The Newest Information on OUYA
This new console, said to be released in March of 2012, is jumping in popularity right now.
It has a lot of new features that make it unique and new to the gaming world.
This console features a new kind of interface for in home gaming similar to that of a mobile device.
You can download games right to the system, and play them immediately most of which are free.
Big games such as Minecraft have already agreed to jump into this band wagon.
Here is a recent review done by
As stated in the video this system has a Kickstarter that immediately blew up the second it hit the internet.
(For those of you who do not know what a Kickstarter is,
it is a way to fund raise money for projects and events that otherwise may not be possible.
They also give back to the contributor, so your not just giving money out.)
Check out the video then head over to their Kickstarter and maybe donate to the cause.
Click Here---> OUYA Kickstarter <---Click Here
This hot ticket item is running for $109- US and $119- International, which includes the console and one controller.
If you'd like a set of four controllers the whole bundle is $199- US and $209- International