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    SoR GaTmAyN

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  1. I hope you are right, but if this game fails....It will be done unless someone wakes up
  2. Do you believe E3 would Show you people who hated the game?
  3. Look at the number of players dropped when Halo Reach was introduced. Look how disappointed people were. All these dumb abillities make the noobs on the game look better then they really are. But case and point, Numbers do not lie. I noticed a huge shift in players from Halo to CoD. I mean look how un popular the MLG Halo got! They stopped featuring it as heavily for crying out loud! Anyone who does not notice this is apparently blind. BRING BACK THE COMPETETIVE EDGE 343, RID OF ABILLITIES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! Can't you see the disappointment even the MLG players have posed on their faces? HOW IS STARCRAFT BEATING HALO IN THE CIRCUIT? Because Reach may have single handedly killed the HALO SERIES. And you are about to base another game off it? Im sorry but that is THE WORST IDEA I HAVE EVER HEARD.
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