you say, but hey its worth a try, am I right? Anywho the official website is called HaloWaypoint .
  17. Name: Lucktuk Race: Grunt Class: Ranger Weapon(s) of choice: Anything he can salvage with a nice long range scope, e.g. Beam Rifle, Sniper Rifle or sometimes possibly a DMR/Covenant Carbine and, naturally for a grunt a few plasma grenades. Characteristics: More spiky/scaly and rough skinned than your average grunt, short, nervous, cowardly, has a portion of his left elbow spike missing. Backstory: Lucktuk was born, like any other average grunt on the planet of Balaho and was then forced to go and work for the covenant where he witnessed thousands of his Unggoy kind get treated like dirt and put at the bottom of the hierarchy because of their size and apparent rebelliousness. It was here that he developed a hate for the covenant and started to plan his escape from the covenant. However, there was something different about this little Unggoy foot soldier, he was reportedly the luckiest and most intelligent grunt in service and he was very handy with any scoped weaponry too. He has reportedly cheated and escaped death over 28 times, once even by a few millimetres as a UNSC sniper bullet took one of his elbow spikes clean off. He has also pulled off more head-shot's against any opposing force than any other Grunt or Jackal in service, until this point. So, he did manage to pull off his escape and he did manage to get lucky yet again and he decided to surrender to the UNSC to fight with them alongside the Arbiter and his other rebel forces. Visual Representation: (Sorry about my awful editing skills XD.)
  18. I was definitely thinking about getting that game, so that could definitely be a possibility . And thank you very much, it means a lot that a previous moderator and legend of the forums thinks of done a great job !
  19. I really like this idea. Its basically a personal request for a small interview with all of the legends of the site. Amazing!
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