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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. To be honest that is one of the only things I thought of. lol.
  2. Oh Mah Gosh. That is hilarious and cute. Thank you so much.That made me even Happier.
  3. Thanks to everyone. I really appreciate all of the kind words. And @Skumm You will find something. Just keep on believing and looking something will definitely show up. I promise.
  4. Grill cook at a pretty fancy Burger place. I think it's over 10 dollars an hour. Which is good at least for now. I just really needed to get some money flow. Yay
  5. Oh I never really do. I'm quite the little saver. The only reason I have survived without a job is because I saved all my money from my last job. But When cool video games come out... idk. lulz
  6. Happy, Happy Hey everybody you may know me, you may not. But I'm a guy that lives inside of these forums. If you have not met me, you will eventually. So let's get down to the nitty gritty. For 3 and a half months I have been rigorously looking for a job. I just graduated college and was about to die (not literally) out of lack for money. I have seriously been looking for a job non stop. The economy in America is not the best, so places weren't really hiring. I was slowly but surely becoming "poor" (literally) I know these are forums about video games and the such but it is also a place to support others. So I just wanted everybody on this forum to know that today I am the Happiest Guy in the world. I GOT A JOB!!! THIS IS HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PapG53eIM1M Video By FORtheGLORY Now I will be able to make money and all that good stuff. I just wanted to scream it off a mountain top and since 343i Community Forums doesn't have a mountain I thought I'd yell it from the offbeat topics thread. Anyways that is all. So I will finally be able to renew my Gold Membership and everything. So I will be able to happily game with you all now.
  7. My idea would kind of work as achievements do. I have stated this in another thread, I saw this ranking type in another video game. Basically the things you achieve rank you up or down. So lets say to rank up from the "first" level to the "second" level you would have to get 10 headshots. simple. But then as you progress the achievements are more difficult and there may be multiple for 1 level, so from level "49" to "50" you would have to kill 100 enemies with sniper headshots, complete campaign on heroic, and splatter 10 enemies in a warthog. Something like this. If this makes sense. Halo: Reach's experience works how it would in a RPG you pretty much gain experience points and "level up" So ya. that's my thoughts.
  8. Cooliest


    Ya Halo 4 is returning to the double Master Chief style of campaign. Which personally I don't mind. I have never minded. I love playing as MC and would hate to play as anybody else. lol
  9. This map remind me of Guardian. Not the layout just the theme. I can't wait to play on it. I just realized that we have seen 8 out of 10 maps. I feel like I already know them all so well. lol. We know 9 of their names too.
  10. Ya looks pretty cool. I just wish the water in halo was easier to see under. lol. But I might give this one a try with some friends.
  11. Why is there only like 2 invasion maps. I want more invasion on here people. Maybe I'll have to whip out the forge. But nonetheless coming in here to be disappointed was masked by seeing this map again. I still have yet to play it. Not sure why but regardless I will. I know it
  12. Heck ya man. Like other people have been saying I think this should be very possible and you could achieve your goals if you believe in the Forge Luke.
  13. Hello and Welcome to the community. I think you have misplaced this thread it might go better HERE! This is for introductions. But glad to have you here and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  14. Hello and welcome. I'm not sure why but I haven't played H3 in a while but I do know that our very own Archangel Tyrael Loves and only plays halo 3 when it comes to halo games. Maybe I'll get mine out soon to play with you. Anyways If you have any question feel free to PM or one of the community mods. Their names are in Blue.
  15. As Darkness has stated there is another forum for that kind of thing that can be found Here. There are different categories for different topics here is where you tell us a little about yourself. We want to know you. Anyways. Hello and Welcome if you have any other questions or ideas feel free to ask. Usually in a PM or the shout box works best.
  16. Idk how I didn't realize there was a winner but anyways nice work I think this was my favorite too. Nice work Spartan.
  17. I actually thought that this morning too. not replacing you but that he should have been put on.
  18. I think it's MoM for previous month. So in this case Choot'em.
  19. lol yay. Spongebob. I love that song. but seriously.
  20. You're the Cooliest Guy around. xD

    1. DoctorB77
    2. Cooliest


      xD Yay. We both are. CooliestDoctorB77. lol

  21. Like Darkness said wrong spot. But I'll welcome anyone. Hello and Welcome. I'm glad you are here. This is the place to discuss things so feel free to share your opinion. If you need any help feel free to ask.
  22. Like I said before this one looks absolutely amazing and I'm sure it plays well too. I will be giving this a download in the near future.
  23. Hrmmm. It looks kinda cool but it looks very clustered. Mabye I'll give it a look.
  24. Congrats. You definitely deserve it. For all of your great opinions to your Minecraft lets play. You are a great human and a great friend.
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