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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. I think I will go with a Journey style Infection map. After I have just played around for 2 hours figuring everything out.
  2. I'm thinking I will only start with Plasmas. I love that option to choose. I think that it will still be pretty balanced because there are perks to both.
  3. Or will they. Maybe they have so much respect for us that they will show it. Haloception.
  4. You learned how to do this from me. Haha. I'm the best. I knowz Everything. xD Jk. Anyways. I love the BR/Sniper in H3 and the DMR/Sniper/Pistol in Reach.
  5. I'll play it from time to time. I like it. But after I get Halo 4 I probably won't put it down for like 2-3 months before going back to reach. Cuz I'll be campaigning in 4, forging in 4, customs in 4, and Matchmaking in 4. And once I've worn them out a bit. I'll jump back in reach every once and a while.
  6. Well, nobody has voted Covenant and I'm not gonna start. Ha. I'm going with human. I didn't want to go with what everyone else said but I have to because they now have the DMR and the BR. And I personally love both of those. But I agree with Vplus2 I like the way the light rifle and the beam rifle seem so much better than the Sniper. So it was a tough choice.
  7. What's the title of one you are reading right now?
  8. I mean don't get me wrong Fable has had a great story concept throughout it's career but each game they've changed so much. And now it's just to the next level. It seems as though the guy in the video is having a hard time playing. But I'll just have to wait and see.
  9. Cooliest

    Health bar?

    Haha. That ruined reach's campaign for me. (besides the fact that it was Kat haha.) I couldn't believe that it wasn't even a snipe. It was just a needle. What if that was the strength of the master chief in Halo 4. One needle to the head and we died. Haha.
  10. You should only be scared if you are Cheese because there is a monster on this site. The CheaseMonster. She already commented on this post. And if you're not careful she'll sniff you out. And eat you. Anyways that only applies if you are cheese. So I think you're good. What kind of books are you into? And lastly welcome. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  11. Cooliest

    Health bar?

    Ya that's true. I actually started thinking that after I posted that. Ha xD
  12. No it's only playable for kinect so you have to do all the motions to do spells and whatnot. seems odd to me.
  13. Fable: The Journey Gameplay from E3 Now I know this video is kind of old but I haven't seen Fable discussed yet. Maybe that's because it's becoming a forgotten game. I remember playing Fable for countless hours when I was younger but the newer games don't catch my attention as much. The gameplay now features the use of the Xbox 360 Kinect. Here is some gameplay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj6oCG2Milk Video Posted on: IGN The game hosts much better graphics than in previous installments but the game has moved into a 1st person point of view. The fighting looks as though it is slowed down almost turn based due to the change in fighting style. This story line is set 50 years after Fable 3, but not many other hints are giving to show if it is connected to previous Fable Games. I will definitely check it out once it comes out because I am still a fan but I am nervous. For full details Click Here The game is set to release October 9, 2012.
  14. Dang man these are pretty "EPIC". and I don't use that word freely. I'm glad to see you used your lack of internet wisely.
  15. For me it's gotta be 3. Halo 2 had a pretty great story and was the first to enter online gameplay. but it lost it's "re-playablity" quickly. I thought halo 3 had a much better online experience so I wanted to replay it again and again. Halo reach is good but I just like 3 more and have great memories playing 3. And not to shun halo 1 but I could do lan parties all night on one. But sooner or later you gotta leave a lan party but you never have to leave the internet.
  16. Cooliest

    Health bar?

    I understand the point of it. It somewhat creates more tactical gameplay. And in a real life situation(yes, Halo is real life) you would have to break through someones shield before you could do any damage. But I would rather just have shields it speeds up gameplay. Plus players aren't searching while they should be fighting.
  17. Hmm... I'm totally okay with it I never saw it being a problem in Halo 1 so why would I start complaining about it now? Master Chief works for me. Please 2nd player always got mad playing as arbiter.
  18. I've never really dabbled in the 3D realm so I don't know how I would feel about it being in 3D. But I'm sure that any Halo in 3D would be quite the experience.
  19. Ya look at team objective matchmaking lobby theres like 300 people playing it across the world but like team slayer and swat have like over 5000 at most times during a day. Ha. I totally agree.
  20. Cooliest

    Health bar?

    I agree the only reason there is a health bar is to find health packs. Plus he is a doctor so he knows about health.
  21. Wow. This looks pretty nice. I didn't know you could be a great moderator and make awesome forge maps!
  22. I will forever be in your shadow. But in a very positive way. Ha. I'm glad to see you have given so much to the community. I will try to catch up... Someday, Someday.
  23. I just plan on being Will Smith... So ya. I'll live
  24. I like that if you watch this video the recommended videos includes a Family Guy clip that is called "OMG Who the hell cares" The exact opposite of what we want to say to SycoWolf.
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