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Curly Parmesan

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Everything posted by Curly Parmesan

  1. Rooster Teeth Game Night footage of my map!
  2. Rooster Teeth Game Night footage of my map! http://youtu.be/Y1obrAH42oc
  3. This looks more like a mini-game submission to me. I'll have to pull it up in-game, but you might want to consider that portion of the forum instead of the competitive subforurm.
  4. Okiedokie, good to know. At least it was a great experience in gametype labels and overall dominion practice. I see what you're saying, it definetely is a bit cramped when it comes to entrance angles (although I do slightly disagree, example Meltdown Dominion). I imagine most people would run directly at either of them from the Bravo area instead of heading through either of the caves. But I'll definitely use your advice when it comes to my next Dominion map. Thanks for your time guys.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. It's a good idea to recreate the entire layout on a forgemap, but I really wanted to utilize the amazing vehicle tracks and so-far unused outside bases on Longbow. And there's actually a few ways to get from A to C (exactly how many ways to get from Longbow's A to C plus a new one.) You have two teleporters, the far back path, the path closest to B, and I also opened up the cave that goes through the rock. It's really about the same amount of freedom that you have in the Original Longbow's Dominion or Meltdown's Dominion.
  6. Map: Crossbow (Now with link!) Fileshare Gamertag: Curly Parmesan Canvas Map: Longbow Supported Game Types: Dominion, Big Team Slayer, and Two Flag Heavy (or any CTF) Best Game Type: Dominion Intended Team Size: 12-16 players Initial Ordnance: Rocket Launcher x2 Sniper Rifle x2 2x pulse grenades x2 Gravity Hammer Random Ordnance: Fuel Rod Cannon x2 Incineration Cannon x2 Spartan Laser x2 Rocket Launcher Objective Ordnance: Three per base, consisting mostly of Rockets, Spartan lasers, Sniper Rifles, Railguns, and Sticky Dets Weapons on Map: None Armor Abilities/Powerups on Map: None Supported Vehicles: Alpha and Charlie (4 total each) Warthog Gauss Hog Mantis Banshee Bravo (4 total) Warthog x2 Rocket Hog Banshee Around Map Mongoose x4 Warthog x2 Neutral Scorpion Budget: 7990/10000 Screenshots: Overview (Note: Banshees and Bravo vehicles are unmarked, but they are represented) Charlie Charlie Fortified Bravo Bravo Fortified Alpha Alpha Fortified Map Description: Crossbow harkens back to the older days of Halo 3 of playing Standoff Heavy, Sandtrap Heavy, and Avalanche Heavy by bringing intense vehicle play and long sightlines to your Halo 4 experience. It utilizes the default Dominion gametype and is watertight. There's a teleport system behind Red and Blue garage as a form of Alpha Charlie movement option outside of Bravo control. Red an Blue garages have been blocked off, but have a mongoose and warthog beside them. All bases have two turrets, 3 entrances with shields, and 2 entrances with no shields. NOTE: There is no dynamic lighting on non-forge world maps. All objective drops are Human themed. Finally, spawning is tight with respawn zones and anti-respawn zones. All feed back is welcome, and I hope you enjoy Crossbow.
  7. You need to put both the map and the gametype in your fileshare. Also, you should take pictures of the map with a camera or screen capturing device.
  8. Um, I'm not sure you've tested out this map, because I'm pretty sure ordnance drops can't come in on walls (sideways.)
