Gamertag: agentnoah13
Map: Leap of Faith
Description: This is a small, single hill rocket race minigame. The drivers (teams of two) must drive down the hill and complete the jump in order not to lose time. The almost hidden mancannons help make it to the other side. Instead of rockets, passengers must no-scope the other mongooses with a insta-kill Sniper Rifle. In addition to that, they also have a Spartan Laser and two plasma grenades. This game plays well with more people, due to the fact that mongoose parts clog the jump making it harder to clear it. It could also be played with indestrustable vehicles, forcing the plyers to snipe others from the mongooses. (To play this way, the drivers health must be reduced. It is higher so that he doesnt get sniped out as often.)-(There is one glitch: sometimes, if you barley make the jump, you teleport to the roof. This can be solved by driving off the edge.[ There is a safe boundry edge.])