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BaconShelf last won the day on July 29 2017

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  • Location
    Somewhere, Everywhere, Anywhere and Nowhere. And everything inbetween.
  • Interests
    Halo Lore, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones), physics, writing and dank memes

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  1. Who else thinks it's amazing that my mathmatics coursework is to play Halo 4? My maths teacher is the best! (If you don't understand, I have to play halo 4 and get some data from it for homework)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I once had a research paper on Halo 4, but my teachers never explicitly told me to play it.

    3. BaconShelf


      lots of CTF for me ^_^

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Oh. As for me, Campaign is not only the game mode I'm best at, but apparently the source of my skill. If I go too long without Campaign, but I play the other modes anyway, I will still begin to get rusty. Campaign seems to keep me in shape for Halo.

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