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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Delreuse followed the mysterious spartan, he hadn't said a word apart from orders and one word answers. "There's the hangar, if we can get in, we may be able to hop in a Sabre." Pointed out Delreuse "Yeah, there's also a lot of enemies, it seems like a free for all." At that point, three Promethean knights teleported into the hangar, joining the fray, they deployed watchers who began to teleport more Prometheans in and build turrets. They seemed to be fighting only one side of elites, the ones with symbols on their chest plates. "Guess we know who are the Arbiters guys" "I think they're too busy at each others throats to notice us or care. We may be able to sneak around, cover to cover and get in the Fighter. That would be the hard part. I have a Hologram so I may be able to use that if we are cornered." "Sounds like a plan, we need to wait until the hunters are down. Then we stand a chance." "Agreed" said the soldier, pulling out a grenade launcher. He fired the grenade at the feet if a hunter, waited for the other to join it, and detonated. They fell to the floor in a spray of orange goo. "When I give the signal, let's go" He counted on his fingers, 3...2...1. Go. They sprinted into the hangar and took cover behind a long-dead pelican. The spartan sent out a hologram the way they came as they sprinted behind some crates, repeating the process until they were climbing in the cockpit. "Do you know how to fly this thing?" "A little" "Is that a no?" "Yeah" So he has a sense of humour then thought James as the craft took off, attracting stray plasma fire. They flew through the sky, dodging missiles and needles until they were out of the battleground. "Hey, we need to get to Charlie base, you know the way?" "Yeah" The aircraft screamed away as more ships converged on Infinity. She was no longer a Warship, but war zone.
  2. Kjal saw the Vampire trying to ram him, it was unusually relentless in its pursuit. He began evasive manuvers until he was above his camp, he opened the com channel and requested a phantom under him, he then opened the bay doors, sprinted out and jumped. He activated his jet pack until he saw the dropship below him, he descended quivkly and landed on the troop bay door where he manned a plasma cannon and opened fire. The Spirit exploded as the vampire shot it, expecting him to be dead.
  3. Interesting, I hadn't heard of this. I don't rember it in the forerunner books.
  4. Kjal was out of the second hangar, the chip he had captured would have information on troop movements, security codes. The list went on. He didn't need the pilot, not now he had an AI! But no, he had one last purpose for the human prisoner before he executed him. The spirit drifted on, he was attacked by all kinds of fighters, they were shot down by the turret. He began to descend into the camp below, he had pressing matters to attend to...
  5. Delreuse grabbed his pistol, he just had to wait for the lock to be done and he could go, he moved out of cover, dropping an elites shields. he then saw the Plasma rifle that an elite dropped. he picked it up and fired a volley of plasma into the elites face. one down, one to go. he heard the sound of an energy sword drawn, he knew that was it. he was dead. He had failed. The elite rounded the corner, plasma repeater aimed at him, it laughed. Where is the sword?he wondered. to answwr his question, a spartan came sprinting down the hallway, jumped on its back, and plunged an energy sword deep into its throat, the blades came out of the other side, inches away from James' face.
  6. The admiral lunged at the computer, it wasnt until now he noticed the large burn in his side, he screamed loudly as he pulled himself onto it and began typing authorisation coe, at that point; the turrets began to fire on the elites,cutting down one, two, three. then stopped.two pissed off elites carried on wwalking, drawing rifles and suppresing fire. "Anton, what happened to the turrets?!"
  7. "Anton, i'm going to try to prime the ship to self destruct should they get past the lockdown, while theyre distracted, get the turrets up. okay? If we survive, we'll try and get to the private hangar, hopefully, the pelican wil be there."
