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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Those skulls are only in HCEA/2A because they were being completely revamped with new textures and sounds. Halo 3, ODST and 4 have not received visual upgrades aside from resolution and FPS so there was no reason to add it. Maybe if either gets an anniversary, but god I hope that doesn't happen. Outside of it's arse field of view, Halo 3 looks fine and Halo 4 looks spectacular anyway. If either gets an anniversary, it would be a waste of resources on something that doesn't need it.
  2. Probably gameplay. Or they turn into the Hulk and grow bigger when they get angry. Seriously, to my knowledge, that's more a gameplay nuance to differentiate them from fighting Sangheili. In reality, I doubt that armour made to the same standard would disintegrate when damaged. Like a Brute Chieftain. To develop a theory, though, is that Jiralhanae power armour was not perfected before introduction. Consequently, as the armour takes more damage, the energy shield emitters have to work harder to keep te shields up. When the enitter overheats, shields collapse, and the armour must disintegrate to stop the user from being burned/ hurt by their own armour. Though I wouldn't use this as fact, rather a speculation. It's a good one to ask Grim for Canon Fodder though ^^
  3. Dutch is only in the missions Uplift Reserve, Kizingo Boulevard and Kikowani Station. Tayari Plaza only has Buck and Veronica.
  4. 343 didn't make MCC. Like 95% of it was outsourced and then they stuck their label on it. Regarding the dev of reach thing, I was referring to making the game itself. Aside from Frankie, I don't think any 343i employees were involved in the pre-launch development. I know they made the CEA pack and did post-launch tu's after Bungie gave up control.
  5. The data drops appear to be a Retcon of some sort regarding the time. I do recommend reading the data drops as they do a pretty good explanation regarding everything, including why the Autumn has M90 Shotguns while Reach has M45's, the Atmospheric Boosters and a couple of other tidbits. If you read them alongside Halsey's Journal, they do make quite the difference. These are the ones I can remember; Sam- Died in 2525 after his suit breached while boarding a Covenant Ship. He stayed behind to detonate a nuke (This was the Spartans' first contact with covenant) Solomon/ Arthur- Died in Operation: Warm Blanket (Halo Legends, the Package) Jorge-Died detonating a slipspace bomb aboard the CSO-Class Supercarrier Long Night of Solace Black Team (All four of them)-Died fighting the Didact on Installation 03 shortly after the events of Halo 4 Randall-Died detonating a HAVOK Tac-nuke on the Alpha Shard. He was a decommissioned Spartan but eh, he was still a II. Daisy- Died on Harvest (Halo Legends, Homecoming) Soren-Crippled by the augmentations and defected to the insurrection. Shot down in a pelican while trying to escape reach Kurt-Formally died early in the war,and became leader if the SIII's. Actually died on Onyx by Covenant hands. Will- Also died on Onyx The majority of Spartan II's died on Reach, though. Here's the ones that are alive; Naomi-010 John-117 Kelly-(Forgot tag) Fred-104 Linda-084 Musa- Crippled by augmentations and works in ONI (wheelchair-bound) as the pseudo head of the SPARTAN branch. Douglas, Alice, Jerome- Unknown. Presumed alive Grey Team- Unknown, presumed alive Cassandra-Unknown, presumed alive Maria-Left the Spartans and started a family A bunch of others that were crippled by augmentations now work in ONI That spartan that was in the DOA4 halo expansion that I forgot the name of is also a canon character. Even if the events if the DOA stuff aren't. I'll give the best answer I can; chief has never been stated to be the smartest, strongest, fastest or the most charismatic of the Spartans. He was always average: but he was a leader, and he had luck. The former because he could evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a team and use them because he had an amazing tactical mind. The latter is due to the Librarians Geas. See: Spartan-III, Spartan-IV, ODST That's not a definitive list, that's the majority. There's probably a couple I forgot to mention.
  6. Why are modern aircraft carriers' bridges not placed in the centre of a ship? Building large craft takes time, and designing newer ones takes more time. The pre-Halo 4 UNSC craft are based off of ships in use against insurrectionists (Note they had only been in service for about 20 years) that didn't have those capabilities of space combat. After te war started, most efforts went towards creating the UNSC Infinity as well as the Strident, Vindication and Poseidon class ships (alongside the Autumn class based off the PoA's upgrades), but they only saw completion and thus limited action towards the end of the war.
  7. Probably a gameplay feature, or for use as a laser sight like conventional military weaponry in use today. It's morelikely a balancing feature to balance the 1HK nature of the weapon The same way a MAC round can gut a capital ship; high mass, high kinetic energy, high velocity. It impacts with a good amount of force, and you're seeing a lot of destruction. Or bad Bungie writing, your choice.
  8. Latch onto the host's spinal cord and take control of the nervous system, then inject the host body with the Flood Super Cell (FSC) to spur growth and conversion into flood biomass, making the infection form able to change the host's form like growing tentacles at will. Didn't say anything. A keymind simply has a power over minds that great it could essentially will/ alter a subject's mental state to that of despiar and fear.
  9. As the title suggests, this is an AMA- ask me anything- on the subject of Halo's lore. Ask me whatever youwant regarding Halo story and I will answer (Unless the question is blatantly a joke post, anyway) You may be thinking, "Why should I not just go on Halopedia?", well you should. But I probably won't give several thousand word answers like you may see on Halopedia. So it depends, how much time do you have? Ask away!