  9. Gamertag: Curly Parmesan Map: All Seeing Eye - Simple In Curly Parmesan's Fileshare Link will be added once available Gametype: Flood: All Seeing Eye In Curly Parmesan's Fileshare Link will be added once available History: This gamemode is a classic from Halo 3, remade and re-imagined in Halo 4. Originally made on Sandtrap, consisting solely of 16 Mongooses for driving around its large circuit, a crate suspended high above the ground for a single spartan to rain death from above, and lots of explosive antics, this game was an immediate favorite in my friend circle. Briefing: All Seeing Eye is designed for 4-16 players (though it can work with 2), and utilizes the Flood gametype to make it One vs. All. The Flood's objective is to hop onto a Mongoose and stay alive for 3 minutes. The Eye's objective is to eradicate the Flood by means of Incineration Cannon, Rockets, Rail Gun, Spartan Laser, Sniper, or Beam Rifle (although the last two are meant as a handicap since they are relatively easier.) Each kill the Eye gets earns them 10 points, and all suicides count as -5. Once time is up, all flood have been eliminated, or the Eye accidentally falls off, the next round begins for the chance of a new Spartan to become the Eye. Details: The circuit is heavily inspired by the circuit on Sandtrap, and feels very similar to it. The circuit is specifically designed to afford Mongooses maneuverability, balance gameplay, and stay interesting (Nifty Note: the entire forged surface of the track was painstakingly angled to 34 degrees so that it would be completely oriented with the big building on Impact.) The Eye has two options for classes: the Assault class, which has Dexterity to get those extra shots in; and the Scout class, which has Awareness so you can keep an eye on the radar even while zoomed. Although the flood have the default loadouts, Armor Abilities have been disabled so that TP, PV, and Camo can't be used. 16 Mongooses using ghosts and the mongoose vehicular setting Completely kill boundaried Working Dynamic Lighting (I used Warholic's recently featured post to determine appropriate forge pieces to use) Smooth banked turns (Check out the two optional paths located on the side of the meteor and above the spawn, they have trait zones that will give you a speed boost!* * Aesthetic only, but still feels extremely cool) Wide surface area to prevent accidental suicides (If you check my fileshare, you may notice that there's another map called "All Seeing Eye - Original". I built the original on Erosion, and although it works great, playtesting showed me that it's rather difficult to stay on the track. It's still available for download for those looking for the extra challenge -- I highly recommend it.) Four Dominion vehicle pads around the map to replace damaged Mongooses Completely color coded (Initial stretch is Orange side, Meteor curve is Green side, the next stretch is Blue side, and the final stretch is White/Tan side) Don't feel like driving your own mongoose as the flood? Or maybe your mongoose was destroyed and you need a ride to the nearest resupply station? Well, hop on a fellow flood's vehicle as the passenger and you'll get to see an amazing bug where the Flood like to surf on the back of Mongooses. Available on any mongoose enabled flood map near you! (Why not this one perhaps?) Intel (Unfortunately taken with a phone): More Pictures Below
  10. Oh nice, you used the invisible station cores glitch. I was wondering if there was a constructive use for that. But I totally disagree about one thing: The base on Impact is totally at a 34 degree angle.
  11. But why would anyone use swords when gravity hammers can hit through hardlight shields?
  12. Alright, got the map downloaded and I've scouted it out in forge. My initial opinion is unaltered, the attention to detail is superb. The door in that wall by blue spawn, the perfect alignment of the window above red spawn, the consistency of the big gun's ammo cartridges, the connecting train parts, and the action of the entire scene is just ridiculously good. I'm really impressed that lighting still works even though you're at 9835 of your 10000 Budget. On non-split screen I haven't seen any framerate drops or discoing. And finally as far as aesthetics go, dat shmeef. Haha. As far as functionality goes, I have yet to play on it with a lobby, but I can make a few suggestions from what I have seen in forge. If you can recover 35 Budget from somewhere, I would suggest you put a one way shield at the top of the gravity lift so players don't accidentally go down it. Players can get stuck if they try. There seems to be some places that aren't soft kill boundaried that could be reach with jetpack (Two high ammo crates on blue side, parts of the main gun, crane on red side, those 5x1's on red side that hold an ammo crate, on top of blue spawn). Not sure if you meant for all of those to be possible, or if you would rather them not be. Other than those two things, I personally couldn't find any other problems. [edit] You might want to add some type of aesthetic difference between the two tunnels, because I could imagine spawning in one would be confusing otherwise. (Maybe add a light or a capture plate or colored piece?) Speculation: Blue base (gun control room) only has one way up to it. I'm not sure how it'll affect gameplay, but if it affects it negatively, I'm not sure how to alleviate it. There are some nooks and crannies that can catch the player (such as under red base and those two ammo cartridges on blue side.) Again, no idea if it would affect gameplay, but no solutions either. And finally I'm not quite sure how the ordnance will work out since I can't see the sword, saw, or sticky launcher in action. Good choice in power weapons though, I like the combination. Finally, some of the really enjoyable parts of the functionality include the amazing inclines and height variation. I love love love the path under the inclined conveyor belt. Also the incline under the blue base. Those two tunnels really add to the map, and the overall close-quarters-ness is just spectacular. Something that you've done better than even 343 has. The realism in the map is completely matchmaking quality. Each functional machine has a terminal that would control it, and they also typically act as a line of sight blocker. It's just so immersive. Like really immersive. Good job on that. You'll have to invite me if you ever host a lobby for this map. It's definitely one that's going to stay in my own fileshare for a long time.
  13. Whoa. Oh my goodness those aesthetics are amazing. I HAVE to download this. Is it compatible with other gamemodes too, like Oddball, Team slayer, KOTH or Infection? Because WOW that's pretty looking. [edit] Have you put this in your file share? I can't seem to find you in the file share search. It's "I0 000 PEOPLE" right? Capital i zero space zero zero zero space all-caps people?
