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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. Wow! BTB only or does it work well for anything? This is pretty amazing. I love when people go for a movie theme. Especially when I like the movie.
  2. Oh what I would do to take a "joyride" in a warthog. Those lucky guys. Someday when I'm rich I will buy a warthog to drive around in.
  3. yes I know my signature is awesome. TPAM loves telling the truth! xD TPBM is great at being a goofball.
  4. Hello and welcome. You will find that if you search around for a bit you will no longer be a newbie. Glad you are here and if you have questions feel free to ask.
  5. Ya most of my friends are saying that's what they want too. Lockout is pretty much the ruler of all Halo maps it seems.
  6. Hmmm... possibly. That seems like the most valid explanation thus far...
  7. Ha funniest idea for release day activities. Instead of building a journey style infection map in my first forge session, I'm just going to jump off of bridges that I find throughout forge world. Or better yet I will build bridges with friends and we will jump off while holding hands. HAHA
  8. But now we get something new and fresh to try out. Spartan Ops, which I am thoroughly excited about. Something else that I hear people talk about is forgeable AI units. Basically making your own Firefight. that would be awesome.
  9. Just hit 100. only took 15 days not bad. xD

    1. iTz Vplus2

      iTz Vplus2

      Congrats on 100, dude! :)


    2. Cooliest
    3. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Nice work on the 100, YOu have done well, Grasshopper :)

  10. ya it's really confusing with the 2 colors now. Especially since the vidoc seen has both kinds portraying the same character such as the E3 orange Knight that jumped on chief is now blue. Very interesting. I wonder if they are just changing them all to blue. Or if there will be differences throughout the game...
  11. Wow I saw how incredibly long this was and I thought to myself "I probably won't make it through this because I have a short attention span" But then I started reading and I seriously could not. Very nice. I don't even know where to begin. I think the character development for Rocket is very well done. I wish we had more background into other characters... but maybe that's still to come. Can't wait till the next installment.
  12. Wow. This is cool to see the differences between each new development. This was a real treat. thank you.
  13. Wow that's pretty crazy dude. Love to have die hard Halo fans here. Glad to have you and hope you enjoy you're time here. If you have questions feel free to ask
  14. Ya I think we can all agree a bigger pallet of colors for forgeable objects is a huge want and need.
  15. Likewise I have moved away from using Edit Coordinates and just use the left thumb stick seeing as it goes much quicker easier and getting the pieces to line up with out overlay. And maybe your controller isn't working right but the thumb stick method should work much better than Edit Coordinates. Because my left thumb stick was messed up when I first started using the precision editing and I couldn't tell what the difference was but then once I got a new controller it worked much better. But nonetheless Halo 4 should have some way to adjust at least a little better. I mean magnets should help.
  16. Dude this is awesome. I would read a whole novel or even a trilogy of books to hear more about these mysterious Jester and A-Dog characters.
  17. I was thinking that too. Why would it say that if there are not vehicles that support that description. Hrmm... Do you have a site or source to tell us that there is definitely only two? Just wondering.
  18. I was kinda confused when I saw that jet pack was coming back to Halo to be honest. But at least its nerfed. And I hope that the Thruster Pack gets a little more power cuz it does seem lacking right now.
  19. Agreed. I highly dislike that map. And nowadays I feel as if Heavies is the only truly fun BTB game type... Sadly
  20. I'm not sure on most things because before Halo Reach came out they released very minimal and upsetting information. So I'm hoping and crossing fingers that they do similar. But well just have to wait and see. I am very anxious and nervous to see what they do. But I trust them because so far everything else has seemed very cool Halo 4 related. And yes there needs to be more flat areas
  21. Cooliest


    Huh. Seems like a pretty cool concept. I actually had the idea of using evade at high speeds but I couldn't think of a way to use it. Nice work. Ill try to check this out.
  22. Do that is such a good idea. It would make forging cool if you could do that with all objects like all the buildings and stuff. Wow
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