  8. The Admiral looked around, he didn't know how long he had been out but it didn't seem long. The bridge was not on lockdown but Elites were working hard at the computers, hell, there was even a Huragok with them! He began to crawl to the computer containing Anton. His chip was still there. "Anton?" He whispered. He looked around, no , the elites were concentrating on hacking the infinity. Kjal had been searching every room he found until he saw his armour and weapons in a locker. He kicked the locker open and retrieved his equipment. Something wasn't right. His shoulder plating was missing! Oh well, he would sort it out later. He ran back into the hallway in time to see some ODSTs emerge. He unholstered his focus rifle and cut them down. He then ran the way they had came until he had entered a large hangar. The covenant were gaining ground fast, he spotted a transport on the other side. Was that? It was! The Spartan that he had nearly bested on the surface. He began to sprint to them, evading rockets and bullets and plasma. He was about to get on board when it took off. He shot it with a plasma rifle which, obviously, didn't have an effect. He instead pulled out a tracking beacon and threw it, it landed and deployed on its hull. They could run, but they couldn't hide. He then looked out of the hangar to see the super carrier entering view, behind it were three CCS class battle cruisers. And they were... Exchanging fire? He then realised that the storm didn't have any Supercarriers which meant.... The boarders were the Arbiter! And when the storm arrived, this battle wouldn't be about this ship, but religious favour! He realised he had to get off the ship, if the CCS cruisers sent boarders, this would quickly turn into a free for all. He turned to see a spirit that had landed. He got inside and tried to pilot it away, trying not to think about the dead pilot in the seat next to him.
  9. "Where is the Captain of this Ship?" growled the Arbiter, the crew stood motionless, terrified at the presense of such a figure. Delreuse stepped forward "I am Admiral Delreuse of UNSC infinity." "Then you will die first." The elite swiped, James ducked and rolled to the side. The others began to kill the bridge crew. He saw a microphone that had been knocked off a table. He crawled along the deck to pick it up. "Avictus, Murphy, anyone on this frequency, get to the bridge, hostiles are on bridge, repeat hosti- ah!"
  10. The Admiral and surviving crew worked furiously at computers. Keeping a ship that was 3.5 miles long was no easy task with a leaking reactor, two engines down and no AI support. "Sir, we have to evac NOW! Boarding parties have took nearly 60% of the ship, we can't win!" "what locations do we hold?" "The bridge, hangar bay 2 and reactor as well as minor holdout locations. The ODST pods are intact, if we can get on the ground and to Charlie base, we may be able to hold them off!"
  11. Delreuse picked up a pistol of a technician. He fired it. A grunt dropped. He ran quickly to the emergency panel and hit the button, the blast shields raised and the bridge was on lockdown. ----------------- Kjal woke. His head pounded. He noticed several bruises over his body. Then he realized. This was human engineering, ugly angles and colours. Ugh. He got up, he heard the distant clatter of small-arms fire, followed by three plasma shots and a scream. He tried opening the steel door. It was locked. He tried kicking it to no avail. There was a battle and he was stuck in this tiny room? He tried charging the door. Again, nothing. He shouted in Sangheili; "This is Spec Ops Major Kjal 'Otsoree, I demand to be freed!" He then looked through the slit in the door. He saw a window outside. Then he realised it wasn't a window, but a hole, metres of armour plating shredded. He saw Seraph fighters. Then human ships he couldn't name. Fighting, an air battle! His brothers had finally got the courage to take down the Infedels! He saw some Rangers land outside. "Let me out of this cell!" he spat. The Rangers leader he guessed, pulled out a grenade. He got to the back of the cell. The grenade melted the wall and door. He walked out. The rangers ran down the corridor. He heard one mutter an insult. No time for that, he had to retrieve his armour. He could pick weapons from the undoubtedly dead infantry on this ship.
  12. "Roger that" reported the crew of UNSC Minutes to Midnight. The ships began to circle around the carrier. The infinity had entered the portal and the carrier was in pursuit. Hundreds, possibly thousands of phantoms, spirits and banshees were filling the space around Requiem as the battle begin. The ships began to dispatch Sabres, broadswords and long swords as the orbit became filled with plasma and missiles. The carrier wasn't giving up pursuit as the Infinity entered inside requiem. Hundreds of floating forerunner towers gave ample cover for the ship to turn and fire it's entire arsenal at the converging ship. Four rounds caused a huge crater in the bow of the ship as the fleet began to pound it's engines. The carrier began to adjust its course, it angled toward the infinity as it began to dive. It then impacted with a screech that seared hundreds of decks as metal on metal collided. In the commotion, landing craft then began to pierce the outer hull of infinity. Letting boarding parties in. This was a fight for survival now. Delreuse reached for the intercom "Murphy, scratch previous orders, your new objective is to repel boarders. Do not let them reach the reactor!" He motioned to Anton. "Get those shields back up ASAP, and get a damage report now!"
  13. "Pull infinity into the portal!" We can take cover there! Anton, open communications with the fleet, get them to MAC it's engines from behind . If it comes with us inside requiem, we could then finish it while its down." Delreuse went back into his office. "Ma'am, the debriefing will have to wait, we are preparing boarding actions from a covenant super carrier that has opened fire on us" He closed communications before he could get a response. He had more pressing matters to deal with.
