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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. Over the whole time I've known you here I've used many Spark filled puns with you and now in my greatest time of need I can not think of another. lol Well anyways as your month is coming to an end I just want to congratulate you with this high five. Man that high five was so electric.
  2. I have work until 5 pm EST so if for some reason you guys are still playing by then I will definitely join in! Edit: weird we commented at the same time and I said I wouldn't be able to join until 5pm your time and you said that when you get off. lol O.o
  3. Nintendo Direct Packed in A Lot Of Brand New Games For The Year Of 2014 If you are a true fan of the Nintendo Franchise then you already know that 2014 is going to be filled with goodies. Nintendo Direct is an Online Presentation done by Nintendo describing what the upcoming year is going to look like for them. This year they had quite the full sack with lot of toys for all the good little girls and boys. Most of the conference held on Today, December 18th, 2013, had to do with the 3DS. They started the presentation off strong with a glimpse at "Hyrule Warriors", which, however, is not what you think. This is going to be an extention of the "Dynasty Warriors" game franchise not apart of the "Legend Of Zelda" franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEYeCFFbHOU There was then talk of the recently announced Kirby: Triple Deluxe and some new game modes that it will include. There will be a four playerfighter mode and a rhythm-based plat former starring King Dedede. Also, Nintendo announced the Yoshi's New Island. This game will be on the 3DS platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJyud6dFNM That one will bring some classic feelings back to the Nintendo platform. Speaking of Classic feeling Nintendo is also planning to make a "reboot" of the old Donkey Kong Country games. The newest installment will be called Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DueE8vJXpo8 It will infuse that good old fashioned Donkey Kong feeling with all new ways to experience the fun. You will get the opportunity to play as multiple characters across your tropical journey's. Then lastly in the big announcements, they announced another track and some awesome footage of Mario Kart 8. This time we get some awesome footage from an airport themed map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrKY8cJfXEw And with that we come to a close. Source IGN View full article
  4. Nintendo Direct Packed in A Lot Of Brand New Games For The Year Of 2014 If you are a true fan of the Nintendo Franchise then you already know that 2014 is going to be filled with goodies. Nintendo Direct is an Online Presentation done by Nintendo describing what the upcoming year is going to look like for them. This year they had quite the full sack with lot of toys for all the good little girls and boys. Most of the conference held on Today, December 18th, 2013, had to do with the 3DS. They started the presentation off strong with a glimpse at "Hyrule Warriors", which, however, is not what you think. This is going to be an extention of the "Dynasty Warriors" game franchise not apart of the "Legend Of Zelda" franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEYeCFFbHOU There was then talk of the recently announced Kirby: Triple Deluxe and some new game modes that it will include. There will be a four playerfighter mode and a rhythm-based plat former starring King Dedede. Also, Nintendo announced the Yoshi's New Island. This game will be on the 3DS platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJyud6dFNM That one will bring some classic feelings back to the Nintendo platform. Speaking of Classic feeling Nintendo is also planning to make a "reboot" of the old Donkey Kong Country games. The newest installment will be called Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DueE8vJXpo8 It will infuse that good old fashioned Donkey Kong feeling with all new ways to experience the fun. You will get the opportunity to play as multiple characters across your tropical journey's. Then lastly in the big announcements, they announced another track and some awesome footage of Mario Kart 8. This time we get some awesome footage from an airport themed map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrKY8cJfXEw And with that we come to a close. Source IGN
  5. Glad to have you here. Always cool to see people that have an extreme history with halo. Hope to see you around. If you need any help always feel free to ask. also just remember I gave you your first like ever on these forums. So when you reach 1000 likes you owe me a shout out.
  6. Wow that is quite literally crazy. Nice find. But all I can think to say is why? Seriously though. I love playing video games so much but NEVER in my life would I want an xbox that is A) made of pure gold and 10,000 dollars. I feel like I would never play it I would just keep it in a safe and tell people that I own it and they can never see it. lol. I am seriously baffled.
  7. Lionhead's Long Awaited Fable Anniversary Edition Finally Has A Release Date Lionhead, makers of Fable, have finally revealed an actual release date for the long awaited Fable Anniversary. It was supposed to release earlier this year but kept getting delayed. The anniversary edition will hit Xbox 360 shelves on February 4th in North America, February 6th in Australia, and February 7th in Europe. This will be the first time to play the original in the series on an Xbox 360, and it will be beautifully updated will HD graphics. There will also be a few limited edition version including a code for the "Launch Day Weapons and Outfits Pack" It contains Scythe's Outfit, a Black Graduate Outfit, Red Prophet Outfit, Blue Guard Outfit, Red Guard Outfit, a Lute Weapon and a Will User’s Sceptre Weapon. Along with Fable Anniversary, Lionhead is also working on Fable Legends; a multiplayer-focused spin-off title thats headed toward Xbox One in beta form next year. I know this news excited me and I'm sure it will excite a certain Princess too.
  8. Well... Hmmm.. Let me start with the beginning... I remember my first day on the site. I went into the shout box (this was before the 5 post minimum) and started talking to some of the hooligans that were in there; Zag, Mr Bashful Brute, Mr Payne, Azaxx, Archangel and so on. They all started teasing me for having a name that no one understood. At the time I was Cooliestrap and everyone was like "What's a Coolie-Strap?" and I was trying to explain that my name was actually Cooliest Rap. And then you butted in and said something along the lines of "Hey what's up, Coolio?" Me: "Hello Absolute Dog. Actually it's Cooliest Rap" Dog: "I really dig your name, Coolio." Me: "Oh thanks.... Blah blah blah..." Anyways then at every playdate and skype call we had after that you always called me Coolio instead of Cooliest, and I always tried to correct you but it didnt do any good. lol. But all in all you came in and stood up for me on my first day and it went to show time and time again that you truly are one of the most compassionate and kindhearted people on this site. Standing up for others and just giving a hand when someone is in need. You've put so much work into helping out this community and with every other forum and site I've been on before I think you are the longest lasting mod I've ever seen. You hear that RSR you have a goal to shoot for now. lol I'm sure well all see you around here then and again so I won't say goodbye but rather just until next time, Absolute Dog! You're the most hardcore Puppy on this site.
  9. Congrats. Keep us other news guys in place. Adam and I need the help. And who better than you.
  10. Everyone on board the "Locking Train"

