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Everything posted by HIWBC

  1. H5WBC's Monthly Reviews: So to start this off I'd just like to say thank you for all of your support of this thing that I've been wanting to do for a while , without all of your guy's support on my returning post I wouldn't be doing this, you guys are the only reason that I'm doing this, you people made this a reality . I'd also like to thank a particular Community Moderator known as Drizzy_Dan for all of his support on this idea (thanks pal ). I'd also like to apologise about the slight delay as this was actually meant to start last month but I decided against it . Anyway, as this is my first review, I've kind of been thinking to myself "Hmm, this kinda has to be good otherwise people won't come back to bother reading my future editions of this montly feature." So to solve this I'm going to have to enter this review with a bang and what better a game to review to enter this review with a bang with than Sunset Overdrive?! So I'm just going to start this by saying, when this game first started it's lifespan as an obscure, stylised zombie/mutant 'shoot 'em up' game back at E3 2013, the trailer didn't exactly get me at all very hyped or tremendously excited for the games release in-fact when I did see the trailer I just thought to myself "Oh great, just what Xbox needs as an exclusive; another excessively over-rated game of the 'zombie' genre, with free-running mechanics." So its safe to say my expectations of this game weren't really set very high. But don't fret, there is still hope to come. As it came to my attention, about two days after the trailer was released that the game wasn't actually to be made by a big name developer/publisher such as Ubisoft or Activision. It was actually going to be made by a developer known as Insomniac Studios, a developer which in the past has proven itself time and time again to not be afraid of making quirky, fun and hilarious games (spoilers they definitely delivered with this one) I mean I actually felt a sigh of relief to my chest when I saw that Insomniac were making this game as they're the geniuses behind such masterpiece franchises, such as: 'Ratchet and Clank', 'Spyro' and 'Resistance'. After this came to my attention I knew then that there was more to this game than that of what meets the eye. From then on I was an avid follower of this game. Another great thing about this stylised, remarkably Crackdownesque, amazing zombie basher is that its actually on the Xbox platform, as you may not have noticed but all of the other incredible pieces of work created by Insomniac have been PlayStation exclusives, so that's another great thing that I saw in this game and that's that this incredibly talented and under-rated developer studio were expanding their amazing works of art to the Xbox platform. Anywho, with my first impressions out of the way I'm going to start the actual review now . So what's a review without being split up into multiple segments? You may ask. The simple answer to that is that, I don't know, so that's what I'm going to do . So without further a do I'm going to start with the most important part of any game, and that's... Gameplay and Mechanics Now I'm just going to start start this by saying this game delivers on so many levels with it's gameplay and mechanics, it has an absolutely tremendous feeling about it, for a bouncy, stylised, energetic, open-world shooter it flows so, so well and this is due to the 'traversal' game mechanic as referred to as normal people not of the gaming world as 'freerunning' or 'parkour'. This mechanic allows you to get around the map it style and much, much quicker than the average open world game does, whether you be grinding 25th century, Cyber-punk mono-rails (as depicted above) or bouncing across roof mounted ventilation fans, you'll be getting everywhere quickly regardless. The game has amazing aspects of fun to it particularly as it never fails to deliver awesome in-game moments that will either want to make you laugh your *** off at the hilarity of the moment or gasp in awe at how cool what you just pulled off was. There are also these amazing things that I love in the game called 'Amps' this is basically just SO's version of freaking super ultra mega triple times bonus powerups (if you've played the game you'll get that reference). These can allow you to do all sorts of things, from being able to pull off some badass ground pound to being able to cause a nuclear explosion with the press of one button. The combat, for the most part (if you know how to play well) is very, very solid. With your character being able to kill/damage hordes and hordes of enemies at the same time whether they be human bandits (Scabs), OD (Overcharge Drinkers or mutants, for short) or Fizzco 'Quarantine Bots'. Now, while for the most part the standard gameplay and mechanics are extremely, exquisitely well done there are a few crooks and crannies that I feel need to be gone over such as ground gameplay, yes they made it very fun to move around with traversal and they made it much quicker but being on the ground is a complete and utter nightmare for both you and your character as you will be swarmed and you can't get away from swarming enemies. You physically can get stuck in between the hordes of enemies, the game not allowing you to jump or anything, this is quite clearly a result of not enough development being focused in that area. However, while some people may say it's to prompt the player to play the game how it's meant to be played, I'd thoroughly disagree with this statement as Insomniac Games themselves even like to emphasise the player freedom element of the game, so yeah. Also the accuracy of certain weapons isn't that great, surprisingly for a game that tries to focus on shooter elements. However, for the most part however the gameplay is great and flowing and I'd rate it a 9.5 out of 10. So next up we have: Storyline So the game takes place in post apocalyptic 2025 'Sunset City' where a big new energy drink called 'Overcharge Delirium XT' (or something along those lines xD) Made by a big corrupt corporation, known as Fizzco, is turning everyone into mutants, you follow the role of your own character who started their life with a deadbeat job, cleaning up the aftermath of the rich peoples parties, who's life takes a turn for the better when the apocalypse takes place. Even going as far to dub it the 'Awesomepocalypse' with his newly found friend and co-survivor of the apocalypse Floyd. The story involves as you can imagine finding as many groups of survivors as you can, such as the Fargarths (a group of hardcore LARPers) or Troop Bushido (a group of