  14. There is installation 03 that has been discovered. And where you get greater ark/ lesser ark from? 8,9,10,11 and 12 were destroyed btw
  15. "Turn us to face it, charge the MAC capacitors. If it fires one cannon at us, it's toast"
  16. "I have already told you. Osman would like to debrief you and ask some questions about the battle. It won't take long, i promise. just answer truthfully."
  17. "Well.. We had to destroy the Promethean tank. Archers didnt dent it, we had to nuke it. You... you are one of the only survivors who managed to see it up close. your helmet feed is being looked at as we speak but we need first hand experience." Delreuse looked... sad. "Theyre all dead. the entire platoon. Gone."
  18. Delreuse stopped, mid-conversation. "Ah, Murphy. good to see you. How are your wounds? I heard you got it rough down there and i'm sorry to stop your treament but his is urgent. Admiral Osman of ONI Section III is on the line. She would like to debrief you, this crisis has put us onto full combat emergency." He stopped and looked at Murphy. "If you have any questions, now is the time."
  19. I would only accpept it if they did it with all but make it work for both. Battlefielf 3 did terrible in this regard Vehicles susceptible to infantry is purpioseful so they are able to be took down with concentrated fire. its balancing
  20. I am currently writing covenant now. then forerunners. flood will be WAAAY different
  21. Kjal coughed. He tasted blood. He was angry, How could he have let it get away like that? he was seconds off the final blow! then that transport and nearly killed him! He punched the remains of a Wraith mortar tank, causing a large dent in it's armour plating. He tried his Comlink. No signal. He would have to walk out of the EMP field quickly, radiation was still a threat. Then, he heard something. An organic sound, something was moving out there. He drew the Plasma Rifle he had scavenged off one of his fallen Brethren. Then, a football sized object jumped at him. it was pulverized before it hit the floor. hat was when he saw silhouettes moving in the smoke. No. No, Not now! He saw corpses getting up, bodies of all species moving and crawling towards him. he backed away into the arms of a flood combat form. for a few seconds, he looked closely at the writhing flesh, the mass of tentacles and boils before grabbing the Infection form out of it and shooting it. He began to run away. He saw lights, and heard the low rumble of engines in the distance. could it be transport? he began to run towards it, occasionally firing a few plasma blasts back into the darkness. He tripped over a dead body. he saw the advancing mass and knew he was dead until a burst of fire from one of the humans crude projectile weapons hit a combat form. he looked up. a squad of their 'Marines' and a dropship were behind him firing upon the Flood. He began to stand up until he heard one shout "It's moving!". he looked around just in time to see the butt ofa rifle. 'DMR' hit him. then he blacked out.
  22. Basically, the ideas i feel would work well in Halo wars. Yes, another one of these threads. Playable factions. Human UNSC and rebels covenant Arbiter and Storm Forerunner/Promethean Flood. Gameplay- Overall units would have up to three upgrade paths. individual. Infantry -Standard -Medic -Anti-Infantry -Anti vehicle -Unique(this type wouldnt be available to anyone else) Holding A and selecting units give you the option to create a group. a group can be commanded as one so you can command a certain half of your forces with the click of a button Support vehicles Scout Main transport Walker Other support Large armoured vehicle Unique support vehicle Main vehicles Main tank Building killer Anti air Artillery Air pad Main air Support Transport Gunship Unique Gameplay- UNSC Largely the same as before. Barracks- Unts. -Standard- Marines, start with assault rifle. can be uprgraded with suppresor type(AR,SAW,HMG), ODST(AR, silenced smg, Orbital drop) and Infantry.(New blood, Battle Rifle and rocket Launcher) -Medic, One path of upgrades, starts with SMG(Surgical tools, Biofoam, Defib(Can revive deceased squadmates) -Anti infantry- they start as two marines with Battle Rifle, they can be upgraded to Flamethrower (Flamethrower, Flashbang, Napalm adherent) or snipers (DMR, Sniper rifle, Spotter(Increases sight Range). -anti vehicle. Start assault rifle. The paths are Grenadier for ground targets.