  11. Did I miss a stream of locked status's? .... :(

  12. Congrats to both Church for having his first MoM! and to Sparky the Punniest guy on the forums. Well deserved! Keep the puns coming and enjoy your month in the pink. Really Light up these forums with your humor. <--- get it Sparky = Light. Alright I'm done.
  13. Congrats Azaxx. I gotta say it's weird to see you in another shade of blue. When I first came to the site you were in my beautiful shade of Cyan. And now to see you in the Dark Blue Mods Color is a trip. But if there is anyone who deserves profile music and the chance to ban losers from the shout box it definitely you. "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" Enjoy your time and use it wisely..... or not. It's up to you.
  14. Yes I do think that they ruined the game but that does not mean that I do not have a favorite. Mine would have to be Evade. Something about that ability is so funny to me, and I really get a kick out of using it.
  15. A New Trailer Of Bungie's New Gaming Frontier: Destiny Has Hit The Internet. At PS4 release yesterday, Bungie showed us another peek into their new and expansive world. In this trailer we see The Vex another one of the "Unknown Enemies", we see a new environment, and possibly another hint at some multiplayer. Here is the trailer brought to us by: VISO Games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uyn-BXeaaE Then if we look back and break down what we saw there are some key take home pieces of info that we got out of this new trailer. Lets here what Above Infinity from GoBeyondEnt has to say about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMOtKIaWs0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUS0qH6GMm_abVn-bmOgy1qQ Destiny is slowly showing us how much it has to bring to the table and it is a lot at that. What do you like most about this new trailer is it the new moves/trump cards or is it seeing that cool zero G fight scene? Leave your comments below and thanks for reading.
  16. A New Trailer Of Bungie's New Gaming Frontier: Destiny Has Hit The Internet. At PS4 release yesterday, Bungie showed us another peek into their new and expansive world. In this trailer we see The Vex another one of the "Unknown Enemies", we see a new environment, and possibly another hint at some multiplayer. Here is the trailer brought to us by: VISO Games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uyn-BXeaaE Then if we look back and break down what we saw there are some key take home pieces of info that we got out of this new trailer. Lets here what Above Infinity from GoBeyondEnt has to say about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMOtKIaWs0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUS0qH6GMm_abVn-bmOgy1qQ Destiny is slowly showing us how much it has to bring to the table and it is a lot at that. What do you like most about this new trailer is it the new moves/trump cards or is it seeing that cool zero G fight scene? Leave your comments below and thanks for reading. View full article
  17. A New Trailer Of Bungie's New Gaming Frontier: Destiny Has Hit The Internet. At PS4 release yesterday, Bungie showed us another peek into their new and expansive world. In this trailer we see The Vex another one of the "Unknown Enemies", we see a new environment, and possibly another hint at some multiplayer. Here is the trailer brought to us by: Bungie Then if we look back and break down what we saw there are some key take home pieces of info that we got out of this new trailer. Lets here what Above Infinity from GoBeyondEnt has to say about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMOtKIaWs0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUS0qH6GMm_abVn-bmOgy1qQ Destiny is slowly showing us how much it has to bring to the table and it is a lot at that. What do you like most about this new trailer is it the new moves/trump cards or is it seeing that cool zero G fight scene? Leave your comments below and thanks for reading. This post has been promoted to an article
  18. Good to see you here man! Hope all is well.

  19. Very good. I've been seeing X51000 and undr zid around here a lot lately and they have been a gift to be in the presence of. Great couple of guys. As I am sure their whole community is. There is nothing like bring 2 or more communities together to make a mega community. Together we are stronger but seperate we are broken and frail. And as for brett he has been posting a crap load of video on tutorials and news and hasnt let any of it slide past us because it is always in his newest status updates. He's on his way to make his own 5 things we want in halo 5 based on the feed back we give him. So I'm more than pleased to see him joining into our Youtube Affiliates crew. Glad to have you all apart of our mega community team now.
  20. The second and third images make it look like a high powered nerf gun. lol. But all in all it does look really nice. Thanks for keeping us updated on Destiny Weapons Omega.
  21. With All Of These Reviews And News Articles Flying Around About CoD: Ghosts I Think Its Time We Turn Our Eyes To Something A Little Less Noticed: DEAD RISING 3 IGN is a luck group as they get to put their hands on consoles and games far before any of us do, and one of those games happens to be Dead Rising 3. Mitch Dyer of IGN sits down with Josh Bridge of Capcom and plays threw the first 15 minutes of Dead Rising 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoBTcXPfpw0 Get the full scoop over at IGN
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