ex-scouts with ancient Samurai morals and beliefs) and gaining their later aid in the fight against Fizzco to stop the apocalypse and find out what went wrong. As this is a stylised and hilarious game, made in collaboration with Microsoft it will obviously have some hilarious references towards the Xbox One and Windows phones here and there along with some other hilarious references to things such as the 'Doge meme' and other things. The story, while being short never fails to deliver an action packed and funny scene, the only bit of criticism I would even have is the abundance of fetch and return quests (they annoy me so much). One of the unique things that I thought particularly stood out about the storyline would be the hilarious relativity to the character you play, it's very cleverly done almost as if the developer knew exactly what you would be thinking at that point in time and then makes the character crack a hilarious, sarcastic comment about what he's being asked to do and the other thing I love about the games story is the ' it it's a video game attitude' that it has which is just what most other game franchises need to remember as a good quality to have for the player as it just makes the game a bit of light-hearted fun. Which, at the end of the day is what games were meant for . Overall I'd have to give it a 10 out of 10 for the storyline literally just due to the sheer creativity and sheer amount of banter packed into the campaign. So the next thing I'm going to touch on is a very important part: Enemies So the character design on this game is absolutely amazing, there are such a diverse amount of different enemies, there are many, many different sub-classes of enemies for a class of enemy such as the OD have Common OD, Poppers, Horkers, Spawners, Gunkers, Muggers and many others, each with their own strategies, strengths and weaknesses, it is like this also for both the Scabs and the Fizzco Qurantine Bots. There are massively vast quantities of them on the map as well, although luckily not too many and not too little. Sometimes the OD can get a little bit overwhelming in downtown Sunset City, but, for the most part it's okay. The stylised art style works great with both the theme and the enemies, their A.I. also aren't to shabby although here's where the let down the game quite badly, as I mentioned before, they're way to OP (overpowered) when you're on the ground . And for this I'm going to have to rate the enemies an 8 out of 10. Next up: Boss Fights Now this, in my opinion is where SO absolutely exceeds anything you could ever ask for. The boss fights are absolutely insane with amazing terrific and unique layouts and formats that no game has ever tried before (to a certain extent). The boss fights take full advantage of the 'traversal' mechanic allowing you to jump, grind and bounce around your opponent eventually allowing you to properly overpower your enemy and crush them in a stupendous amount of self glory xD. It takes unique bosses to a whole new level: balloon that can shoots lasers from it's eyes check, a robotic skyscraper check. I mean it's got the lot. This is why I would rate the boss fights a 10 out of 10 for sheer creativity yet again . This ones also important if you take into account the player freedom Insomniac boast about: Character Customisation: The character customisation will not disappoint you either, you have many many default styles to choose from with many different colours and patterns on those and that's not even taking into account the bits of clothing and different melee weapons you get later on in the game. You also get many different weapon upgrades and amps so that none of your massive armoury of wacky weapons are ever the same. The only downside to the whole things is that you have to pick out of preset faces and that's where it lets down the side really badly and just for that I have to give a a 7 out of 10 for the sheer lack of creativity input that the player can put in . This unfortunately does mean that you can't make a completely ridiculous looking character, however for the most part it is a great character designing thingee that most games can't really top and above all that it even has some real brands of stuff such as VANS skate shoes, nuffsed . Now for the less important stuff although honourable mentions: Soundtrack The soundtrack is actually really well done with sort of oldschool punk rock for fighting mutants, to some sick trap and dubstep when fighting armies and armies of Fizzco bots, it really does set the scene for adrenaline pumping and intense, action packed fights . Artstyle Now, I think it's clear how much I love the artstyle of this game, but I just think it's so good at working with the theme. And I think it does a good job at depicting what all of our viewpoints on what a perfect, futuristic utopian society would look like because admit it; we've all thought about it before. Although not in quite as much of an apocalyptic and destroyed/scary form . Final Verdict Overall, I'd still recommend this game to anyone despite it's initial release date being over 5 months ago, if you want a stylised fun and light-hearted game to play when you're bored and a hilarious game to play when you're down to cheer you up this is the game for you . However being less specific if you want an open world 'zombie basher' where you just feel completely overpowering and like a superhero over your scary, hoarding foe then this is the best game on Xbox that money can but, even better than Dead Rising 3, I would say. I'd say this will probably remain your best option if that's what you're looking for until we learn more about Crackdown 3. Overall I'd give this game an 8.5/10 overall this is because it is very good and a creative idea overall, and I'd love to see a sequel! However the very few minor quirks that the game does have are very annoying and hard to ignore. Overall very good game however, I would very much recommend to anybody just looking for a short and fun game to play. Anyway that pretty much concludes this months review, however I'm not done yet as I need your input for the next thing I should review and how I should improve for my next review, I will completely take any constructive criticism into account and will not be offended if anybody does give me any . Thank you, Drizzy for your recommendation for what I should review this month . What should I review next?! You decide! ,By Halo5willbecool
  2. Congratulations to everybody on the list, you members are always trying your absolute best to keep the forum a great place and overall make a good impression of the community. Wish I could say the same for myself *TD swings banhammer* . Anywhoo, congrats all .