  14. A detailed explanation of the lighting glitch can be found here.
  15. Oh my goodness this is just getting more and more awesome.
  16. Thanks Enigma! And to everyone, I'm always welcome to questions or feedback if you have any.
  17. At first I was going to suggest you turn off weapon pickup, so people can't overcome the rock-paper-scissor balance, but then I realized the Hardlight shield, Mobility, Ammo trio was pretty balanced in itself (Though the ammo seems kind of underpowered compared to the other two if you can't stay alive to use the entire quiver.) I really love the feel of the game (especially using railguns as bows, that's awesome) and can't wait to try it out myself! Oh, few more questions: Is this a team regicide or slayer variant? Although slayer is just fine, I think it would be really cool if you had to protect your king (to go along with the entire medieval theme.) Also, is the personal ordnance always set to a railgun, overshield, and pulse grenade? If so, I was just curious what your motivation in that was. But anyways, the gameplay looks amazing.
  18. Ah-ha! Figured it out thanks to Flynn. It's not the first image attached, it's the last image that has been attached. Thanks for the help in that experimental process.
  19. I'm sorry this was from a while ago, and I know you have lots of stuff to be doing, but is there a way to select a specific picture to be the thumbnail? As in, out of the however many pictures attached, can I choose which one is the thumbnail?
  20. Gamertag: Curly Parmesan Map: All Seeing Eye - Simple Link: All Seeing Eye - Simple Gametype: Flood: All Seeing Eye Link: Flood: A Seeing Eye History: This gamemode is a classic from Halo 3, remade and re-imagined in Halo 4. Originally made on Sandtrap, consisting solely of 16 Mongooses for driving around its large circuit, a crate suspended high above the ground for a single spartan to rain death from above, and lots of explosive antics, this game was an immediate favorite in my friend circle. Briefing: All Seeing Eye is designed for 4-16 players (though it can work with 2), and utilizes the Flood gametype to make it One vs. All. The Flood's objective is to hop onto a Mongoose and stay alive for 3 minutes. The Eye's objective is to eradicate the Flood by means of Incineration Cannon, Rockets, Rail Gun, Spartan Laser, Sniper, or Beam Rifle (although the last two are meant as a handicap since they are relatively easier.) Each kill the Eye gets earns them 10 points, and all suicides count as -5. Once time is up, all flood have been eliminated, or the Eye accidentally falls off, the next round begins for the chance of a new Spartan to become the Eye. Details: The circuit is heavily inspired by the circuit on Sandtrap, and feels very similar to it. The circuit is specifically designed to afford Mongooses maneuverability, balance gameplay, and stay interesting (Nifty Note: the entire forged surface of the track was painstakingly angled to 34 degrees so that it would be completely oriented with the big building on Impact.) The Eye has two options for classes: the Assault class, which has Dexterity to get those extra shots in; and the Scout class, which has Awareness so you can keep an eye on the radar even while zoomed. Although the flood have the default loadouts, Armor Abilities have been disabled so that TP, PV, and Camo can't be used. 16 Mongooses using ghosts and the mongoose vehicular setting Completely kill boundaried Working Dynamic Lighting (I used Warholic's recently featured post to determine appropriate forge pieces to use) Smooth banked turns (Check out the two optional paths located on the side of the meteor and above the spawn, they have trait zones that will give you a speed boost!* * Aesthetic only, but still feels extremely cool) Wide surface area to prevent accidental suicides (If you check my fileshare, you may notice that there's another map called "All Seeing Eye - Original". I built the original on Erosion, and although it works great, playtesting showed me that it's rather difficult to stay on the track. It's still available for download for those looking for the extra challenge -- I highly recommend it.) Four Dominion vehicle pads around the map to replace damaged Mongooses Completely color coded (Initial stretch is Orange side, Meteor curve is Green side, the next stretch is Blue side, and the final stretch is White/Tan side) Don't feel like driving your own mongoose as the flood? Or maybe your mongoose was destroyed and you need a ride to the nearest resupply station? Well, hop on a fellow flood's vehicle as the passenger and you'll get to see an amazing bug where the Flood like to surf on the back of Mongooses. Available on any mongoose enabled flood map near you! (Why not this one perhaps?) Intel (Unfortunately taken with a phone): More Pictures Below
  21. This is a great idea. You could also use the fortification barricades to block off access to terminals so that after one team takes them, they can't be taken again. I just realized this is not an appropriate place to put this reply, but I have no idea how to delete this... sorry.
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