  10. Some arcs are better than others; Issues 1-7 were good, The Next 72 Hours is pretty bad, but everything since has been pretty good. The art work (That appears to be new artists and a new writer) for Spartan Tanaka (A member of Locke's squad) arc was particularly good, aside from one silly face. I'm hoping The Absolute Record, starting in three weeks will be as good as the last couple.
  11. Nooo, they didn't. They were formed in 2007 with a skeleton crew of a dozen employees, and largely focused on Waypoint, Evolutions (Both the book and the motion comics) then began making Halo 4 at some point after Bungie made the Reach engine (Halo 4 runs a modified Reach, so H2A is technically HR.5.1). Also 343i being responsible for an ongoing Graphic Novel series, Evolutions, 6 Halo Novel releases in these 2 years (Broken Circle last November, New Blood in March, everything else later this year.) and a total of 13/14 (Evolutions I+II were later released as one so it depends on perspective) novels released + 2 comic series' and three (Remember the Spielberg thing) live action projects and a bunch of other cool stuff that isn't as well known.
  12. That was declared non-canon on release.
  13. 0/10 the fan fiction isn't in line with halo lore
  14. Use real stars then, Zeta Doradus (Onyx), Epsilon Eridani (Reach), Epsilon Indi (Harvest) and a Beta Gabriel have all been seen in halo fiction at some point. Only one is thought to have a habitable world. Arcturus, Altair, Fomelhaut and so forth, literally thousands, are there for the taking.
  15. Why was the star unnamed? Seems highly irregular a colony would be founded without naming the location. It's like us Brits travelling to 'Murica in the 1700's and sort of forgetting to call it America, and now the two continents are just North " " and South " " Also, outer colonies would be much more capable to survive on their own without relying on outside intervention than inner colonies; low population, long travel times and general isolation would make self-sustainability a must for any legitimate space-faring species. Likewise, I doubt it would necessarily supply iron to inner colonies; we haven't got close to depleting our resources (Compared to fossil fuels) in upwards of 6,000 years of civilisation; colonies in space would have not even touched a percentage of their iron, especially as more useful materials such as graphene/ carbon, titanium, tungsten and nanotechnology become more available for mass synthesis. Why does this guy know Halsey? The SPARTAN program was- and still is (HtT excluded), one of the most classified projects in ONI history. Halsey and Keyes (The latter didn't know the mission himself) were always there in secret, watching and observing. They never contacted parents, so no one would know their kid is being selected for special forces stuff. One final point which is really a nitpick is that a colony wasn't necessarily lucky to have not been hit. In space, civilisation would expand in a sphere with Sol at the centre, so to destroy the entire outer colonies would require knowing the location of the inner colonies then circling around, destroying all 600-ish outers fairly rapidly then moving into Earth and tightening the sphere. Covenant never knew where Earth was until a luminary identified it as Erde-Tyrene on Meridian in 2551, so this cannot have happened. But that's a discussion for another time.
  16. You're probably not looking hard enough. Some of them are sneakily placed. Look for police sirens, bollards moving up and down, cash machines dispensing coins and phones ringing; all that is the Superintendant trying to point you to a terminal.
  17. Something that isn't arbritary. All I think when I see a 50 next to someone is that they some way too much time on one playlist. Fun gameplay should be enough in of itself; I'm level 120 on Battlefield 4 and have every weapon and vehicle unlock in the game. I have nothing to work towards apart from the elusive rank 140, yet I continue to play; why? Because the gameplay is pure fun so I can play without needing some kind of reward. I can still play Titanfall despite unlocking every piece of gear (And only using the R101C Carbine, mind) a total of seven times across X360 and X1- I have nothing left to experience in the game so why do I continue to play? Because it's fun. If you need a meaningless number to justify playing a game, you're not enjoying the game. You're just trying to find a reason to justify why you continue playing. Also, what does 'competitive' even mean? It's just a throwaway word at this point alongside 'gritty', 'realistic' or 'strong female character'. Any video game is, by definition of the word, competitive as long a it has a success and a failure state.
  18. Because the lack of ranking is clearly running a multi-billion dollar franchise spanning just about every form of media imaginable funded by the biggest software corporation in the world into the ground. Not the incredibly glitchy, non-functional gameplay and susequent fallout from the latest release, no. It's a feature that barely impacts anything.
  19. It's only $5. Well worth it for an amazing game anyway. Either way, you won't be getting a hand out. Best you can do is just hope someone has a spare code (Which is how I got ODST) or just buy it. It's not expensive.
  20. Here's a good tip; when playing as Mickey, drop a grenade at your feet over and over again Anyway, I'm loving these achievements; "Firefly" "The Marine Corps gives it's regards"
  21. If it hasn't been announced by now, don't get your hopes up for it.
  22. The term hivemind has never been used as a name in anything in halo, only use to describe how the Flood and Yanme'e societies function.
  23. Why do we have armour customisation at all? I don't like this poll. I think they're useless, but not unneeded. a forge mode isn't needed, but it's there.
  24. Actually, FERO is almost certainly the NCA agent, Ilsa Zane. Also, between now and H5, we've had; Starry Night Second Sunrise over New Mombasa Bloodline Escalation New Blood Halo 3: ODST Catalog/ Canon Fodder Ghosts of Onyx Kilo-5 Forerunner Saga Nightfall Halo Wars All tie into HunttheTruth and HunttheSignal, the upcoming novels which themselves tie into H5 and eventually H5 itself
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