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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. Also, Halo 5 beta is included if you buy MCC. The Beta will begin on Dec 27th and run for 3 weeks. Great job here Marine!
  2. Cooliest

    August Caption

    From the album: Pictures

  3. I've been waiting all day to get off work just so I could see what the SDCC Halo panel was all about, was well worth the wait and I'm sure there was more that hasn't been released yet. P.S. Johnsons face is ridiculous, doh.
  4. Someone has taken the second as well. :/ I'll get one eventually.
  5. Welp out with the new and in with the old... Or visa versa. Not sure.

    1. Cooliest


      Thx to Brony too. :)

  6. Dang it just got to 310 or so right answers in multiplication on free rice, then accidentally clicked 111 as the answer to 11x11. So frustrated. lol

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      You had one job... <_<

    2. MCPO Mayh3m
    3. Akali


      I got about 532 and then I clicked the wrong one because my mouse mat slipped and made me click the wrong one. You think YOU had it bad *_*

  7. You may have more posts but this man has been here far longer... O.o
  8. Happy birthday sternus hope all is well stop in and say hi sometime.

    1. SternuS


      Thanks! Everything is good, I hope I'll be able to get back here more in the future but as a Playtester for Sins of the Prophets my attention is requested there more than here. But I'll surely keep visiting back, as I've done so far!

  9. I'm apparently in a new group of members?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      How'd you... Manage that?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      @-Sparky- It was pretty... eventful.

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      i wish my puns were as... Cool as yours.

  10. Get involved in this months contest. http://343i.org/23p

  11. Cooliest

    Caption July 2014

    From the album: Pictures

  12. I LOVE that they found a happy medium for the weapon waypoints. That is so much classier and just all around cleaner. Rather that let everybody on the planet know that "ORDINANCE" has arrived just put a very small signifier in the general area of the weapon so someone walking by can see it when they may have otherwise not yet if they don't know where the power weapons are to begin with then they can't have them. BRILLIANT! Also I have thought that there should have been an update to the Mongoose since it first appeared in H3. The covenant get one seater vehicles that can boast for a splatter and have guns (and generally speaking they have the same damage resistance as a Mongoose. Yet the mongoose only has the ability to have a backseat passenger, yes with whatever weapon they found (rockets, sniper, sticky grenades), but that is if any teammate would ever decide to get on your mongoose and be the best shot in the world to kill some one while moving at those speeds. Blah blah blah. I could go on and on but the point is that I'm excited to see mongoose get the facelift they deserve. and the best part is that they are going to be in H2 anniversary not Halo 2 classic so if they do end up sucking just go play with crappy graphics on classics.
  13. I'm just waiting to get my Xbox One then I will preorder mainly for the purpose to play it the second it comes out. I don't really care about day one exclusive garbage. I just wanna get my hands on it ASAP! So stoked.
  14. They are going to have separate categories for it. They'll have the Anniversary playlist with updated maps/graphics weapons and vehicles, and then a traditional Halo 2 playlist that they haven't touched at all. Which I'm particularly stoked for because A. it gives you more to do by switching between new and old giving you an entirely different feel yet the same feel at the same time. And I can go back into H2 and even first time every H1 online like the good old LAN days. I'm excited for these changes because they actually seem like they've taken some time to tweak and adjust these and their not just throwing them in willy nilly like most things in H4. *cough* Incineration Canon *cough* Also I think that this anniversary playlist along with the H5 beta will give them plenty of space and feedback on what they can potentially do to make H5 what H4 should have been.
  15. GSD once lost a game of swat. This is him after the incident: Then once he had regained his confidence, he went out to get his revenge: And to celebrate he treated himself with a nice meal: He has never lost again.
  16. Check out the July 2014 Event Calendar brought to you by the Cooliest Guy around. http://343i.org/22h

  17. Why did 343iBot stop giving us waypoint news for so long and all of the sudden... she's back?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      That's what I was wondering too :/

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      didn't we decide waypoint was too vulgar


      and tried to wipe it off the site (lol)

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Let's not question it, at least she is back.

  18. Ugh... You just boasted his ego even more. -.- great. Lol This really is cool though, Director. How amazing you were able to line up 4000 posts and 3 year anniversary. Congrats. Keep on Directing!
  19. Thank you Zandril for releasing like 5 new Infection maps in a row. I used all of them in last friday's event and it made finding maps a breeze and they were all very fun to use. I would now like to give you applause. and now I give you respect. Now I will hail you. Now I'm going to talk about you with all my friends because your that cool. so anyways...... thanks.
  20. Hope you're all ready to pee your pants in an hour. http://343i.org/215

  21. Happy Birthday Mate. You're one cool cat..... Noodles. :D

  22. Happy birthday bud. Getting up there I see. Good luck this year.

    1. Twinreaper


      Yeah man! And thanks Cooliest!!!

  23. Hey sorry I'm late to the party. Happy Birthday. Did I miss cake? :P

    1. Adam91


      No buddy you didn't miss cake I saved some especially for you!

  24. Voting is composed of myself and onsi. Soooo you're welcome. Also red is fitting the award to our site as we speak. you'll have it soon. Glad to have help from the rest if staff to make this a fun event. Now, drizzy thank you for all the wrap up goodness. Work has been very busy lately so this helps keep me in line around here. ;D
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