  3. They definitely can, in fact it would be way easier for them to port it as it already runs on the same engine that they used to make H2A. Not to mention that ODST is only a campaign and they're not featuring Firefight which was its very own unique spin on the series .
  4. That is brilliant thank you Jack, it actually looks way better with a static background than with transparency !
  5. Classification: signature Format: PNG Size: 600x200 Style: Anything with a cool cartoony spartan helmet and cool effect coming off of my name and stuff Colour scheme: your choice really Jack Images: Your choice really Background: Transparency (ideally) Text: Halo5willbecool Font: Halo font Text Positioning: Halo5willbecool should be centred (if possible) Additional Effects: A glow around my name (colour choice is yours )
  6. Hey welcome to the forums pal, to be honest it doesn't surprise me that one of their mindless ban-hammer swinging monkeys banned you. There's been so many ex-members of the official forum come here and complain about exactly the same thing . Also really 2552?! They banned you literally until when Halo is set .
  7. Maru also requires the award for last night. He joined after you left, Fishy .
  8. I've just come back today and read this, sorry about this reply being so late as I count you as being one of my best friends on the forum, we both have Star Wars nerdiness in common. We both love Halo and above all else you were always here for me when I needed help on this forum and you supported the few minor things that I did do for this community. All I can say really is that you were and still are a great member and you will always be remembered on this forum as a true legend and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours, hoping you'll return soon. -Halo5willbecool
  9. Hey, welcome back, Sir. Lance !
  10. Great event Maru, it was very fun and I had a good time. It was just absolutely hilarious .
  11. Last minute, sign me up ! Gamertag: grampa ed
  12. That's some freaking good art work haha . I can't draw or design anything, shape or form like that XD.
  13. Do you look forward to what they could possibly do with the Destiny franchise?
  14. Bye man, this is unfortunate, especially considering I just came back and you are one of my main buddies here . Hope you come back soon bro, always sad to see a great member go .
  15. Right okay, I'm just clarifying with everybody as I'm not sure whether every member knows yet but I'm 100% back now and I'm not going to be leaving for quite a while yet, if ever XD. I'm ready to be the once semi-goodish and active member that I once was . I will also just say all of my school and life stress has been relieved, I've learnt to deal with things in a much better way now (somehow) and I've settled into Yr 10 really well now. I've just decided that I'm going to stop being pathetic and just fit everything in free of schedule, instead of like monthly check ups on what was once a respectable account on these forums I'm now back and better than I ever was (I hope) as I have stuff to come. I've decided that it's perfectly possible to fit this in as well as homework, Xbox, social networks, YouTube etc. As.... well I've done it before. So yeah anywho, to sort of put an ease to and to a certain extent cure my feeling of insignificance I get on this site sometimes when comparing myself to other great members, such as; most of yourselves reading this post that I mentioned in my leaving post (That now seems ancient, sheesh, it's been like nearly half a year !) I'm going to do something of my own and that's what follows: *Zelda chest music plays* So yeah I've finally actually made it a thing. My monthly reviews are actually going to start happening as an existent thing on these forums! So yeah even though it's been expected by quite a few members and Drizzy_Dan knew it was gonna happen as well and I'd like to thank you for your support of this idea D_D . I still think this is probably a big surprise for most of you guys, both the fact that I'm actually here being my usual cheerful self and doing my usual nerdy stuff and that I'm actually going to make these reviews a thing ! Thank you for reading, signing back in, Halo5willbecool .
  16. HIWBC

    See ya!

    Bye Melody, we'll all miss you . I'll probably be here when you return, I don't plan on leaving again any time soon haha . Thank you for being a great member and I can't wait for you to come back .
  17. I don't think Certain Affinity have ever taken on or developed a full blown game such as Halo my friend, I mean I know they're a games developer but I'm not sure . Also I know they were just an example but I do firmly believe you'd be disappointed with pretty much any developer apart from 343i as I mean, I personally am a firm believer in 343i. I definitely think that they were the right developers to choose as they genuinely do really have a passion for Halo and it's fanbase and I know they haven't really done enough on the fan response side of things, but they're trying their best for a new development studio man .
  18. Congratulations, I can't think of a better candidate this month actually ! And now just a weird quick add from Dell, no pun intended at all . Don't ask how I came up with this, I just have way too much time on my hands and I have some bizarre ideas .
  19. I know, I just re-read my post and realised I worded it completely wrong . I should probably post more carefully from now on. When I said "Bursts" I meant "Shots" .
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