(Sticky Detonator, Underslung grenade launcher, full grenade launcher that EMPs vehicles) and Rockets for anti Air(Railgun, Rocket Launcher, Tracking ability) -Spartan (Unique) starts with assault rifle, (overshield, Fast Hijack, Turrets) support vehicle Depot- Scout- Mongoose. (speed boost, passenger with battle rifle, rocket for passenger) Warthog- start with passenger+ pistol. Transport path-(passenger grenadier launcher, passenger rockets, special ability rollcage to transport troops), scout(chaingun, speed upgrade, Guass cannon) and Anti air (Heavy armour, passenger rocket, rocket turret) Walker- starts with no armaments apart from a foot stompUpgrades Building killer and repair(Heavy armour, armoured claw, faster movement) or combat (Machine gun, Missiles, Missile lockon) Gremlin- Emps vehicles and aircraft, does continous damage(explosive beam, powerful EMP which completely stops vehicles, aircraft targeting) Elephant- starts with chain gun. Upgrades combat (Heavy armour, gunners, speed boost) and transport (lockdown, train infantry, warthog/mongoose transport) Mammoth. Starts with special MAC turret, transport, various turrets. Can only train one with no upgrades. Special unit. Main vehicle depot Main tank-Scorpion starts with cannon. Upgrades anti-infantry(machine gun, incindiery rounds, Marine passengers) and Main assault(Canister shell, double barrel, Grizzly) Building killer-Cobra-one path (Lockdown, increased range, Piercing shot) Anti air- wolverine. (dual launchers, homing missiles, High explosive missiles) Artillery- Rhino. (Lockdown, Plasma shells, Long Range Targeting) Air pad Hornet- Main air- starts with repeating cannons(upgrades missiles, passengers, speed boost) Support air- hawk. Starts with chainguns(upgrades missiles, Spartan laser and armour) Falcon- transport. Starts with no armaments upgrades transport (troop carrying, pilot chaingun, second squad ) offense(Machine gun turrets, pilot guns and Grenade turrets) Gunship-Pelican- starts with missiles and chaingun(upgrades side gunners, Spartan laser in place of missiles and troop carrying capacity) Unique- Vulture. The same as original. Launch Pad My idea for this is to build Long, short and broadswords as well as sabres. They wouldn’t fight but deliver airstrikes. Longsword- Heavy airstrike+ Shiva missile (nuke) Shiva can be used twice per game. Shortsword- Medium airstrike + disruption bomb (Can be recharged) Broadsword- Small airstrike+ take down air units in bombing area Sabre, takes down air units with your forces for ten seconds and destroys enemy bombers
  23. "Delreuse,,, I understand you have a report on the Artefact?" Osman asked in a tone that sounded stressed. "Not quite... Ma'am, we believe we are encountering a new class of prometheans. the images and video footage are attached in the message as well as informationon some kind of Armoured Vehicle the Eggheads are calling a Titan. Again, files attached. We thought your scientists may be able to shed some more light than ours. We do know that Archers have no effect on its armour." He hesitated. "We had to use a Shiva- class nuclear Missile. the area is heavily irradiated,we have sustained heavy Marine casualties. a few ~Spartans, one survivor picked up. would you like him patched in for a debriefing after recieving medical attention?" he continued. "Interesting," Osman said, looking at the pictures. "Which Spartan is it? I would very much like to talk to him." "Of course. Anton send Murphy a message to report to the bridge ASAP. Then, leave us I have private matters to discuss"
  24. Delreuse motioned to Anton. "get a falcon and some pelicans down there, search the area for other survivors" he began to walk into his office. "and Anton... Patch me in to Osman at ONI section III, I need some advice." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kjal charged the spartan. his shielding easily deflected the stray bullets before he knocked the spartan to the ground again. he swiped with the sword but missed by centimetres. the spartan then charged him and manage to wrestle the sword out of his hand and knocking him to the floor...
  25. Kjal had observed the Nuclear explosion from the cliff. he had seen it wipe out the army in the 5 kilometer radius from the explosion. a phantom then came to him merely seconds after his request. HE motioned to the pilot. "takeus to the crater, I must check the status of the area." "but sir, you will succumb to the radiation quickly, that place is death!" "then drop me off and go." The flight seemed to last hours. when he finally touched down, the ship was taking off before he was even out. Now, he knew spartans had been fighting here. he would take their identification tags as trophies. he saw a an arm move, a body lifting itself up. He activated camoflage. it deactivated almost immediately after. Must be the EMP effect. He pulled out his sword, and walked toward the man.
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