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Temporal Enigma

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Everything posted by Temporal Enigma

  1. they arent covering any more halo reach maps
  2. GT: Temporal Enigma (Map by Temporal Enigma and God of Fate GOF) Map: [PB] The Heist Gametype: Purple Bunker Same rules as in Reach. Pick any team but no yellow-v-red or blue-v-green.Sometimes the defender's second tier teleporter doesnt work. Dont know why. Unfortunately, i cannot change the player's color so there is no Purple in the Purple Bunker. Sorry about the voice quality in the video, I am still trying to figure out how to work the audio capture part of my capture card. I hope you can understand me and my friend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhA71_i6Nf0&feature=g-u
  3. They can be. Select the Grav volume 5x5/10x10 INV(isible).
  4. GT: Temporal Enigma (On my Halo 4 fileshare. Obviously the system isnt up yet) Gametype: Four Way CTF Map: Four Way CTF (Space) It is a four way ctf match. each base i symmetrical and contains a turret, mongoose, and a warthog vehicle pad. I have played this map with four people but the more the better. The good thing about this map is it could be 3 way or two way CTF too. a rocket spawns in the middle at the beginning but other weapons drop later. you can also earn ordnance. one cool ordnance drop is the Jet pack Armor Ability!
  5. Team oriented killzones (only effects/ doesnt effect a team) team oriented shields (a team can/ cant pass) Undo button scaling objects underwater environments being able to spawn water more money/less costly pieces shield walls in forge environments customizable signs (like minecraft) more lights Customizable armor color per loadout customizable armor per loadout/team ability to only hold one weapon being able to have infinite ammo for spawn weapons, but not picked up weapons able to customize aromor abilities per team /loadout(reset time, length,etc) in an objective game, teams can be customized differently (used for one-sided objective games)
  6. how do you make different types of zombies? that is one of the few things i dont know
  7. i had to make you die to score because people were cheating with the teleporters
  8. try it with grav hammers. i will to see how it turns out.
  9. i used the haloball gametype and made the armor abilities the ball. if a haloball touches a killzone (any type) or a goal, it instantly resets also, i have tested it and it works pretty well. the energy swords dont do too much push damage so it isnt too cheap
  10. Gamertag: Temporal Enigma (formally agentnoah13) Map: Laser Defense Gametype: Laser Defense (First to use laser idea from Bank video) In this map, each team must go through a teleporter and collect an armor ability. this will be the 'ball'. they must traverse the lasers in order to get to the box on the other side. upon reaching the box, they will score a point and die. they will respawn in order to repeat the process. if they touch a laser however, the armor ability will disappear. they must go to the box and die but they wont score a point. Players don't do damage but can push enemies into the lasers causing them to lose the 'ball'. this map works well with any number of players and has two rounds since the laser configurations are asymetrical. I <3 THFE! Me and my brother dueling. The hardest laser to traverse Like This
  11. Ok thanks. i have over 250 playable maps too. Let me know if we can work something out.
  12. Gamertag: agentnoah13 Map: Hangin' Ballz Gametype: Dodgeball NOTE: I created this map BEFORE I saw the Darth Human Weekly recap. This is not a remake of his map. This is an infecton minigame for any number of players. The zombie must use the Lazer ond the Rockets to push golf balls into the survivors. The Safe Haven is so that players know where they are safe because there is a sof/hard kill zone wall behind them. At the beginning the balls kind of clog up, but if the zombie keeps shooting, they will quickley disperse and make the rest of the rest of the game easier. I took the pictures in Forge so there are some forge objects, but other than that it is the same.
  13. I tried to friend some the minute i saw the video but they all were full. i have tried after seeing ur lastst weekly recap. what ever happened to those. anyway, i was wondering if you guys could dreated more because i am a HUGE fan and ive seen all of ur videos
  14. How do we join? i want to join in tonite, but i dont know how i would join. Anyone have help?
  15. Just make sure to send me an Xbox Live message, reply to this post, or send me a message through this site to let me know you are coming. If I don't have enough people, I won't be doing a gamenight
  16. Gamertag: agentnoah13 Map: Berlin Wall Gametype: WWXII Works with Territories, Team Deathmatch, Assault, and CTF. I have shown my custom territories, but you can use any custom gametype you want. This is a team based map beased of a future version of the Berlin wall. The Warthog is easily the most powerful vehicle, which is why it is set on top of the base and usually flips when you retrive it. The small sight lines for the mortar make it not too overpowered. The turrets are invaluable because they have large sightlines. But they can easily be taken out by a grenade. There aren"t any weapons on the map beacuse the gametype I use covers it. If you would like me to include the other gametypes please message me. It works with any amount of people. (Elites cannot fit though the teleporters, so there cannot be any Elites in game.)
  17. Thanks so much. That mean A LOT coming from you. You guys are llike GODS to me. You also inspired me to start my own channel on youtube.
  18. Hello Everyone, I will be starting a Halo Reach Friday gamenight. They will start at 8pm EST and run for an undetermined amount of time. I will stay the party leader because I too have been ruined by "that guy" who takes over and plays stupid maps. If you would like to submit a map, please do it before that Thursday. Just make sure to include The gametype and map varient. I play all gametypes and I have a lot of maps. The first one will be Friday September 7. Remember all are welcome. If you have a mic (it doesn't matter to me) shoot me an Xbox Live message and I will invite you to the party. GT: agentnoah13 When submitting maps do not send me poorly forged, unclear, or honor maps. Poorly Forged: Looks like it was thrown together in 15 mins and it is easy for people to cheat. Unclear: The gametype is cheap or unfair and doesn't allow for fun gameplay. Honor: The game doesn't work unless everyone is on the honor system.
  19. Gamertag: agentnoah13 Map: Leap of Faith Gametype:Snazers Description: This is a small, single hill rocket race minigame. The drivers (teams of two) must drive down the hill and complete the jump in order not to lose time. The almost hidden mancannons help make it to the other side. Instead of rockets, passengers must no-scope the other mongooses with a insta-kill Sniper Rifle. In addition to that, they also have a Spartan Laser and two plasma grenades. This game plays well with more people, due to the fact that mongoose parts clog the jump making it harder to clear it. It could also be played with indestrustable vehicles, forcing the plyers to snipe others from the mongooses. (To play this way, the drivers health must be reduced. It is higher so that he doesnt get sniped out as often.)-(There is one glitch: sometimes, if you barley make the jump, you teleport to the roof. This can be solved by driving off the edge.[ There is a safe boundry edge.])
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