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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. Hrmm... I feel like a lot changed from Comic Con to Pax. But maybe there is stuff I am just unaware of since I did not attend either. xD
  2. Oh ya. I almost played it at Comic Con too. But I got there too late. They were shutting it down. Dang. Ya that's 2 versions ago now. So they may have changed a lot of stuff.
  3. Whoever watched this today. Congrats because it has already been taken down. So you are the few who now know how to win at Dominion on Longbow. Keep this secret with you always.
  4. Nice. So you played an early version of the game? Or a more recent version?
  5. Oh ya. Sounds like a good idea to me I might have to try that one out too. Good idea.
  6. I liked your post because I read your spoiler lol And thanks for saying thanks. Why do you think thruster pack to go with those two. Just wondering.
  7. All of Halo 4's Armor Abilities and Specializations IGN came out with a video showing a thorough but quick view of all the new Halo 4 Armor Abilities and Specializations. It clarifies what everything will do in the game and maybe gives us an idea of how we want to customize our characters. Here is the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkLKi6FQ8Yg Video by: IGN It's about time we got some good info on how all of these would work rather than the shaky camera guy quickly scrolling through menus at PAX. Right now Active Camo with Mobility and Stealth seems like my go to combination. What combination of Armor Abilities and Specializations do you think you'll use?
  8. Ya I was surprised he already came up with a strategy, but he is an MLG player and his channel is geared toward MLG players. So he's just trying to get a jump on the game.
  9. The New and Improved Territories Bravo MLG came out with a video describing different strategies for the newly released Dominion game type. He gives a great description of how the game type works, and what you can do to win. Plus he gives us some more gameplay to watch. Enjoy the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeaPe3ocPNw&list=UUq7AJTe2LVeTN_vanfZ5bkw&index=1&feature=plcp Video by: BravoMLG What strategies do you see being effective for this game type?
  10. No don't leave us. Man I never even got to 1v1 you. Well maybe whenever you return... I hope everything goes well for you.
  11. Sweet man. Looks really good. Keep us updated on the light rifle I'd love to see it if you make it. Welcome. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  12. Hello and Welcome. And I am sure we will eventually meet up on Reach or H4. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  13. Hello and welcome. Glad to have you around. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  14. Hello and welcome. I see you in the shout box quite often. and I will be glad to see you in there more often.
  15. Sweet find I actually really like this weapon. In reach they did a good job at putting it exactly where you needed it. Like right before you go up against 2 wraiths. So if they do that again I'm down.
  16. If you could make a custom game out of this that would be awesome. Where you can physically put in your own buttons on objects and places to put vehicles to deploy for the team in charge of the base. That would be sweet.
  17. Sweet I've been wondering if this guy was gonna come back into play. sweet
  18. I was thinking the same exact thing. When I saw the thumbnail I instantly thought of invasion. Looks cool I'll give it a look.
  19. Are you stating a fact or asking if we get to play as them. Because if that is a fact I want to see the proof.
  20. Thanks LOL. I'll edit the OP. At the bottom in Orange.
  21. The Newest Information on OUYA This new console, said to be released in March of 2012, is jumping in popularity right now. It has a lot of new features that make it unique and new to the gaming world. This console features a new kind of interface for in home gaming similar to that of a mobile device. You can download games right to the system, and play them immediately most of which are free. Big games such as Minecraft have already agreed to jump into this band wagon. Here is a recent review done by IGN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60y4--D0AgU As stated in the video this system has a Kickstarter that immediately blew up the second it hit the internet. (For those of you who do not know what a Kickstarter is, it is a way to fund raise money for projects and events that otherwise may not be possible. They also give back to the contributor, so your not just giving money out.) Check out the video then head over to their Kickstarter and maybe donate to the cause. Click Here---> OUYA Kickstarter <---Click Here This hot ticket item is running for $109- US and $119- International, which includes the console and one controller. If you'd like a set of four controllers the whole bundle is $199- US and $209- International
  22. LOL funny gamer tag. Hello and Welcome to the forums. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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