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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. I have gotten to the point where I believe BZ1 actually looks like Obi-Wan in real life. lol I can dream can't I! Lol good luck BZ1 Looks like you have some really great supporters out there.
  2. I approve this message! Lulz But in all seriousness going from the OMEGA we use to know to the now wonderful Edward Kenway that we now know, just simply incredible. It really is a joy to see him in the shout box or to see him posting all the news that I want to.... You have come 360 degrees from who I remember as OMEGA. This is, IMO, the most deserved MOM of all! So congrats and enjoy!
  3. Great addition to the team! I know you are a perfect fit for the position! You and D-38 better have some cool collaborations coming our way. NINJA'S NEVER DIE!
  4. Very creative way to celebrate the Holidays. lol You always seem to amaze me Slik. Really looking forward to a map made in Bnus honour. lol
  5. This calls for a round of applause. That's kind of round….. :/ Good job to everyone that entered and congrats to Mayh3m and JL! Can't wait to see these go up on the sites.
  6. Wow that is quite the update. I looks nothing like it use to but It has definitely taken on changes for the better. Much more sleek and up to date.
  7. This is a little different yoshi. Drizzys were meant to get to know the members, but this is to get there reactions to popular gaming news. And regarding the op could you please change colours of the guests text. I can barely read what bz1 said... And yay for Star Wars Battlefront III
  8. Cooliest


    This isn't his first time here. He use to be a very active member that we all missed. We are glad to have you as a part of this community too, don't worry. And Doc it really is so good to see you back. You were one that I missed the most. So I cant wait to see you on here more frequently now.
  9. Congrats to everyone who made the list! The ones that I'd like to point out the most would be: Magical Love Sparky OMEGA(Edward Kenway) Tucker Yang Xiao Long lilsilmarillion Yoshi1176 Zelda VitaminPWN The Stig Unease Peanut Silent Orbis Tucker Maestro The Stampede Bashful Brute Oh wait that's everyone on the list.... You all really have done a great job this past month and we all want you to know that you have been noticed for your helpful time and efforts to continue to make this place great. Great job.
  10. First off I think the white Xbox One looks so much better than black. That is my opinion. Secondly, I'm not much of a sports guy unless the Seahawks are going to the super bowl....... oh wait.... but I am glad to see the xbox being able to shoot for that 60fps goal and so quickly after the release of the system. Pretty exciting. Cant wait to see everything running at 60fps. Great find.
  11. I remember December packed quite a wallop of content here on the forums. Some sad yes (such as Azaxx becoming CMod D:) but nonetheless it was a good month full of activity. I kind of like these postponed wrap ups because then I get to look back on how great the month was. Awesome Wrap-Up D_D. Thanks for keeping us informed. P.S. I forgot the results to Meet Your Maker came out so I'll have to watch those now.
  12. Happy join day bud. You have a way to make reading something long not quite so boring. That was really interesting getting to see how you have grown and moved around as you have spent your time here on the forums. I really do appreciate you as a friend and I'm glad that on January 23, 2012 you decided to join this site because it would be missing out on so much if you weren't around. You are one crazy brainstorming buddy. I love to shoot ideas back and forth with you. So continue to pump out those great wrapups and get out some new interviews we'll always be waiting for more from the talented hands of Master Drizzly.
  13. Just paid off 2 of my school loans :D so stoked!!!!

  14. Whaaaa- How are you?

  15. Cooliest

    3ds Wii U

    From the album: Pictures

  16. Hope for what industry? Xbox and PS because their definitely isnt hope for Nintendo's industry... Great read Edward. Posted to news.
  17. Wow that really is impressive. Idk if I'd have the time or the patience to do something quite that elaborate. looks good.
  18. Went with a name change because the other 2 news staff had a 1 at the end of their names....

  19. Great wrap up! Like zebra said its kind of fun reading about what happened in November. Helps me remember what a great month it was! Thanks for keeping us up to date. Also can't wait for December because that month was super active!
  20. Hahaha. You should all still be scared. very scared indeed. We're not done yet.
  21. So I dont have an xbox one nor do I have Windows 8. But I have seen the Windows 8 beta videos and I have got to say that people have already been making some pretty amazing things. For instance, Ducain23 featured a project where a guy created a fully working FPS starter kit. Out of random pieces and stuff. CRAZY! And all I know is that once the full version is out it will be so fun to go into multiplayer on user created maps and game of FPS or MMO's and stuff while sitting on my couch playing on my Xbox one. So cool. Cant wait to see what Xbox users come out with in this beta.
  22. Still only rumored... but if this does come true like Azaxx saidI'm 100% positive that so many people that have turned away will come back. It's not that the kinect sucks, I just don't think you should have to buy it. There should be an option. Personally I was going to get the system regardless Lulz.
  23. I dont see it as difficult to market all I hear people looking forward to in gaming is Destiny and Titanfall. I think that they have done a tremendous job. We all know what it is yet there is still some much to cover. I truly can't wait. And if any of Respawn Entertainment happens to read this... Dont worry your game is going to great it looks awesome.
  24. Aww... my ideas... Very thorough I really appreciate that. That literally made me lol. Lots of great ideas and I'm on board with most of them. Montages obviously, need to be on there. I also really like the idea of fails videos.
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